2022 Sea Games Update for SNOC and Antidoping Singapore


Dear Singaporean ladies and gentlemen, as you know the SEA Games 2022 has been flabbergasting for me on many fronts EVEN without the thoroughly corrupt doped up Singaporean distance athlete Soh Ruiyong, and today right now I wanna urgently release and purge these sullied views of mine online ASAP lest I become inadvertently strengthened by these corruption thus corrupting myself the same, does that make sense?!

First up, let's start with Michelle Sng the woman of my repulsion and detestation kinda like eeewwwwww yucks!!!!!!

  1. We all know Michelle Sng purportedly broke her National High Jump Record last year in 2021 6 years after she also did so in 2015 at some international meet in the Phillipines.
  2. Michelle notably and particularly strengthened her feat by announcing that she did so, ie, broke that friggin 1.84m record in 2015, having laid off of High Jumping or Elite High Jumping or Elite Sport for 2 damn years or otherwise, and starting back with JUST 3 DAMN WEEKS OF 'TRAINING' jumped a friggin 1.86 meters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. So already back then in 2021 I'm like 'WHAT DA HECK'?!!!!! 
  4. In my mind was kinda like 'damn she doped as hell'!!!!!!!!
  5. And then it effortlessly dawned on my electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive antennas that she been really close-knit or bosom-like buddies/friends with my dearest son dear dear Soh Ruiyong since 2015 when they first struck eyes with each other's person!!!!!!!
  6. And of course we all know how doped up with performance enhancement drugs Soh Ruiyong is and learning the ropes of doping from United States of America's convicted doper and doper team Jordan Chipangama and NAZ elite respectively!
  7. We all also know Soh Ruiyong and Jordan Chipangama are bosom-like buddies/friends just short of spousal relationship!!!! Picture of Ruiyong and Jordan cavorting and goofing around like 'love-birds' below:

  8. Enough said ladies and gentlemen: that my son Ruiyong's circumstantial subjective doping associations and connections is enough to objectively convict him of guilt lest my own 2 eyes and other bodily antennas are ALSO able to hypersensitize so easily and accurately the positively gained unfair advantage or lack thereof in all his running performances and especially RUNNING BIOMECHANICS/VIBRATIONS/ENERGIES/FREQUENCIES related to his running style/technique is not irresponsible or egregious behavior on my part Joe KS'! Does that make sense?!!
  9. Consequently that Michelle Sng's flabbergasting performances and circumstances in the High Jump in one August 2021 last year cannot seem to be disconnected or disassociated with her bosom-like relationship with my son Ruiyong and his corrupt doping insinuations indeed I-N-G-E-S-T-I-O-N-S runs perfectly parallel and mirroring/reflecting of the connection and association between Ruiyong and Jordan, or Ruiyong and Ben Rosario, or Ruiyong and Vanessa Lee, or, Ruiyong and Romaine, or, Ruiyong and Jeevanesh, or Ruiyong and so many more Singaporean athletes I'm about to call out in the next few lines and sentences!!!
  10. But what is even more detesting about Michelle Sng for being also very shrewd and cunning is her lack of desire to use whatever performance enhancement drugs Soh Ruiyong had doped her up with last year in this SEA Games 2022 event High Jump!!!!
  11. She not only didn't jump anywhere close to 1.86m nor her previous NR of 1.84m, but, she also didn't even friggin win the gold medal damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. If I were to therefore meet Michelle Sng face to face right now, I'm going to break her spirit with an interrogation so fierce and so forceful or no holds barred in order to expose the literally black as scum corruption in her heart/mind/soul/spirit insofar as robbing another clean and undoped/humble Singaporean woman athlete High Jumper of her rightful spot on the SEA Games TEAM and who would also have showcased TRUE SINCERE AND HONEST/UNEMBELLISHED/UNDOPED EFFORT with no ulterior motive and agenda!!!!
  14. For today right now I question Michelle Sng's MOTIVE AND AGENDA in USING DRUGS TO jump a National Record to qualify for SEA Games, Commonwealth Games and Asian Games but then not using the same drugs later to hardly or terribly perform at the SEA Games now!!!
  15. To Michelle Sng: what's your problem ah?!!! What do you wanna achieve here?!!! Inspire youth or younger generation on a superficial indeed insincere whim?!!!
  16. To Michelle Sng: I don't find your behavior and performances taken as a whole since August 2021 to be properly established with bedrock solid circumstances/suggestions/hints of morality and ethics.
  17. To Michelle Sng: if you 'suck' or no longer 'have it in your legs' to jump or run, then let it be damn it!!!! Or, just jump for recreation, or, go coach the youths with all your 'experience' damn it!!!! Why need to do until like that?!!! Why need to do take drugs to qualify, then stop taking drugs during competition or in the lead up to actual competition and fare poorly relative to your drug-aided performance?!
  18. To Michelle Sng: are you scared to get called out by me Joe KS or what?!! Or are you scared to get caught by non-existent doping infrastructure in the Vietnam Sea Games?!!! Cuz right now I'm ironically calling you out for performing poorly because in actual actuality you already set yourself up to be targeted by me from the moment you jumped a 'new national record' in August 2021 last year!!!!

