I love The Honorable Tan Chuan-Jin's SNOC leadership


Dear ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace, I'm honestly shocked to further find out from this article HERE that Joseph Schooling has made so many further breaches in the course of his representing Singapore at major games. I quote from the article linked:

"According to SNOC, Schooling breached several rules in the code of conduct.

Some of the rules included the prohibition of gambling and smoking at all times and taking any drugs or medication without the prior consent of the doctor of the Singapore team.

The code of conduct also stated that participants should inform the Chef de Mission of their whereabouts if they leave the games accommodation, and that they are not allowed to pursue their own activities without prior approval. 

Schooling breached both those rules, as well as a daily "lights out" rule from 11pm to 6am. He also broke a rule that only allowed participants to drink alcohol after they have completed all their respective events at the games."

Oh mine, oh dear, like what da heck's going on?!!!!!!!!! The above breaches taken in totality and in context of Joseph being Singapore's most well-loved, cared for, doted upon and desired or revered male masculine athlete of all time (being Olympic champion is helpful too!!!) is absolutely egregious upon egregious upon egregious just eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww, U-N-T-H-I-N-K-A-B-L-E  MORAL ABOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!

It's so unthinkable it's fictional..........oh dear oh mine..................

It's akin in moral corruption to those of the recent adulteress Rachel Wong and the manner in which she committed adultery, ie, she committed adultery on the damn day or otherwise night of her otherwise nuptial ceremony attended by otherwise hundreds if not thousands of family, next of kin and close friends or otherwise, does that make sense?!!!!!!

For a Singaporean woman born and raised in very morally righteous, ie, conservative Singaporean airspace/environment to conduct adultery in such a manner, rather than perhaps committing adultery 5 years* into the marriage after much conflict, tension and resentment/hatred that naturally attends marriage and marriage spouses in a modern city, is also egregious upon egregious upon egregious and simply U-N-T-H-I-N-K-A-B-L-E in a morally abominable way!!!!!!

*P.S I'm not intending to condon adultery by saying that it's okay for couples to cheat after 5 years or at least not on wedding day/night!!!

And that's why it's similarly unthinkable as to be fictional for Rachel Wong's adultery or otherwise, does that make sense?!!!

I mean oh dear...........oh mine............like this is just sooooooooooo eeeerrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh...............

Really, ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace, there isn't even an unreasonable, much less reasonable excuse for Joseph Schooling and Rachel Wong to snub and insult/mock all the love and adulation SNOC, the Singaporean republic, and for Rachel Wong her husband and all their next-of-kin and close friends, in the manner of their subsequent conduct. On top of the egregious-ness of their actual conduct and conduct breaches, the indifferent or uncaring/unconscionable manner in which they both respectively had snubbed and insulted/mocked all the love and adulation that surrounds and attends their existence through those who pour in so much love, care, support and attention on them is in and of itself another layer of egregious or egregious-ness, does that make sense like this?!!!!!

Haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....................oh oh oh oh oh why oh why eeeeerrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

In any event, the conduct breaches of Joseph Schooling were really unexpected when it was mentioned he 'gambled, smoked, alcohol' like really?!!!!!! Gosh, sorry for swearing in the name of the Lord God of Heaven and Earth but that sounds like what a street-side hustler or gang member/thug would do!!!!! Such behavior is incongruent with The Honorable leadership of Tan Chuan-Jin and SNOC!!!!! Such behavior is going to be frowned upon even by the most unreasonable member of Singaporean society for what sort of image does Joseph portray if he, an Olympic champion is also gambling and smoking?!!!! And smoking weed and/or tobacoo/nicotine?!!!

This is just incredible and I hope my dear dear son Soh Ruiyong is listening and reading this right now because he himself was almost on the verge of being paraded in the same manner in public and news media channels by the SNOC and its disciplinary committee IF NOT for the lack of a legally valid 'Athlete Code of Conduct' back in 2017/2018 or in the aftermath of his 2 consecutive and intentional missed drugs tests, blackout rule violation, cutting holes, and prize money dispute, to name a few among even more serious and flagrant conduct/code breaches in the subsequent years of 2019/2020/2021 and still present day 2022!!!

Soh Ruiyong: te suerte que la SNOC no te expongaria en los anos pasados ​​in 2017/2018 en relacion malas conducto especifico. No imaginas que miedoso si todo Singapur a traves de periodicos encontraran tus drogas cuando se triunfa en contra Agus Prayogo..........

And what does Joseph think of trying to do when he left the games village without approval from Chef de Mission? Taken in totality and in context it seems to me he went out together with Amanda Lim, his otherwise wild and ephemeral forage, in the middle of the night after lights out under the secretive cover of darkness to procure weed/tobacco/alcohol or otherwise any other hedonistic substances from a secret Vietnamese or otherwise sect, return in joy in each other's arms to one of their hotel rooms and proceeded to consensually sexually trespass one another's body for hedonistic pleasure???!!!!

All these done behind the back of the Chef de Mission, this is just disgusting! Again, it's unthinkable as fictional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

If there was reason how Joseph Schooling's performances deteriorated since 2016 Olympic Games, I think the SNOC inadvertently discovered it for themselves if Joseph Schooling's internal body systems are laced with pure odium of the trio of illicit sex, illicit drugs, illicit alcohol!

Yuckzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Joseph Schooling has virtually deteriorated despite so much 'guidance and attention/education' from so many Singapore stakeholders against the contrary, into a thug or thug-like! Singapore had never known such a deterioration of an Olympic Champion because we never had one and never seen how one spiraled down towards the bottom pit but now we have an idea!!!

