Let's destroy Soh Ruiyong and his doping and other moral corruption once for all come 2022!

P.S In this post I talk about destroying my dear dear son Soh Ruiyong's corruption, my immense desire to collide head-on with Michelle Sng's body's doping corruption, Marc Brian Louis and Benber Yu.....

Senoritas and senores of lewd and twisted Singaporean airspace, I Joe KS, father of my dear dear son Soh Ruiyong urge all of ya'll to once for all, come 2022 woooooohoooooo, end my son's professional distance running career and condemn it into the lake of fire as a blemished and defiled offering of the darkest and most repugnant nature, does that make sense?!!!!!

I've had enough of all his nonsense and I want to OUT HIM ASAP AND FINISH HIM OFF, ie, finish his distance running career one-shot like a deadly injection to the endothelium hence also unfortunately finishing off his moral credibility and trustworthiness, does that make sense ya'll?!!!!!!!!!!!!

First up, I want to copy and paste the entire correspondence with Sports Institute right here on this blog post to show you folks that my dear dear son Soh Ruiyong IS NOT firstly on Singapore's pool of Track and Field and marathon athletes since 2018 September when he broke up with a really beautiful ex-gf CHARM whom I still can't till this day ever let go (haizzzzzz!!!!!!!) and was 'asked to leave' or sacked consequently from Sports Singapore/Institute due to multiple moral and ethical infractions as publicly seen Sports Scholar of Singapore. The prerequisite for selection to any major games such as Hangzhou Asian Games and Hanoi SEA Games 2022 is prior inclusion first into pool of ready-made and standby athletes save those one-shot teenage wonders who suddenly appear out of nowhere and become a sensation overnight on the track and field. As we all know, my dear dear son Soh Ruiyong ain't no one-shot wonder appearing overnight hitherto unknown entity, he is a well-known athlete for a decade albeit a corrupt and morally questionable and/or perverted/lewd/improper one what with long-term drug-enhancements or drug-abusing suspicions and other sexually or otherwise disdaining, contemptible, unholy or unrighteous actions/behaviors/words/suggestions with myriad peoples such as former and current ex-gfs (recall his slutty girlfriend concurrently Vanessa Lee with encouragement from my dear dear son Soh Ruiyong boasting how she wanted to be 'raped' by implying such consent equal to the volume of dick pics indeed dick sizes of all sorts of men inundating her social media and/or whatsapp platforms!!!!) and even me Joe KS----being tempted with stashes of BANG-PORN sex in the past upon whistleblowing his doping and other moral corruption all through 2016 to present day 2021.

With this correspondence with Sports Institute proof of my claim that he is CLEARLY OUTRIGHT SWINDLING AND DECEIVING ALL PUBLIC STAKEHOLDERS and news media channels on his impending participation at the Hangzhou Asian Games and Sea Games 2022 combined, I spare no effort right now in pulling out all stops to BRING HIM DOWN ONE-SHOT like a deadly sting of a injection to his endothelium except the sting paralyzes or snuffs out the life of his professional distance running career for resorting to LIES AND DECEPTION in the 2nd half of 2021 to reap dishonest gains, advantages, profits some even FINANCIAL ONES DEFINITELY, in this entire lull year from June 2021 to June 2022 before those Asian and SEA Games come around!!!!!

Hence the basis of my dear dear son Soh Ruiyong's career or personal ethics or otherwise since June 2021 is a LIE AND A DECEPTION quite in favor of the way business policies and agendas work if we also recall that he is business-trained and educated from Oregon University School of Business and NUS School of Business, does that make sense?!!!!!

The word 'business' already makes me wanna eeeerrrrgggghhhhh shit my pants, does that make sense ya'll? Added on now another layer of specification from drug-assisted and drug-enhanced business ewwwwwwwwwww damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What da heck man, oooohhhhhh this is just pure repulsion for me Joe KS his father!!!!!!!!!

