Subjectivity slightly overtakes objectivity in the divine realm of electricity and electrical phenomena

I have certain EHS/MCS occurrences and observations not easily put into words but very effortlessly felt and mastered to no emotional vanity or mental delusion or otherwise of any sort at all on my part. So if any one of you EHS/MCS folks have always found difficulty in the explanation or explaining meanings and occurrences surrounding EHS/MCS, fret not, we are all in the same boat except I somehow seem to distinguish myself so astronomically or otherwise in my effortless delight in partaking in such endeavours, ie, explaining and explanation! In such do I find my raison detre I suppose......
First, contrary to man-made artificial wisdom/science/knowledge the following Proverb and their rationalization will hold true under any given circumstance, occurrence or existence in time and space:
  • "Subjective feelings are not only greater than materialistic facts, but rather more infinitely accurate and pin-point if we are talking about the eternally mysterious and never-ending divine realm of electricity and magnetism. Only in this realm do all conventional man-made perishable (ie, non-divine or non-naturally-created!) practices, laws, customs, institutions have little to zero effect if at all or can be suspended for good."----Joe KS!
  • Based on point 1 above, this is the reason why there is a growing trend in conventional man-made science and scientific community that attributes far more value to subjective description and complaints of symptoms and ill-being than to supposedly 'objective facts' from supposedly 'modern science' and their nonsensical blood tests, urine tests and whatever else such as scans that only APPEAR LIKE AN ILLUSION to confer the FEELING OR INCLINATION of a fact yet not truly immutably and invincibly for all time and space FACT---which is what I would like as FACT or absolute fact!!!
  • Make sense?!!
  • This practice aforementioned of setting aside electricity and magnetism is done by us human beings as unconscious homage or is an unspoken subconscious metaphysical recognition that there is something about the realm of electricity, magnetism, electrohypersensitivty, multiple chemical sensitivity that is just different and thus commanding or eliciting of second-thoughts hence fear and reverence from the human electromagnetic psyche/soul/heart/mind/spirit of ours!! ie, we humans simply gravitate towards the idea, in these reserved and rarefied realms that subjective description is infinitely more perfect than objective materialism of science the same way a natural heterosexual man/woman gravitates, ie, attracts and magnetizes/electrifies one another sexually/emotionally/mentally/physically without requiring any scientist or scientifically valid and objective cellular/genetic mechanism of cause or cause of action to explain why they are attracted to one another!!! The man's and woman's subjective word or vow in marriage is the final 'fact' of the matter of their attraction, good riddance therefore to science and scientific opinion or discovery.......
  • Does that make sense?!!
  • Independent science and scientists and observers themselves have forever affirmatively confess that the poison/carcinogen that is pulsed, modulated artificial radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation/wave is one UNTO ITSELF WITH ITS OWN SACRED LAWS and totally distinct in terms of its toxicity effects on human electro-biology. It has no linearity or predictable system of cause and effect nor of dose-response, has therapy and death both engendered as ONE/ONE-NESS of cause and effect, interacts and affects seemingly all living creation in such a grandiose and wide scale that such was never threatened before in mankind's consciousness and existence. It was a poison that asbestos, tobacco, red meat, ethanol, air chemical particulate pollution, vehicular diesel fumes had no sight of or comparison to!!! Pulsed, modulated radiofrequency artificial radiation and its epistemological and existential threat was a total game-changer of a threat/poison to the way artificial mankind thinks, lives, breathes, eats, talks, moves, basically every aspect of being even nuclear warheads and weapons would be envious of not emulating!
  • Does that make sense?!
To that extent of everything aforementioned defined, qualified and quantified here are my further observations:
  • The repulsion that comes with the revelation to conventional artificial mankind of my EHS/MCS and its severity of symptoms stems from only an onset of a psychiatrically-induced fear and anxiety in them at receiving such news such as to land them in total mental, emotional, spiritual indeed existential turmoil.
  • It seems like the blow of a sledge hammer to their brains and bodies insofar as they gave up existing or felt like giving up existing. Simply, their brains especially are so wiped out from receiving such news from me but also so wiped out INVISIBLY AND UNAPPARENT FROM THEIR EXTERNAL APPEARANCES OR FACADE but true nonetheless to my S-U-B-J-E-C-T-I-V-E metaphysical/epistemological F-E-E-L-I-N-G-S!!!
