I CRIED MOK TWICE! One for his Christian testimony and another for his promising appointment as future Antidoping Chief in 2023 February!!!


Dr Mok Ying Ren future Antidoping Chief

Dr Patrick Goh current Chief of Antidoping

Senoras y senores of Singaporean airspace, I'm so proud to announce that my dearest Mok Ying Ren has made it to the top of the podium step of Antidoping Singapore Advisory by kickstarting hopefully decades long of 'marital union' with this prestigious moral and ethical organization to win the fight against rampant doping in the Singaporean sporting community especially those national athletes who have very very very strong seduction to take drugs to gain unfair advantage because they 'wanna be in the mix desperately'!

Does that make sense like this senoras y senores?!!

As I pen this post right now my fingers and finger muscles are vibrating with incontrollable pride and ecstasy for my dearest Mok Ying Ren because I'm so happy for him to be returning to his calling in sports and to serve the sport community using his medical and scientific expertise to commit justice in God's name for all Singaporean men and women. Everybody remembers he was once and still is Singapore's fastest clean undoped 5000m runner of all time at 14:51 in 2011, discounting 14:44 of one morally perverted son of mine Soh Ruiyong in 2021!!!! This means Mok's record is still standing after 12 years if only morally clean records are discerned to stand, WOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does that make sense like this?!!

And of course Mok is also the 2nd fastest marathoner of all time after Murugiah Rameshon, 2:26:08 to 2:24:22, while the morally perverted son of mine Soh Ruiyong sits at 6th (for clean undoped marathon) with Khoo Chin Poo, Ashley Liew, and Leo Jianyong (might be doped as well in 2:34 for gold coast since Leo and Ruiyong were associates!) are all ahead of Ruiyong.

All of Ruiyong's sub 2:30 marathons are under serious question mark because they were made after acquaintance and relationship with America's most well known convicted drug abuser Jordan Chipangama a black African American from 2015 onwards!!! Source HERE 

Sinister figure Jordan Chipangama in secret cooperative with Ruiyong

Does that make sense like this?!!

Mok is also the true clean half marathon record holder in 1:07:08 at the Arizona half marathon in 2016/17. The only record Mok doesn't hold or loses to Ruiyong is in the 10000m at 31:15 and till today this remains Ruiyong's fastest clean record well deserving to his name. He was in a world of pain from halfway and struggled to the finish line in 31:15 unlike in his 14:44, 31:28, 31:12, 2:29:25, 2:22:59, 2:23:42, 2:24:55, 2:25:01, 6:52 where he jogged in like the race had never started!!!!!! I must therefore congratulate him for this 31:15 performance only!

Therefore Mok's membership in the National Antidoping Advisory is inevitable and long time coming and whoever brought him in there had very great foresight especially since Mok had gained much Godly wisdom and understanding since becoming Christian in 2019! I myself prayed for his conversion because I knew God needed to use such an astounding and talented sportsman and doctor like him to bring order, justice and hope to a flailing sporting and moral environment what with the gradually rampant doping culture in the community due to the corrupt influence of one morally perverted son of mine Soh Ruiyong.

The appointment of Mok thus brings together the risen Christ and all his righteousness and purity in mind and body AGAINST the fallen angel or Satan and all his evil and wicked words, intentions and deeds, ie, MOK AGAINST RUIYONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How destined ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace like this?!!!!!!!!

Oh dear oh mine..............thank you dear Lord Jesus for your everlasting and providential love and care on Singapore and Singaporean men and women sporting or otherwise!!!!!!!!

Dr Patrick Goh the current head of antidoping advisory committee will have no lack of talent, sportsmanship, moral and spiritual intelligence, scientific and medical nous to work with and be challenged every single minute of his term in charge in the young Dr Mok!!!!!

Before I end this post I just wanted to share with everyone Mok's conversion (to Christianity) testimony in 2019 which moved and touched my heart and made me sooooooo uuuuugggghhhhhh ashamed insofar as meek and humbled. I therefore refer to this website of his HERE

He says and I cry saying:

"But things took a turn in 2015.

While running, I sustained a right knee pain. It hindered my ability to train and took away my joy in running.

I had multiple MRI scans done, went through cycles of physiotherapy and strength training, and was very compliant with my treatment. But nothing could get rid of the pain.

I never even really found out what it was. That was one of the lowest points in my life because I felt that my identity as Singapore’s top runner had been robbed away from me.

When people asked me when my next race was or how my training was going, I had nothing to say.

On the outside, I looked like I was at the peak of my life. I was running and winning medals. I had a medical career ahead of me. Yet deep down inside, my life was spiralling downhill.

The search for answers began to consume me.

There were days when I cried, days where it was just hours thinking about it. I can’t even begin to imagine the amount of time spent going for rehabilitation.

Eventually, I came to the end of myself. I had nowhere else to turn to."

And the most important excerpt relevant for my morally perverted son Soh Ruiyong:

"Two years after sustaining my knee injury, I decided to attend a church. I went with the sole purpose of getting my knee healed. But even as I was pursuing a miracle, God was pursuing me in His own ways. Through Bible reading and sermon podcasts, I realised I had put my identity and my hope in my achievements. I saw that I was stuck in this jail for the longest time because I had to keep up a positive façade on social media in order to maintain my social standing.

It was all so hypocritical and fake.

But I now know what it means to be free. Freedom comes when you know the truth in Christ. And the truth is, when I once thought my broken knee was my biggest problem, God revealed to me a bigger problem: I was spiritually dead. Because of sin, I was destined for eternal separation with God and for hell. Yet in His great mercy, I was given a new life. Because of Jesus, I can receive forgiveness for my sin and restore my relationship with God.

And instead of placing my hope on myself and my achievements, I can now place it all on Christ. Truly, I have never felt so liberated."

Dear Soh Ruiyong, did you read the words underlined and enlarged in bold?!!!!!!!! Are you looking yourself in the friggin mirror now?!!!!!!! Repent of your sins immediately with no delay, dearest Ruiyong, starting with making remorseful and remarkable declarations about your drug abuse from your American days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haizzzzzzzz.........................oh mine..............may the Lord forgive you...........









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