Singaporean parents who watch their kids grow up would now be very hesitant to allow their kids the stress and limelight of representing Singapore, hence representing Singapore AT ALL hence be willing to participate in any sporting or otherwise endeavor in view of representing Singapore AT ALL seeing that Singapore's deteriorating environmental/social/moral culture seem to be at loggerheads with those suitable for sustaining the good morality/ethics/vitality and good health mental, emotional, sexual, physical, spiritual of any human being in Singapore much less those of an Olympic caliber or champion!!!

Does that make sense like this?!

While The SNOC and The Honorable Tan Chuan-Jin is very good at managing breaches and setbacks to the organization and sporting community, the method to prevent these breaches and setbacks in the first place is still far from over or ever fully effective. Deterrence via fear is not wholesome enough a method of prevention, it's not harmonizing or therapeutic enough for the human mind+body as ONE HARMONIOUS ENTITY, while education just as deterrence is also very divorced from the actual circumstances of temptation of breaching hence not wholesome enough a method of prevention. If anybody asks me Joe KS, really there is only 1 method most wholesome/handsome of them all under heaven and earth that will prevent any breaches or setbacks or temptation to breach and setback in any Singaporean athlete's mind+body as ONE/ONE-NESS forever and ever and ever:

"Turn off the electricity or otherwise immigrate to an electricity-less countryside or suburban environment far away from Singapore. In this manner, the temptations that befell Joseph's electrified mind+body could never have occurred because we would be singing his praises in 2017 as the 100m Butterfly World Champion over Caleb Dressel (who coincidentally lives on a super large acre farm in the middle of an Florida Orlando's lush green jungles/forests with few electricity/antennas and fewer particulate air pollution!), and also singing his praises at the 2019 and 2021 World and Olympic Champion STILL in the same event. Joseph would not need any recourse to illicit weed, illicit sex or hedonism, illicit alcohol to fill any pleasure gap in his life precisely because there would have been no lack of pleasure and satisfaction at a life well-lived with so many trophies in his multi-decorated championship cabinet!!!"----Proprietary and classified information of Joe KS!!!

Caleb Dressel's reign is not fortuitous nor is it training related because Joseph trains just as hard if not harder than he does. Neither is there any relation to coaching because there is no significant advantage one coach has over the other! They are all world class coaches and bemedaled DUH!!! Neither is there sports science discrepancy in question, in fact I would like to think Caleb gets less sports science help than Joseph ever got but dominated longer and more comprehensively than Joseph ever did in the pool, and still is dominating in 2022 6 years after 2017!!! Joseph fizzled out almost immediately after Rio Olympics. Therefore Caleb's reign or lack thereof can only be imputed to the invisible world/realm of electricity or lack thereof, and the same for Joseph Schooling!

Just take a look at Caleb Dressel's physical/mental indeed moral/ethical endurance/longevity by affirming his uuuuggghhhh beautiful lush green farm set in the Florida jungles and forests below:

To SNOC: Ruiyong's 'trojan horse' or malware type 2nd letter of apology!!!

 |Letter foretelling of deep danger, including legal danger to SNOC|

Today I saw mi pequenita hijo Soh Ruiyong's 2nd letter of apology and being his father who knows all his ways and means in such a transparent fashion, I can only advise SNOC and The Honorable Tan Chuan-Jin to take this letter of apology with a pinch of salt.

Don't take it seriously because first of all if mi pequenita hijo were truly remorseful he would have been so long ago in 2017 at the time of being exposed as a drug offender having intentionally missed 2 consecutive drugs test, as well as a host of other ethical trespasses with cutting holes, prize money dispute, and blackout rules, already apologized!!! Because it was this particular era that was pivotal in causing a downward spiral in his personal and professional career if everyone remembers he was soon sacked from Sports SG as its scholar only 12 months later the same time he was also done the same from TEAM Singapore. These 2 serious events also came only 3 months after his black african American team-mate Jordan Chipangama was in May 2018 convicted of drug abuse a year earlier just before the KL SEA Games in 2017 and Ruiyong's May 2018 Ottawa marathon abruptly consequently aborted perhaps due to the close scrutiny of American Antidoping in conjunction with Singapore Antidoping.

And then after 2018 it became even worst in fact the most infamous in Singapore Sport History. Mi pequenita hijo Ruiyong would go on to test the limits of SNOC, if he hadn't already tested them enough with all the ethical and doping trespasses he had done so in the previous entire year, by viciously attacking the pride, honor, dignity and integrity of the great sportsman and sportsmanship example Dr Ashley Liew of Chiropractic, SNOC's and Tan Chuan-Jin's precious gem!!!!!!!

But not only that, mi pequenita hijo Ruiyong would then go on to sever relationships with SNOC further by attacking the other Honorable, Reasonable, Right-thinking Malik Aljunied who was overseeing operations at Singapore Athletics in the capacity of SNOC by accusing him of being unreasonable hence defamatory.

In these 2 lawsuits, it would turn out clearly to SNOC that the final verdicts all revealed that the offending party was mi pequenita hijo Soh Ruiyong and all his insupportable and downright evil accusations. It would therefore also be revealed to SNOC the whole heart and soul of the matter with Soh Ruiyong was obviously his irrepressible jealousy, hatred and disdain for athletes and officials who seem to be given certain advantages, benefits and other adulation/respect he didn't feel he received adequately and also felt the limelight stole from him and shifted attention away from his own achievements and accolades.

Does all these make sense ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace?!!

