2019 Team Singapore Athlete Code of Conduct: SNOC is justified!!!

 Dear Singaporean airspace,

Allow me to prove to you that The Honorable Christian Guardsman Tan Chuan-Jin and his SNOC and its board members/committee are absolutely doing morally correct decision to withhold the prize money of the immoral duo Joseph Schooling and Amanda Lim. Basically, allow me to show you the exact and precise code which His Honor Chuan-Jin and SNOC undertook and swore by when they sanctioned these prize monies.

Step one:

Joseph Schooling and Amanda Lim broke Singapore's and IOC/IAAF antidoping rules, much less both Singapore and Vietnam's harsh but eternally benevolent drug laws, in confessing to the consumption of weed. Let's refer to the Team Singapore athletes code of conduct uploaded by The Honorable Malik Aljunied of former SNOC-SA in 2019 to previously implicitly chasten my dearest beloved son Soh Ruiyong's immoral doping regime:

Let's take a look at 4b. Joseph and Amanda are super experienced athletes and been in the game for more than a friggin decade?! They must know, beg, steal or borrow, that weed is a friggin banned substance on Singapore's and World's antidoping laws and rules all the time or since the inception of World Antidoping on the 10th November 1999. All the national sport federations would have been informed since 1999 that weed is a big no-no in the athletes blood/brain!!! So therefore both Joseph and Amanda clearly broke 4b DUH!!!!!!!!

Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!

Let's take a look at 4e. I have said this many times, and it's even more pertinent to raise it here again undyingly!!! The only circumstance or instance wherein a crime, offence or law-breaking might be COMPLETELY OR PARTIALLY OR OTHERWISE condoned, discharged or acquitted hence exonerated and vindicated is if there is at least one medical exemption or medical contraindication!!!!

The reason is because medicine is supposedly (although it now quite isn't!!) a hallowed and well-respected institution with its own ensemble of important legal or jurisdictional laws and rules that might affect the fairness and equity of general human behavior and its morality/ethics with respect to other spheres of law, does that make sense like this?!

If Joseph and Amanda had Stage 1 lung cancer, and a licensed MD in any part of the planet earth could have prescribed doses of cannabis for therapeutic use, that not necessarily prescribed in Singapore or under Singapore's medical-legal laws, and if the MD can justify and prove the relative and/or absolute need to use cannabis, even the Judges of the High or Higher Court of Singapore, Singapore Police, CNB, Antidoping can do nothing or can not sully/defile and prosecute/charge/santion/censure Joseph and Amanda AT ALL!!!!

Not one finger can be laid on them both, does that make sense like this?!!!

Of course, this is subject to Joseph and Amanda also making a timely application to Antidoping at the very least to inform them of their impending non-intentional contravention.

If Joseph and Amanda were man and woman of some dignity and integrity, they would have obtained a medical memo/report/document/certificate of contraindication for cannabis EVEN IF they mainly intended to abuse it for their hedonistic or carnal/sexual pleasures, does that make sense?!!

Of course, such a behavior has its own difficulties precisely because they would have ABUSED the trust/faith/integrity/dignity of the medical doctor himself/herself who entrusted cannabis/weed in their blood and brain only for the purposes STRICTLY PRESCRIBED and not for leisure, sexual, carnal, emotional, egotistical and other immoral or HEDONISTIC use hence ABUSE!!!!

Make sense right?!!!!

But, at the very least, in the eyes of the High or Higher courts in Singapore, the Singapore Police, CNB, Antidoping, SNOC, and The Honorable Tan Chuan-Jin who don't personally witness the subsequent vexatious abuse of weed by using the legal right for its therapeutic use granted by a legal MD in vain or presumptuously, Joseph and Amanda are scot-free or still unspoiled (even if they are secretly spoiled due to this precise unseen abuse of a medical doctor's prescription!!!).

Does that make sense?!!!

So Joseph and Amanda catastrophically, not leniently broke 4e and deserve to actually go to jail but got away only with a prize money sanction?!!!

Like what da heck man?!!! Is The Honorable Tan Chuan-Jin so merciful and gracious to the point of unlawful or what?!!! Joseph and Amanda ought to be laughing secretly for getting away almost scot-free DUH!!!!!