  • I gain further affirmative confirmation (not that I needed anyway) from these respective victims of my EHS/MCS revelation when they confessed to me minutes or seconds later how their brain just had this (electro-psychiatric) pall of darkness or heavy-laden weight on it insofar as to totally empty, destroy and freeze it in time and space just because their brains found it effort-wise I-N-S-U-R-M-O-U-N-T-A-B-L-E to make sense of and overcome!!!
  • They just gave up, game over, they hate me or actually rather hate themselves all of sudden rather than hate me lest they felt it would offend me.
  • Yet over time, this hatred for themselves and their existence becomes so pent-up and unresolved it spilled over into hatred for me the EHS/MCS sufferer ultimately!
  • Does that make sense?!
To the extent expounded in point 5 above I have a relevant close encounter experience fit for legal purposes if required:
  • A neighbor from Japan who lives just on top of me in a block of flats many years ago ( I have since left ) whom I also used to entreat earnestly for help with turning off his WiFi router at night during fixed hours as well as when he went to his workplace in the day confided in a friend of his (who was also somebody I knew) that he was going mentally/psychiatrically crazy at my persistent pleas of relief of 'apocalyptic-like' damage to my brain body from his 5th Generation WiFi router.
  • You see, I had gone to his house door via ringing and knocking one time too many with only a benevolent desire to remind him of what promise he had insured me with, ie, to turn off his router at fixed hours at night and in the day time when he left for work.
  • Perhaps feeling the proverbial psychiatric/mental pall of confusion and distress at my ability to figure out when is the exact time he didn't remember to turn on or off the WiFi router and whether he actually fulfilled his neighborly promises to me an injured and disabled EHS/MCS folk, he hid his WiFi SSID using [Hidden] thinking an injured and disabled individual like me probably have equally injured and disabled IQ or Intelligent Quotient to detect and know so of his cunning-ness!!!
  • Defending myself and my life with all my energy, which I'm effortlessly trained and habituated upon, my neighbor didn't know I have a world-class WiFi Scanning Software used by WiFi professional network consultants to improve speed and coverage of WiFi systems in homes and offices installed on my laptop that I temporarily further injure and harm my brain and body with FOR THE CHANCE TO DETECT AND REVEAL not only the source of my EHS symptoms when my neighbor omits his neighborly duty but also to CONFIRM his omission by screen-shotting on my software the identity of the same MAC address (of the WiFI SSID) now [Hidden]!!!
  • Does that make sense?!!!
  • Not that I needed the WiFi scanning software anyway since my brain and body can detect the relative difference with bare minimal aids from WiFi lists on laptops and mobile phones of the turning on and off of only one single 5th Generation WiFi router at the distance and attenuation that is between me below and my neighbor directly on top of me with no change or manipulation to all the sea of other WiFi routers or other radiofrequency or EMF sources from all the nearest (especially) neighbors within 10-15 meter radial spherical distance of an apartment block of flats.
  • Thus when I shared with his friend of my findings from my WiFi scanning software or otherwise and he shared with my neighbor directly the latter became even more mentally outraged to the point of being defunct or incapacity with my friend revealing to me that he had no mood to do anything and felt deeply distressed not at my persistent knocking or ringing at his door but rather at the length and duration or extent of effort and energy I would go and press on to get him to do what is to him a seemingly innocuous task of flicking on and off the switch on the WiFi router!
  • In his ordinary mind he would be wondering: "is this THAT serious?! What the heck?!!! I'm going insane at how a finely speaking and acting human being like me could SEEM to falter in such a 180 degree mismatched or incongruent manner. The contrast is too damn unbearable, how(?), why(?), what on earth(!), what in the world(!), no way on earth(!), no way in the universe(!), not on my deathbed(!)......
  • Now all these aforementioned sequences or train of thoughts and events are synergistic factors of permanent mental/psychiatric fall-out not for the EHS/MCS who are ironically exaggeratedly conscious and cognizant but rather of those who have been revealed to or prophesized by the former!
  • With the whole entire earth's existence and consciousness covered and bathed in the very same or similar poison of artificial EMFs or RF-EMFs in almost every square pocket as the one I grieved over with my neighbor that of which is 5th Generation MIMO WiFi 10Hz pulsation 2.4/5.0 Ghz, and given that my neighbor knows the entirety or universality of such artificial EMFs spanning the same himself in his subconscious mind/heart/soul/spirit, there is this understandably universally (no pun intended) great violation of his own consciousness and existence at my tiny little complaint requiring a puny little flicking switch action!
  • And this great violation is so strongly remembered or registered as a practically irreversible psychiatric/mental disease/illness.
Hope all these makes sense.....

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