Haizzzzzzzzzzz.............oh mine oh dear...............

So what we see here is a deliberate and deliberately egregious attempt starting already in 2016/2017 all the way to 2018/2019, 2020/2021 and even currently in 2022 to unseat, discredit, and dislodge/uproot the prestigious, dignified and trustworthy authority of SNOC and The Honorable Tan Chuan-Jin by mi pequenita hijo Soh Ruiyong, with many of these attempts to impugn made in very very very very very S-U-B-T-L-E hence S-E-D-U-C-T-I-V-E manner, the way a temptress tempts her licentious male victim and 'slaughters' him in bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does that make sense or not?! Being supernatural electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive, I'm extremely unbelievably impossibly aware of the most insanely subtle/seductive/quiet/silent cues and signs from my environment which environment consists of the very human beings, plants, animals and every other consciousness and existence that fills or populates under heaven and earth!!!!!!!

Therefore, being also mi pequenita hijo Ruiyong my son in whom I FIRST LOVED(!!!!!), I have every occasion, liberty and pleasure to know every single last hole/pore/aperture of Ruiyong's mind+body and the substances or vibrations that flow or emit from them including the most subtle ones under heaven and earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So therefore, I'm willing to avow to SNOC that this 2nd letter of apology of mi pequenita hijo Soh Ruiyong is SELF-SERVING OR MADE IN THE INTERESTS OF HIS OWN FURIOUSLY BURNING EGO, rather than in the interests (rules, regulations, spirit, ethos) of SNOC and the Sport or Olympic Sport it envisions and advocates in Singaporean society. If so, then this 2nd letter of apology is also just another publicity stunt to actually further challenge the authority of SNOC and The Honorable Tan Chuan-Jin in the manner of 'testing their behavior' to see if they would yield to public pressure, as well as pressure from Soh Ruiyong, to seemingly be 'magnanimous' enough to overlook all the terrible moral and ethical trespasses and contraventions of the past half decade and grant him the opportunity to represent Singapore again!!!!

My recommendation to SNOC as mi pequenita hijo Soh Ruiyong's weary and well-weathered father: DO NOT FALL INTO THE TRAP/TEMPTATION/PIT that Ruiyong has meticulously in a calculative and vindictive manner set up just for you to compel you into another public relations fiasco/hazard which can later be possibly used in the future as legal evidence against you!!!! Ruiyong is playing an evil chess game not to see whether Singapore Sport can become more benevolent, altruistic hence united and achieve greater success on the sports field for many generations to come but whether he can emerge the victor as him against Sport Government SNOC and especially against The Honorable Tan Chuan-jin the figure of his primary hatred, and whether he can also keep 'winning at all costs' hence using obviously performance enhancing drugs and drug abuse to do so!!!!!!!!!!

Dear SNOC, with mi pequenita hijo Soh Ruiyong, you and I can be sure that he has thus far always lived by one motto and is highly probably going to continue to do so in life:

"whatever the sacrifices to morality and ethics or to rules and laws, I'm willing to forge ahead or win beg, steal, borrow AS LONG AS I DON'T GET CAUGHT OR BE COVET ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!"-----Soh Ruiyong's base and primal instinct!!!!

Dear SNOC, with this highly lewd and corrupt base instinct of Ruiyong's he has gone on to corrupt a slew of once angelic and morally/ethically purified athletes like Shanti Pereira, Tan Zong Yang, Ethan Yan, Jeevanesh, Michelle Sng, Romaine Soh, Vanessa Lee, maybe Gordon Lim and Verna Goh, Calvin Quek, Luis Cunha, Ang Chen Xiang who have all performed in such mysteriously concordant or UNISON fashion AT THE SAME TIME in one Hanoi Sea Games 2022, so insanely hence despicably/obscenely good against the weight of statistical evidence of previous generations of Singaporean athletes who were definitely far better or far more skilful and talented than these current crop aforementioned could ever imagine themselves to be!!!!!!!

Dear SNOC, you and Sports Singapore have already closed a chapter of Singapore Sport and banished it (Soh Ruiyong and his trespasses!!!) in infamy of Singapore Sport history, do not ever open or reopen it  again lest you open a new can of worms and write your own demise/funeral!!!!!!!!!

Dear SNOC, be smart and be wise do not allow mi pequenita hijo Soh Ruiyong that opportunity to come at you in disdain once again!!!!!

Kind Regards,
Daddy Joe KS

P.S Didn't Ruiyong boast to the whole Singapore that he will stand firm his ground because he is a man of high moral ethics and values, so why did he then apologize and seemingly then question his own high moral ethics if a man in a state of apology would become aware that his previous actions lack moral ethics?!!!! What da heck Ruiyong, are you a man of honor and respect or not?!!!! Haizzzzzzzzzzz oh mine.........

2019 Team Singapore Athlete Code of Conduct: SNOC is justified!!!

 Dear Singaporean airspace,

Allow me to prove to you that The Honorable Christian Guardsman Tan Chuan-Jin and his SNOC and its board members/committee are absolutely doing morally correct decision to withhold the prize money of the immoral duo Joseph Schooling and Amanda Lim. Basically, allow me to show you the exact and precise code which His Honor Chuan-Jin and SNOC undertook and swore by when they sanctioned these prize monies.

