2021, after 4 years, since 2017 returning to Singapore to train, of therefore bathing in Singapore city's super duper polluted radiofrequency and other polluted chemical environment: Video number 1
2015, after 5 years, since leaving in 2009/2010 Singapore city's radio and chemical polluted environment to go live and train in virtually rural Florida infinitely less polluted of the same: Video number 2
Okay so ladies and gentlemen of lewd and twisted Singaporean airspace, I only have 2 videos to establish my entire case that Joseph Issac Schooling ownself killed ownself unknowingly via a long downhill decline from 2015 just past graduation from Bolle's School RURAL OR RURAL SUBURBAN Florida (but before the 2017 era of 4G mobile telephony densification and/or MIMO/Phased-array technology!!!) to infinitely more polluted modern city Singapore's 2017 (concurrent 4G densification and/or MIMO/Phased-array technology!!!!) and subsequently 2020 5G layer environment!!!!!
Specifically I want to call your attention towards the subtle microscopic changes of disposition of voice, body language, gestures and gesturing, stoic-ness and equanimity/composure of VIBE and BEHAVIOR in video number 2 (2015 on the back of 5 years since 2010 of being bathed in Florida's nourishing infinitely less radio/chemically polluted rural training environments at the Bolle's School) as compared to video number 1 (2021 on the back of 4 years since 2017 of returning to train in JUST NEWLY MINTED 4G DENSIFIED MIMO/PHASED-ARRAY radio wave infrastructure technology in Singaporean airspace!!!!!!).
Do you guys and gals have eyes to see or what?!!! Can I entrust ya'll eyes to see what I need you to see or are ya'll foregone perverts and idiots/fools with no ability or capacity whatsoever to engender the slightest inkling of what I'm talking about or referring to in these 2 videos regarding the highly microscopic hence subtle change hence DECLINE(!!!) in Joseph's behavior and disposition as inferred and correlated evidence consistent with his change hence DECLINE(!!!!) in his performances in the pool in elite swim racing!!!!!
The decline of which I speak about above in the 2 videos had occurred prior to Joseph getting his mRNA vaccines in May/June before the Tokyo Olympics in July/August so therefore the comparisons and associations concerning the vibrations or biological vibrations hence behavior/disposition/inclination or VIBE of Joseph Schooling's is still hitherto UNTAINTED by external variables (ie biological vibrational effects!!!) seen in the introduction of mRNA vaccines into Joseph's brain and body after May/June! This means, I'm trying to affirm with ya'll that the findings and analyses I make heretofore is UNTOUCHED, UNSPOILED, UNDEFILED, UNSULLIED HENCE NOT C-O-N-T-R-O-L-L-E-D by those vibrations or vibrational distortions and deteriorations caused by mRNA vaccines.
Does that make sense or what ya'll?!!!! I hope ya'll keeping abreast with my highly rarefied cognitive capacitance LOL!!!!!
Before I digress too far, I think I have finished everything I need to say or raise including about the subtle key vibrational distortions and deteriorations between the 2 videos 5 years apart set in completely different E-N-V-I-R-O-N-M-E-N-T-A-L circumstances OF RADIO + CHEMICALS, does that make sense?!!!
Look at video number 2 in 2015 on the back of 5 years of bathing his brain and body parts/cells/organs in rural Florida at the Bolle's School infintiely devoid or less polluted from radio+chemicals, look at how much equanimity and composure in his vibe including therefore how so physically/emotionally/mentally relaxed and O-X-Y-G-E-N-A-T-E-D(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) hence UN-TENSED AND CAREFREE like East African rural unspoiled distance runners or otherwise compared to video number 1 in 2021 where Rouleaux effects in Joseph's blood as evidenced to be caused by cumulative non-stop 24/7 long-term exposure to radio+chemicals combined would restrict oxygen supply and hence oxygenation in all his brain and body parts/cells/organs causing him to appear TENSED, AGITATED, UNEASY, ANTSY, HYPERSENSITIVE, FIDGETY, OR BASICALLY VIBRATE MUCH MORE TURNOVER IN GESTURES/GESTURING, EYE MOVEMENT, NECK MOVEMENT, BODY MOVEMENT AND RE-ORIENTATION precisely because the radio and chemical waves are synergizing inside his brain and body to cause him to work harder with much higher sampling (ie readjustment and reorienting) rates to achieve the same energy efficiency as those in an environment without or with infinitely less radio and chemical pollution!!!!
This higher sampling rate, being a SUBCONSCIOUS INVOLUNTARY PROCESS which Joseph Schooling wouldn't probably be able to discern out of the myriad subconscious processes in his brain and body unless he is supernaturally electrohypersensitive in mind and body as me Joe KS, would translate as more agitated body language or frequent changes and adjustments in body language, more frequent gestures/gesturing or changes and readjustments in gestures and gesturing, more inflections or variations in voice and voice tones, more emotional display with widely varying emotional frequencies/intensities and temperature or temperament! Does all these make sense or not ya'll?!!!!
To a trained electrohypersensitive observer like me Joe KS, changes in vibration in human disposition/behavior/vibe/inclination is extremely discernible for me but also changes of vibration in ALL THINGS/PERSONS/EVENTS/OUTCOMES UNDER HEAVEN AND EARTH is the same as well!!!!! The same way my son dear dear Soh Ruiyong's running vibrations changed as he changed his radio and chemical environment from one geographical location on earth to another, ie from Singapore or Oregon for all of 2013 to 2015 and changed back again the moment he returnued to Singapore in 2015 December! And later on his vibrations changed drastically overnight in only big races like 2016 Chicago Marathon, 2017 Sea Games marathon and 5000m, 2019 Seoul Marathon NR, 2019 Arizona HM NR, 2021 5000m NR, 2021 10000m Asian games qualifier, 2021 2.4km NR and 2021 Marathon NR so that he was running and vibrating THOSE NOT BELONGING TO HIM AND HIS OWN ENERGY/BODY/FREQUENCY BUT those superimposed/interfered by only performance enhancements or drugs DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does that make sense ya'll?!!! I have come to the end of my post but I finish still wondering about all of ya'll's ability to see without a speck in your eyes!!!!
And of course I forgot to mention, when Joseph finally got jabbed in mRNA in May/June 2021, even if he had been in Olympic medal shape then which I still don't think so, he might as well had radiated himself with a 4G/5G MIMO antenna placed snugly inside his swimming trunks because the devastating biological effect on Joseph's body from those mRNA vaccines cannot be overstated enough!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haizzzz...........
If we do an interview with Joseph today in 2022 I assure everybody that it's an interview I never wanna watch or look forward to because of how much I love the interview he gave and how much I love the way he was both in 2015 with 5 prior years before that being bathed in infinitely less radio+chemical polluted rural Floridian airspace!!!!!!!!! Knowing the Joseph Schooling in 2014-2015 I ain't never wanna know the current one in 2022, truly!!!!!!!!!!! The same with my son Soh Ruiyong and how I adored him in the years prior to 2015 and abhorred him after that!!!!