Can Rachel Wong and Soh Ruiyong thrive together as ONE/ONE-NESS?!!!!

Dear Singaporean men and women:

I don't know what's wrong with the morality and ethics of modern hipster generation of young men and women such as found in Rachel Wong and virtually overwhelmingly the TENDING/INCLINING majority of the rest of the Singaporean young population!!!!!

The scene of adultery or cuckolding enacted in Rachel Wong's shockingly brazen or impudent real-time dynamic infidelity in morally shy and conservative, or, 'relatively more righteous' (compared to Western nations!) Singapore is straight out of Western and Asian porn-themed flicks and movies found in many of their degrading and degenerating websites now banned by IMDA Singapore for a good purpose!!!

I had otherwise thought in my child-like moral innocence or otherwise that lurid and indecent scenes and events such as a wedding bride being cuckolded or adulterated on wedding day/night was the exclusive reserve of the realm of artificial man-made hence corruptible pornography but Rachel Wong and her male adulterers proved me otherwise wrong!!! These men and women showed me Joe KS that the spirit of pornography or pornographic desire/urge is rather alive, kicking and totally endemic like COVID-19 in the modern irradiated and chemicalized or environmentally polluted/sullied Singaporean human population!!!!!

Eeeeeeewwwwww yucks yucks yucks yucks eeeerrrgggghhhhh, it's just insane man, like what am I reading or what kinda moral abomination am I contemplating in 2022 and whether I should be excited or outraged or both at the same time because such moral degeneracy had been perfectly portended by the Divine God and His Scripture as well as of course by the obscenely artificially polluted radiofrequency and chemical/air-particulate environment of Singapore's but especially the former!!!

Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace?!

Haizzzzzz, oh dear oh mine, I have been sighing almost penitently daily since the demise portended of mi pequenita hijo Soh Ruiyong from January 2016 onwards and I don't forsee this sighing will ever end nor be exhausted........haizzzzzz............

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