Step one:

Joseph Schooling and Amanda Lim broke Singapore's and IOC/IAAF antidoping rules, much less both Singapore and Vietnam's harsh but eternally benevolent drug laws, in confessing to the consumption of weed. Let's refer to the Team Singapore athletes code of conduct uploaded by The Honorable Malik Aljunied of former SNOC-SA in 2019 to previously implicitly chasten my dearest beloved son Soh Ruiyong's immoral doping regime:

Let's take a look at 4b. Joseph and Amanda are super experienced athletes and been in the game for more than a friggin decade?! They must know, beg, steal or borrow, that weed is a friggin banned substance on Singapore's and World's antidoping laws and rules all the time or since the inception of World Antidoping on the 10th November 1999. All the national sport federations would have been informed since 1999 that weed is a big no-no in the athletes blood/brain!!! So therefore both Joseph and Amanda clearly broke 4b DUH!!!!!!!!

Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!

Let's take a look at 4e. I have said this many times, and it's even more pertinent to raise it here again undyingly!!! The only circumstance or instance wherein a crime, offence or law-breaking might be COMPLETELY OR PARTIALLY OR OTHERWISE condoned, discharged or acquitted hence exonerated and vindicated is if there is at least one medical exemption or medical contraindication!!!!

The reason is because medicine is supposedly (although it now quite isn't!!) a hallowed and well-respected institution with its own ensemble of important legal or jurisdictional laws and rules that might affect the fairness and equity of general human behavior and its morality/ethics with respect to other spheres of law, does that make sense like this?!

If Joseph and Amanda had Stage 1 lung cancer, and a licensed MD in any part of the planet earth could have prescribed doses of cannabis for therapeutic use, that not necessarily prescribed in Singapore or under Singapore's medical-legal laws, and if the MD can justify and prove the relative and/or absolute need to use cannabis, even the Judges of the High or Higher Court of Singapore, Singapore Police, CNB, Antidoping can do nothing or can not sully/defile and prosecute/charge/santion/censure Joseph and Amanda AT ALL!!!!

Not one finger can be laid on them both, does that make sense like this?!!!

Of course, this is subject to Joseph and Amanda also making a timely application to Antidoping at the very least to inform them of their impending non-intentional contravention.

If Joseph and Amanda were man and woman of some dignity and integrity, they would have obtained a medical memo/report/document/certificate of contraindication for cannabis EVEN IF they mainly intended to abuse it for their hedonistic or carnal/sexual pleasures, does that make sense?!!

Of course, such a behavior has its own difficulties precisely because they would have ABUSED the trust/faith/integrity/dignity of the medical doctor himself/herself who entrusted cannabis/weed in their blood and brain only for the purposes STRICTLY PRESCRIBED and not for leisure, sexual, carnal, emotional, egotistical and other immoral or HEDONISTIC use hence ABUSE!!!!

Make sense right?!!!!

But, at the very least, in the eyes of the High or Higher courts in Singapore, the Singapore Police, CNB, Antidoping, SNOC, and The Honorable Tan Chuan-Jin who don't personally witness the subsequent vexatious abuse of weed by using the legal right for its therapeutic use granted by a legal MD in vain or presumptuously, Joseph and Amanda are scot-free or still unspoiled (even if they are secretly spoiled due to this precise unseen abuse of a medical doctor's prescription!!!).

Does that make sense?!!!

So Joseph and Amanda catastrophically, not leniently broke 4e and deserve to actually go to jail but got away only with a prize money sanction?!!!

Like what da heck man?!!! Is The Honorable Tan Chuan-Jin so merciful and gracious to the point of unlawful or what?!!! Joseph and Amanda ought to be laughing secretly for getting away almost scot-free DUH!!!!!

So why da heck is my dearest beloved son Soh Ruiyong and his entourage of immoral supporters even complaining about anything or any injustice or inequitable-ness?!!!

If I have proven that Joseph and Amanda broke both Vietnamese and Singaporean Penal Codes, Antidoping Code of Singapore's and IAAF/IOC, then the punishment meted out by The Honorable Christian Guardsman Tan Chuan-Jin and SNOC to withhold prize money, rather than ban both athletes for 2-4 years straight, is very forgiving and gracious!!!!

Unless my beloved dear dear Soh Ruiyong possesses an ulterior agenda or motive to continue in his corrupt tradition to disparage and insult the modesty and dignity/honor of first Tan Chuan-Jin then the rest of SNOC, does that make sense?!!!

Haiz.......dear dear Ruiyong, what evil are you up to again huh?!!!

Haizzzz.....tienes cualquier problemas o no?!!! Todavia quieres le chingar otra vez y vez por que?!!!

Dear dear Ruiyong, first of all you yourself broke 4c and 4d in July 2017 after returning from training camp with later convicted and apprehended American drug cheater Jordan Chipangama of the USA. Are you not ashamed dear dear Ruiyong haizzzzz.........when Antidoping or SportsSG or otherwise whistleblowers complained to both me, your Daddy, and Murugiah Rameshon, your other fatherly figure of a coach, that you FAILED TO ACCURATELY UPDATE your location whereabouts promptly and also be present at the sites or locations of testing for a good 2 missed occasions whilst also giving off the damn vibe that you shrewdly and opportunistically intended to use up these 2 missed occasions because they happen to be provided for under Antidoping rules/law only for EXCEPTIONAL OR UNFORESEEN REASONS/CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!!

However, dear dear Ruiyong, the whistleblowers told us me and Murugiah Rameshon that a thorough internal audit and review of the circumstances and reasons of your 2 maximum missed tests revealed NO EXCEPTIONAL OR UNFORESEEN OR OTHERWISE REASONS AND CIRCUMSTANCES AT ALL!!!!!!!

Did you lose a family member last minute? NO!!!!