Part 2 dedicated to Jeevanesh Soundararajah and Rueben Rainer Lee:

  1. Rueben has ran a very fishy 21.07 in my opinion. I could be wrong and he might have done it without performance enhancement drugs or otherwise and the only way this is possible is if Hanoi's artificial radiofrequency/EMF and chemical environment is much lower than in Singapore and Australia where he ran his season's best of 21.46s! However, I'm not in Hanoi to measure or test out the environment with both my body parts/organs/cells or antennas, and, my handy RF-meter instrument so I can't say for sure. However, just base on prima facie, the 21.46 to 21.07 is a little too huge a drop for me to be comfortable with, assuming Hanoi's artificial radiofrequency/EMF and chemical environment is exactly or almost the same as Australia's at least, if not also Singapore's! Australia definitely has a lower or much lower artificial EMF and chemical environment than Singapore's GENERALLY though not all the time, hence explains why I compared Hanoi's performance of 21.07 to Australia's 21.46.
  2. We now come to Jeevanesh which I'm quite repelled as obviously everybody knows by now given his strong doping connection/association with my son Soh Ruiyong since 2020/2021!
  3. For me personally, Jeevanesh is a condemned athlete no matter how fast he runs in the 1500m or any other future event. 
  4. This is a runner who all throughout his youth had terrible running technique even up to the point in 2020/2021 just before he met with or teamed up with ActiveSG, as well as, most notably and corruptly the doper Soh Ruiyong but then all of a sudden after this fateful teaming up with and training under the doper Soh Ruiyong run with running technique/vibration/energy/frequency so beautiful and picturesque/fluid/smooth I swear I had never seen him with in my entire conscious/unconscious life and existence or otherwise, does that make sense?!!! My electrohypersensitive eyes/vision are so beyond sharp and eccentrically sharp that the difference I discerned seemed too Gorilla-esque!!!!
  5. This is also a runner who all throughout his youth and even up till the point just before 2021/2021 before meeting with and teaming up with doper Soh Ruiyong couldn't run a 1500m under 4:15 or 4:13 despite some of the best HONEST AND SINCERE NON-DOPED UP training, nutrition, rest, recovery with some of the best distance science and knowledge spread across Europe, America, Asia (note he has distance running sojourns in UK and Japan as well as undercurrent cumulative American inspiration from American distance professionals!).
  6. Just ask Zachary Ryan Devaraj my darling middle distance ace of the previous decade. He was always smoking Jeevanesh in the 800m and 1500m races all the way through high school inasmuch as the latter had no longer any insult to participate in such events lest he be further insulted upon insult!!!
  7. Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!
  8. Eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww yucks!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
  9. This is why Jeevanesh is doped as hell under Soh Ruiyong and enough cause for me, based on the totality of circumstances aforementioned, to call him out without hesitance!!!!
  10. Jeevanesh? You reading this now or what?!!
  11. Good riddance to bad rubbish............
  12. Dopers and doping are not welcomed in Singapore's Sport Fraternity eeeeewwwwww......

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