So why da heck is my dearest beloved son Soh Ruiyong and his entourage of immoral supporters even complaining about anything or any injustice or inequitable-ness?!!!

If I have proven that Joseph and Amanda broke both Vietnamese and Singaporean Penal Codes, Antidoping Code of Singapore's and IAAF/IOC, then the punishment meted out by The Honorable Christian Guardsman Tan Chuan-Jin and SNOC to withhold prize money, rather than ban both athletes for 2-4 years straight, is very forgiving and gracious!!!!

Unless my beloved dear dear Soh Ruiyong possesses an ulterior agenda or motive to continue in his corrupt tradition to disparage and insult the modesty and dignity/honor of first Tan Chuan-Jin then the rest of SNOC, does that make sense?!!!

Haiz.......dear dear Ruiyong, what evil are you up to again huh?!!!

Haizzzz.....tienes cualquier problemas o no?!!! Todavia quieres le chingar otra vez y vez por que?!!!

Dear dear Ruiyong, first of all you yourself broke 4c and 4d in July 2017 after returning from training camp with later convicted and apprehended American drug cheater Jordan Chipangama of the USA. Are you not ashamed dear dear Ruiyong haizzzzz.........when Antidoping or SportsSG or otherwise whistleblowers complained to both me, your Daddy, and Murugiah Rameshon, your other fatherly figure of a coach, that you FAILED TO ACCURATELY UPDATE your location whereabouts promptly and also be present at the sites or locations of testing for a good 2 missed occasions whilst also giving off the damn vibe that you shrewdly and opportunistically intended to use up these 2 missed occasions because they happen to be provided for under Antidoping rules/law only for EXCEPTIONAL OR UNFORESEEN REASONS/CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!!

However, dear dear Ruiyong, the whistleblowers told us me and Murugiah Rameshon that a thorough internal audit and review of the circumstances and reasons of your 2 maximum missed tests revealed NO EXCEPTIONAL OR UNFORESEEN OR OTHERWISE REASONS AND CIRCUMSTANCES AT ALL!!!!!!!

Did you lose a family member last minute? NO!!!!

Did you lose a limb while walking along the street one day because a tow truck rammed into it? NO!!!

Did you fainted all of a sudden on a sidewalk because a tree branch fell on top of your head huh? NO!!!!

Did your wife went into labour the hour of your antidoping test?!!! NO!!!!!!

Did you have to attend to any police investigation last minute the hour of your antidoping test? NO!!!!!!

Were you abducted by kidnappers unforeseen just before the arrival of antidoping test offcials? NO!!!!!


SOH RUIYONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Por otro parte, explicarnos como se dopajas con Jordan Chipangama y Ben Rosario desde Estados Unidos por favor, y luego lo mismo con Shanti Peirerra, Ang Chen Xiang, Michelle Sng, Jeevanesh, Ethan Yan, Vanessa Lee, Romaine Soh tu hermana, Tan Zong Yang, Calvin Quek, Luis Cunha y quizas muchisima mas....

Haizzzzz......Soh Ruiyong, look at the athlete code of conduct in the mirror and read it out loud will you?!!! Or should I paste the parts of it here below?!!

Ruiyong dear dear, you broke 6a,b, 7a,b,c,d,e as well!!!! And, you broke them in an E-G-R-E-G-I-O-U-S OR S-P-E-C-T-A-C-U-L-A-R and incomparable manner, ie, nobody in the foreseeable future would ever be so lewd and so contumelious ever again!!! You set the bar or definition for scorn and outrage!!!!!

Oh mine, oh dear!!!! 

Que haces Soh Ruiyong, como me di cuenta asi?!!! 

Dear SNOC and Your Honor Tan Chuan-Jin, thank you for keeping Sport in Singapore spanking clean hence thank you for ousting my beloved son Soh Ruiyong, and suppressing Joseph and Amanda now, however, the battle for the seat of justice in Singapore Sport has just began with notable suspects of doping all of whom are Soh Ruiyong's associates and/or friends or otherwise such as Shanti Peirerra, Luis Cunha, Calvin Quek, Michelle Sng, Vanessa Lee, Romaine Soh, Ethan Yan, Jeevanesh, Tan Zong Yang, Ang Chen Xiang...........