Did you lose a limb while walking along the street one day because a tow truck rammed into it? NO!!!

Did you fainted all of a sudden on a sidewalk because a tree branch fell on top of your head huh? NO!!!!

Did your wife went into labour the hour of your antidoping test?!!! NO!!!!!!

Did you have to attend to any police investigation last minute the hour of your antidoping test? NO!!!!!!

Were you abducted by kidnappers unforeseen just before the arrival of antidoping test offcials? NO!!!!!


SOH RUIYONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Por otro parte, explicarnos como se dopajas con Jordan Chipangama y Ben Rosario desde Estados Unidos por favor, y luego lo mismo con Shanti Peirerra, Ang Chen Xiang, Michelle Sng, Jeevanesh, Ethan Yan, Vanessa Lee, Romaine Soh tu hermana, Tan Zong Yang, Calvin Quek, Luis Cunha y quizas muchisima mas....

Haizzzzz......Soh Ruiyong, look at the athlete code of conduct in the mirror and read it out loud will you?!!! Or should I paste the parts of it here below?!!

Ruiyong dear dear, you broke 6a,b, 7a,b,c,d,e as well!!!! And, you broke them in an E-G-R-E-G-I-O-U-S OR S-P-E-C-T-A-C-U-L-A-R and incomparable manner, ie, nobody in the foreseeable future would ever be so lewd and so contumelious ever again!!! You set the bar or definition for scorn and outrage!!!!!

Oh mine, oh dear!!!! 

Que haces Soh Ruiyong, como me di cuenta asi?!!! 

Dear SNOC and Your Honor Tan Chuan-Jin, thank you for keeping Sport in Singapore spanking clean hence thank you for ousting my beloved son Soh Ruiyong, and suppressing Joseph and Amanda now, however, the battle for the seat of justice in Singapore Sport has just began with notable suspects of doping all of whom are Soh Ruiyong's associates and/or friends or otherwise such as Shanti Peirerra, Luis Cunha, Calvin Quek, Michelle Sng, Vanessa Lee, Romaine Soh, Ethan Yan, Jeevanesh, Tan Zong Yang, Ang Chen Xiang...........

Let's get to work and start upgrading our Antidoping infrastructure to infiltrate them.....


The Honorable Tan Chuan-Jin would have been heartbroken at the MAP awards...


I was quite shocked to learn that my theories about Joseph and Amanda having a carnal relationship with one another further corroborated and strengthened when I read in this mothership news article that they both set off to Phuket Thailand for a holiday almost immediately after the Hanoi Sea Games in May 2022!!!

Well, I should have been more courageous towards myself to see and know confidently that a man and woman who dope, indeed dope with a hedonistic and sensual cannabis/weed/marijuana together, must be intimate enough with each other, ie, must be a couple, in order to do so!!! And then a vacation to a romantic seaside resort of Phuket Thailand together would easily be understood and acceptable from such an intimate and coordinate attempt to take cannabis.

Does that make sense like this?!!

Article reference HERE

Oh dear, oh mine, haizzzzzzzz, so I'm almost 100% right by now that my predictions and/or foresight about Joseph and Amanda being not only boyfriend and girlfriend, but highly intimate, fornicating or otherwise adulterating boyfriend and girlfriend by virtue of the 'fornication' or 'fornication-like' abuse of the hedonistic and sensual weed against the code of conduct of Team Singapore, world antidoping laws, and Singapore's national penal code law, is true or very true!!!!

Oh dear, I can't believe I'm always so pin-point and laser accurate just sitting down on my chair far away in the distance contemplating, pondering and analyzing the sequence or possible sequence of events of persons I have not seen, not met, not touched, not known, ever so effortlessly like a consummate professional!!!!

What kind of skill or way do I have ladies and gentlemen, to be so damn powerfully laser-accurate about the intentions or hearts/minds/thoughts/ways/souls of any stranger mankind under heaven and earth DESPITE THE LACK OF HARDCORE MATERIALISTIC EVIDENCE?!!!!!

Is this some Divine or Divine-level skill or something?!!!

Why am I also always impressed and surprised at myself and at the findings and discoveries I make if a skill is supposed to produce a predictable effect hence one that does not incline easily to surprises, surprising or impressing, does that make sense like this?!!!

Well, still I'm myself impressed with my as yet unnamed or unclassified/uncategorized skills which first surfaced when I had invisibly and unconsciously/consciously exposed the pharmaceutical performance enhancing drug abuse regime and career of mi pequenita hijo Soh Ruiyong since 2016 till present day 2022.

And now these same set of unclassified and unknown skills are useful for deeming the morality/ethics as well as the events related to Joseph and Amanda!!!!!!

Or is my skill not really called a skill but rather an intrigue or innate intrigue?

Why do I know so far ahead of time, before I ever read this article (which is of today!!!) that a man and a woman who had partook in hedonistic carnal activity of weed abuse is ultimately going to go to Phuket together and during this vacation also partake in some more weed abuse, and, as a foregone matter also partake in fornication or abuse of sexual powers/desires?!!!!!!

Does every one of you, my dear Singaporean friends, also know the same as me wherefore no special or exemplary skill or intrigue should therefore be imparted in me consequently, or, are my worst fears come true insofar as I'm the only one under heaven and earth or otherwise most gifted enough to evoke the most invisible and silent/unspoken depths of the human psyche/mind/heart/soul/spirit and hence truly beset with an inglorious and obscene skill or intrigue in me that I'm not too excited or even weary to bear about?!!!