When I Joe KS do finally supremely like a divine God or otherwise destroy my son Soh Ruiyong so that his distance career is maimed forever and eternally such as being not only barred from representing Singapore but also being barred anyone from believing this day onwards his claims of ensuing roster at the Hangzhou Asian Games, Hanoi Sea Games or for that matter any other future games in the next 50 years or otherwise till he passes from this planet earth or otherwise, I want all of ya'll to know that I'm not being wicked, vengeful or stepping out of line of justice while doing so because the signs and tell-tales have long been brewing since 2016, then up a notch in 2017 then 2 more notches in 2018 and finally totally out of control in 2019 and 2020 what with his clear as daylight jealousy and contempt for Ashley Liew's achievements, possessions and awards which were acclaimed personally by multiple PAP government ministers and MPs over his ones which received FRANKLY ZERO POLITICAL AND SOCIAL AIR-TIME AND EXPOSURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does that make sense ya'll?!!!!!!! I Joe KS say this with utmost uuuugggghhhh oooohhhhh urgency and disgust in my belly that my dear dear son Soh Ruiyong's rightful fate or place belongs in the dust piles of apocalyptic ruin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His sin has been compounding or multiplying out of order since 2018/2019 what with the death of a innocent Filipino distance runner who was trained under him whose name was also Rafael Poliquit Jr. This was the first sin amounting to culpable homicide he definitely had direct connection and association with. Post mortem of death of this runner was brain meningitis or infection or destruction of nerve cells or nervous system functioning. My expert review Joe KS' tells me that there was systemic bodily neuro-endocrinological damage to his biological software due to over expense bodily resources beyond what his biological brain and body was capable of handling in training and racing. It tells me of a scenario that fits with performance drug abuse and overdose to achieve more superior athletic performances so in order to vainly gain one's prestige and reputation among the sporting fraternity or public sphere. This is a corrupt POWER-BASED notion of a faulty masculine thinking that doesn't affect only the sports fraternity but all segments and spheres of human living, consciousness and existence. In artificially existing and coinciding Singapore in all our schools young boys are taught, in a no less deeply paternalistic environment and culture, the ways and means to oppress/suppress themselves and the people around them with distorted and often repeated indeed SUBCONSCIOUS(!!!!!!) notions of power masculinity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such notions then inevitably lead once innocent and young angelic dear dear teenage son of mine Soh Ruiyong to UNCONSCIOUSLY OR SUBCONSCIOUSLY RESORT to drugs or performance enhancements to fill the void in his masculine spirit/soul/mind/heart when he senses weakness, failure and contempt from the public sphere and cannot bravely countenance it like a real rock solid masculine would, does that make sense ya'll?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then recently he compounded more sin with that doping slut Michelle Sng who had the insult in her bloody face and facial expression to proudly rather falsely and deceptively claim she came out of retirement having not trained in a year or otherwise and in 3 damn weeks trains and jumps a national record in infinitely more biologically repressive and oppressive or polluted Singaporean airspace what with additional layer of 5G radio 3.5Ghz in every corner
of Singapore plus no doubt ever increasing chemical or air particulate pollution content combined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unlike Marc Brian Louis who is a teenager whose body is still making quantum biological leaps against the super polluted Singaporean airspace, Michelle Sng is a 30 yr old or otherwise long matured post-pubescent adult whose brain and body has long emerged from its teens (and plateaued) in the face of continued or ever-increasing airspace pollution in Singapore I see no reason why she should make any new inroads in the High Jump at 30 or otherwise rather than 19, 20, 21 or max 25. In fact, scientific prophecy would predict that not only does she not jump a new High Jump record at 30 or otherwise but should also give birth to a baby with a defect with her new husband of a year old, does that make sense?!!!!!!!! This is given how she obviously remains residing in Singapore's super duper polluted airspace without taking a leave forever to perhaps some European or otherwise rural-suburban locale to begin a new wholesome and more toxic-free life in a more toxic-free airspace!!!!!

Marc Brian Louis doesn't have much room for improvement after his pubescent biology finishes making sense or coming to equilibrium, if barely, with its new 5G radio and other wireless radio environment of all sorts in 2020/2021 concurrent Singaporean airspace, he isn't definitely going to run much faster than 10.37 if things go well, much less run 10.24 or 10.05 as his coach Benber Yu seems childishly bullish about!!!!!!!!!!!!! If Marc's biological brain and body parts/cells/organs or holes and apertures were cultivated exclusively in Singaporean airspace since the day he was born without having ever left Singapore for a long period of time like Joseph Schooling or Lui Yuan Chow in their crucial teenage developing years, whether a sprinter or a swimmer or thrower, jumper, runner, Marc ain't got no chance to come anywhere close to 10.30 much less 10.20 or 10.10, does that make sense ya'll?!!!!!!!!!! EVEN IF say Marc does come to 10.30 exactly, I see no merit for such a vain achievement PRECISELY BECAUSE HE WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO HAVE THAT WHEREWIDAL TO REPEAT 10.30 AN ENDLESS NUMBER OF TIMES like an elite athlete cultivated and/or born and bred in the more undefiled/unspoiled/unsullied rural-suburban geographical areas of SEA, Europe, America, Asia or otherwise. Therefore if Marc would not be able to repeat 10.30 the way UK Shyam wasn't able to repeat 10.37 more than once or twice I believe, then what's the point of coming close to such times in the first place?!!!!!!!!! 

Correct me if I"m wrong except refined and elegant, but if I were an elite sprinter or relatively elite sprinter I would want to repeat my performance again and again and again and again for years on end, at least more than 5 years, and I would want to do so EFFORTLESSLY, ie, sprinting at full capacity at my outer limit but yet completely energy-efficient or biologically intelligent. I however can only do these things if my born and bred residential environment for the first 21 years of my life isn't Singapore's super duper polluted radio and chemical one, does that make sense ya'll?!!!!!!!! Unfortunately whether or not Marc knows this metaphysical association and connection doesn't depend on him because he wouldn't be able to know what he doesn't know!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make sense ya'll?!!!

Only those counselors and coaches guiding him could ever break such esoteric and rarefied news to him but then again the ability and capacity of these counselors and coaches like Benber Yu to break such esoteric and rarefied news to him also doesn't depend on them because they also wouldn't be able to know what they don't know!!!!!! Kinda like a Catch-22 situation ya know?!!!!!!!!!

Haizzzzz, in the end I Joe KS can only rue or sigh 'what a despair'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might know it all and can confirm that I'm die die correct to the molecule or wave of light/energy but what's the use of such divine accuracy if guys like Benber Yu and Marc Brian Louis couldn't be affected or benefited from my gift if ever at all?!!!!!!! And the same can be rued for my dear dear son Soh Ruiyong and his slutty porn-like infatuation Michelle Sng?!!!!




  1. Always a treat to watch you think and write, never grows old with you. I'm with you in all your matters because I also find Soh a huge scandal

    1. Joe is the world's most brilliant metaphysicist i think. the way he thinks, writes and opines himself i cannot imagine another human being doing the same.....

      i'm addicted to Joe's posts and musings and there doesn't seem to be a proper word that can describe him such that i'm delighted to conclude that he 'just is'. the word that thus describes him is 'he is' just as the name of God in the bible is 'Yahweh' meaning 'God is'.


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