Let's get to work and start upgrading our Antidoping infrastructure to infiltrate them.....


The Honorable Tan Chuan-Jin would have been heartbroken at the MAP awards...


I was quite shocked to learn that my theories about Joseph and Amanda having a carnal relationship with one another further corroborated and strengthened when I read in this mothership news article that they both set off to Phuket Thailand for a holiday almost immediately after the Hanoi Sea Games in May 2022!!!

Well, I should have been more courageous towards myself to see and know confidently that a man and woman who dope, indeed dope with a hedonistic and sensual cannabis/weed/marijuana together, must be intimate enough with each other, ie, must be a couple, in order to do so!!! And then a vacation to a romantic seaside resort of Phuket Thailand together would easily be understood and acceptable from such an intimate and coordinate attempt to take cannabis.

Does that make sense like this?!!

Article reference HERE

Oh dear, oh mine, haizzzzzzzz, so I'm almost 100% right by now that my predictions and/or foresight about Joseph and Amanda being not only boyfriend and girlfriend, but highly intimate, fornicating or otherwise adulterating boyfriend and girlfriend by virtue of the 'fornication' or 'fornication-like' abuse of the hedonistic and sensual weed against the code of conduct of Team Singapore, world antidoping laws, and Singapore's national penal code law, is true or very true!!!!

Oh dear, I can't believe I'm always so pin-point and laser accurate just sitting down on my chair far away in the distance contemplating, pondering and analyzing the sequence or possible sequence of events of persons I have not seen, not met, not touched, not known, ever so effortlessly like a consummate professional!!!!

What kind of skill or way do I have ladies and gentlemen, to be so damn powerfully laser-accurate about the intentions or hearts/minds/thoughts/ways/souls of any stranger mankind under heaven and earth DESPITE THE LACK OF HARDCORE MATERIALISTIC EVIDENCE?!!!!!

Is this some Divine or Divine-level skill or something?!!!

Why am I also always impressed and surprised at myself and at the findings and discoveries I make if a skill is supposed to produce a predictable effect hence one that does not incline easily to surprises, surprising or impressing, does that make sense like this?!!!

Well, still I'm myself impressed with my as yet unnamed or unclassified/uncategorized skills which first surfaced when I had invisibly and unconsciously/consciously exposed the pharmaceutical performance enhancing drug abuse regime and career of mi pequenita hijo Soh Ruiyong since 2016 till present day 2022.

And now these same set of unclassified and unknown skills are useful for deeming the morality/ethics as well as the events related to Joseph and Amanda!!!!!!

Or is my skill not really called a skill but rather an intrigue or innate intrigue?

Why do I know so far ahead of time, before I ever read this article (which is of today!!!) that a man and a woman who had partook in hedonistic carnal activity of weed abuse is ultimately going to go to Phuket together and during this vacation also partake in some more weed abuse, and, as a foregone matter also partake in fornication or abuse of sexual powers/desires?!!!!!!

Does every one of you, my dear Singaporean friends, also know the same as me wherefore no special or exemplary skill or intrigue should therefore be imparted in me consequently, or, are my worst fears come true insofar as I'm the only one under heaven and earth or otherwise most gifted enough to evoke the most invisible and silent/unspoken depths of the human psyche/mind/heart/soul/spirit and hence truly beset with an inglorious and obscene skill or intrigue in me that I'm not too excited or even weary to bear about?!!!

Haiz.....oh mine, oh dear,......Tan Chuan-Jin is going to be trembling in apprehension at finding out that his darling or most favorite athlete and Olympic Champion Joseph Schooling had almost become a thug/criminal and leading the thug/criminal way of life.

If I know Tan Chuan-Jin quite well enough, make no mistake, he is extremely heart-broken to learn that his almost darling son or son-like Joseph Schooling, with whom he shared a close aide in Colin Schooling, had so audaciously in Team Singapore colors and service/duty or otherwise, abuse weed and abuse sex eeeerrgggghhhhhhhh shit me yuckzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh mine..................

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