Haiz.....oh mine, oh dear,......Tan Chuan-Jin is going to be trembling in apprehension at finding out that his darling or most favorite athlete and Olympic Champion Joseph Schooling had almost become a thug/criminal and leading the thug/criminal way of life.

If I know Tan Chuan-Jin quite well enough, make no mistake, he is extremely heart-broken to learn that his almost darling son or son-like Joseph Schooling, with whom he shared a close aide in Colin Schooling, had so audaciously in Team Singapore colors and service/duty or otherwise, abuse weed and abuse sex eeeerrgggghhhhhhhh shit me yuckzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh mine..................

Dear SNOC, it's the beginning of the end of clean sport in Singapore....

Dear SNOC, look at what disgraced and ousted ex-team Singapore marathoner Soh Ruiyong had written as surety for Joseph Schooling:

Soh Ruiyong wrote: "I personally think it's ok to ban cannabis use in sg but people should be free to do it overeas if they do choose. Why are our drug laws extraterritorial in restricting our people's behavior outside the borders of Singapore? Jo was going through a tough time, going through a loss of fitness and form, the loss of his dad and the loss of his swimming career and his freedom by enlisting in the army...."

I'm like what da heck?!!!!! Obviously a well-known and associated American-trained doper like Soh Ruiyong would defend the consumption of drugs outside of Singapore because he himself consumed and used them liberally for so long now (still using in 2021//2022) starting originally in the USA in 2016 roughly!!!).

Soh Ruiyong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Es tan chingada como asi tu sabes Soh Ruiyong?!!! Que chingada pensaste o hablaste asi?!!!! Quitas pensaste y hablaste como asi sobre las drogas esta debido a tu mismo abuso de drogas en Flagstaff Arizona con Ben Rosario y Jordan Chipangama y despues lo mismo abuso se les hiciste a Shanti Peirera, Tan Zong Yang, Michelle Sng, Calvin Quek, Luis Cunha, Vanessa Lee, Romaine Soh, Ruben Rainer Lee, Ang Chen Xiang?!!!!

Dear Soh Ruiyong, I Daddy Joe KS am friggin warning you as my son to not fool around any more damn it!!!! Do not use your words and your influence to corrupt the younger generation of athletes in the Singapore Sport Fraternity with drugs and insinuation of drugs, sex/pornography and insinuation of sex/pornography and other sexual immodesty, alcohol and insinuation of alcohol, do you understand dear dear Ruiyong?!!!!

Dear SNOC, as you can see, I Joe KS was always going to be proven true as matter of time, the rot with Singapore Sports already started with my dearest son Soh Ruiyong in 2015/2016 when he first met convicted and disgraced drug doper Jordan Chipangama of USA and wore his sandals, ie, imbibe and imbue all the wrong or immoral/unethical values of the sport in contrary to the olympic charter or the spirit of fairplay and ethics, then later passed these wrong and immoral/unthical values to a host of innocent young Singaporean starlets most recently seen performing so incredibly good at the 2022 Hanoi SEA Games such as Shanti Peirera (impossible comeback from 24.5 to 23.5 in the 200m in 3 years much less 2 weeks), Michelle Sng (2021 impossible 1.86 national record), Ang Chen Xiang (impossible sub 14 110m hurdles), Tan Zong Yang (impossible 47 second 400m with such short limbs and terrible stride rhythm), Rueben Rainer Lee (impossible 21 flat 200m running with such horrendous technique and looking so skinny), Romaine Soh (running 5min flat for 1500m an effort that is stupendous relative to her own history), Vanessa Lee (one shot wonder 7:59 2.4km and disappeared after that only to reappear with another shocking 8:07), and many more.......

Joseph Schooling being young or younger than Soh Ruiyong must have read about all these of my grievances and other whistleblowing with the athletics fraternity of Singapore throughout the years from 2016 onwards when I started officially calling out my son Ruiyong's bluff!!!!

Dear SNOC, I have no doubt in my mind that the STILL YOUNG AND INNOCENT Joseph Schooling, in his moment of weakness of the flesh gave in to temptation to smoke cannabis or marijuana only because of a subconscious complex hovering like a cloud or shadow at the back of his hippocampus or otherwise whispering or otherwise to him: 

"If Soh Ruiyong can get away with his drugs with Jordan Chipangama and Ben Rosario at the 2017 SEA Games in KL, and later all throughout the rest of the his career even till today in 2021/2022, and even when he also shared these same drugs or otherwise with Shanti Peirera, Ang Chen Xiang, Jeevanesh, Michelle Sng and so many more athletes for the SEA Games 2022, Commonwealth Games 2022, World Championships 2022, then what is 1 cannabis or marijuana joint?!!!!"

Dear SNOC, you and we have a right to be very very very very upset and worried at the increasing illegal drug abuse in all types of sport in Singapore athletics and swimming notwithstanding albeit the 2 most prominent sports in Singapore.

Dear SNOC, you have done well to oust Soh Ruiyong the Doping Kingpin in Singapore athletics but something feels not enough because his connections, associations and other influence still hold such a preponderant presence or sway in the Singapore Sports fraternity, ie, he is still able to instil and infuse his corrupt ethics and ethos including doping disguised as 'hard work' and 'honest training' to all the rest of the younger athletes thus corrupting them all and turning Sport in Singapore into a devil's or criminal's playground. It would be very soon before you and I couldn't differentiate between an athlete and a drug-addict and if drug-addict then sex/porn-addict, beer-addict, alcohol-addict precisely because these 3 evils (sex, drugs, alcohol) are ONE or go together as a package of sin!!!!!

Dear SNOC, Mark Chay has a right to be upset HERE

""SSA president Mark Chay said the association is disappointed with Lim's and Schooling's actions.

"Drugs have no place in our society and we take a zero-tolerance stance towards illegal drug use.

"This message, along with the expectations for our national athletes to uphold the highest standards of conduct, will be strongly reinforced amongst our community through our national coaches and affiliates.""

Dear SNOC, oh dear oh mine, please don't take my Joe KS' prophetic or prophetically revealing words any more lightly given as you know I have extremely 'special insight' into the history, circumstances, behaviors, indeed mind/heart/soul/spirit/body of my own beloved dear dear son Soh Ruiyong and his moral corruption!!!

Joseph Schooling and Amanda Lim are just diversions or scapegoats if you are able to tell that these doping or drug violations conceal even deeper and greater more coordinated systematic doping in the wider Singapore sports fraternity especially in athletics fronted by one son of mine Soh Ruiyong!!!!

Dear SNOC, MINDEF, CNB, you may not let Joseph and Amanda go away lightly but you may do infinitely more effectively if you go one step further and oust my son Soh Ruiyong from any role/appearance in any race track, road or otherwise any other job in any other organization of sport and its administration or advisory in Singapore forever and ever.

This means SNOC, you need to end Soh Ruiyong's professional running career like a dagger to the jugular vein, finish it, finish his time, finish his existence in sport, do it SNOC, you can do it, mete out an permanent ban on him please!!!!!

You got this SNOC, I'm behind you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Dear SNOC, like me Joe KS, I know you want to salvage clean and morally enlivening sport and game, but Soh Ruiyong, his doping and many other consorting unethical behaviors and actions/words/speeches/examples is the last cancer that needs to be eradicated.....


How does a man love or court a woman?! Let's find out........

Dear Singaporean airspace, today’s post needs every one’s urgent attention and here’s why:


I have a few questions concerning the state of mi pequenita hijo Soh Ruiyong’s current girlfriend (see below pic) inasmuch as I would like to know how to be sure that this young and innocently looking Asian damsel wasn’t trafficked or abducted to the UK by ‘bad men’?!


Without Soh Ruiyong providing a name and other social details of this young woman of his girlfriend, I Daddy Joe KS and all of us Singaporean men and women could possibly be wondering at potential wrong-doing or something more sinister and diabolical hidden away or tucked beneath the veneer of their happy smiles and gestures for the selfie camera!!!


Does that make sense like this ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace?!


I need to be safely sure and confident that the safety, well-being and life of this innocent looking young Asian damsel isn’t up to the sordid, lewd and perverse whims and fancies of mi pequenita hijo Soh Ruiyong!


Everyone remembers that Soh Ruiyong kept the name of his previous 2nd girlfriend a tight secret for an entire 2 years thereabouts if not more before they broke up probably early 2021 or even earlier and when he subsequently embarked on Vanessa Lee that now famous doping slut of his who ran an out of this world 7:59 for 2.4km and was never to be seen or equal to such talent and ability ever again in all her subsequent race performances or otherwise!


Just imagine Ashley Liew keeping Sandra’s name his girlfriend while dating for almost 2 years a tight secret , obviously Sandra would divorce or break up with Ashley midway in their dating relationship precisely because what prim and proper or real rock solid masculine man of HONOUR, DIGNITY, AND INTEGRITY dates a woman with an intention to have kids with her and/or marry her and/or setup family with her DOES NOT REVEAL HER SWEET AND BEAUTIFUL NAME to the entire world far and wide so that in so doing he is immensely PROUD OF HER AND HER QUALITIES/SKILLS/PASSIONS/CHARACTER/NATURE?!


Correct Sandra, pardon me! Correct Ashley, pardon me!


Dear Sandra, you would have wiped the smile off Ashley’s face, ie, slapped him so hard if he had the outrage or immodesty in him to NOT WANT THE GENERAL PUBLIC OR THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD to know that you Sandra Faustina Lee is his sole proprietary ownership or pride of company of his life! Indeed, dear Sandra, you would have broken up with Ashley before he came to his senses about his outrageous and egregious behavior towards a precious , wonderful and beautiful young woman like you!

Dear Ashley, you did a good job while dating Sandra, and, most importantly you did all the RIGHT THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You publicly declared your love and adoration/admiration for your future bride, hence desired to want to make her your future bride, that’s one. You also publicly declared her big and beautiful name, which is the most important detail in any real and serious/substantial relationship that will lead to meaningful and fruitful/productive marriage, and of course you revealed her beautiful picture so that all the men on earth would be aware that THIS WOMAN, SANDRA FAUSTINA LEE, is your exclusive territory!!!


WOWOWOWOWOW Ashley, kudos to you man, you are truly the man of every woman’s dreams in the manner in which you affirm, and repeatedly affirm your promise/oath/desire for Sandra SPELLED IN BOLD S-A-N-D-R-A FAUSTINA LEE in all your facebook posts and/or speeches, and also repeatedly affirm all the positive feminine or gender traits she complements you and your responsible or leadership masculine role!!!


That’s the way Ashley and Sandra, and of course attending marriage counselling ceremonies weekend after weekend in the lead up to your marriage also affirms and avows that you 2 MEAN BUSINESS when you declare your love and commitment towards marriage with each other!


I like that, I love it, but then when I look or compare with mi pequenita  hijo Soh Ruiyong I just wallow in mediocrity or low self-esteem as a father thinking myself  a COMPLETE FAILURE for having raised and reared a child in Ruiyong that couldn’t be anymore disgusting and shameful in all his doing, thinking and being!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cry, I nauseate that he had deserted the Righteous Commandments and Teachings of Daddy Joe KS or otherwise the Lord God of Heaven and Earth to embark irreversibly on a journey of recalcitrance, disobedience, unfaithfulness, deception, deceitfulness, duplicity, sexual profligacy, LGBTQ eeeewwwwwwwwww yuckzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Oh dear yuckzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz yuckzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz aaarrrrrggggghhhhhhhhh shit me…………


How could you do that dear dear Ruiyong, how sia?!


What are you doing Ruiyong, more accurately now, what are you doing to the recent women whom you dated?!

Are you violating or sullying them all or something for you can’t even give us THE DAMN NAME of your recent girlfriends in order that we Singaporeans can be sure YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FEMININE SANCTITY, HOPE, AND HONOUR/DIGNITY/HOLINESS of these women!!!


Ruiyong dear dear, do you ever learn from Righteous Men of God such as Ashley Liew and Mok Ying Ren how they establish their ways, speeches and acts in the paths of moral purity and righteousness insofar as publicly declaring in BIG BOLD LETTERS WHO, WHICH, WHAT the name and dignity/integrity of the woman they are dating, including, what they work as, why they work as, where they use to study or which school, who are her friends and her social circle, who are her wonderful parents who brought her up, who are her siblings, what her favourite food, drink, or clothing might be and most importantly what are their aspirations and dreams!!!


Did you not see how Ashley constantly revealed, declared and affirmed, like any real prim and proper man of dignity/integrity/honour would do, Sandra’s interests, passions, hopes and dreams in music and dancing/ballet even insofar as being as desperate for Sandra’s success as those for himself in running/racing or chiropractic profession?!


Ruiyong dear dear dear, I Daddy Joe KS and the entire wondering Singapore DO NOT SEE THESE THINGS, TRAITS, FEATURES, TYPES IN YOU AT ALL, NOT ONE BIT!!!


Instead, pardon me dear dear Ruiyong, it really really really really really really does seem like you whimsically, improperly and lasciviously plucked this young Asian damsel from an English club the same way Christian, the romantic or sexually poised English poet, plucked Satine the courtesan (read prostitute!!!!!) from a French cabaret or whorehouse in 2001 Moulin Rouge!!!



Oh oh oh oh oh dear……….eeerrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh this ain’t real is it?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell me dear dear Ruiyong that you didn’t do that and that this girlfriend of yours isn’t a courtesan or courtesan in Moulin Rouge or otherwise!!!



Ruiyong dear dear, YOU HAVE 24 HOURS TO TELL THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD, ALSO PROUDLY AND EMPHATICALLY LIKE AN OATH OR DEPOSITION OR AFFIDAVIT OR STATUTORY DECLARATION, THE BIG BOLD LETTERED NAME OF THIS YOUNG ASIAN GIRLFRIEND OF YOURS AND WHY OR WHETHER YOU LOVE HER, ie, outline, illustrate and delineate all her attributes, qualities, whether bodily physical, mental, emotional, spiritual traits that you think deserve our celebration and adulation!




Oh dear gosh sorry for swearing in the name of the Lord God, aaaarrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhh this is insane…………ooooooohhhhhhh


CHARM will always be a deep affection of mine, but what about Romaine Soh?!

Romaine and Ruiyong 2022 August

Most beautiful woman CHARM and Ruiyong 2018 March/April


Looking at the picture of Romaine Soh here makes me wonder if I'm looking at mi pequenita hijo Soh Ruiyong's first and best ever ex-gf CHARM being that I see some form of resemblance between the both of them for those reasons I might proffer below:

1) Romaine and CHARM were truly best of friends ever in the period of time they were acquainted with each other during mi pequenita hijo Ruiyong's courtship with the latter from 1st November or otherwise 2017 to 1st September or otherwise 2018

2) Because of this intimate friendship, they must have also mutually swapped or mapped/imaged/transposed some of each other's bodily vibrations/energies/frequencies such as speeches/tones, mannerisms, gestures, and even antics/humor/jokes and what not, does that make sense like this?!!

3) Romaine and CHARM both truly believed that they would be the first and last sister-in-law or would-be sister-in-law they ever mutually had with each other hence explaining how I found even the appearance of Romaine Soh so eerily similar or otherwise EVOKING of CHARM, does that make sense?!!

Pardon me ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace, I didn't mean to be so whimsical today to the extent of randomly fawning nostalgically over CHARM without any apparent provocation or otherwise but this photograph below had been guilty of provoking visceral and uuuugggghhhhh I-N-S-T-I-N-C-T-I-V-E emotions and feelings for CHARM through Romaine Soh!!!!!!

Romaine Soh had been the very antenna broadcast gateway that served CHARM, and I Daddy Joe KS the finely penetrating and/or receiving/tuning hole/antenna simply was A-R-O-U-S-E-D, ie, made uuuuggghhhh suitably aware of the latter (CHARM)!!!!!

Oh mine, oh dear, having CHARM and the hint of person of CHARM circulating and recirculating or inducing all over my brain's and body's electromagnetic circuits and pathways just cause so much motion or resistance (inertia!!!) to motion insofar as to fill all my veins, arteries and blood vessels with much blood and blood flow velocity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can feel this uuuuggghhhhh inertia in me right now as I write this post, that resistance (inertia) to changes in my state of motion to the extent that it electrifies my brain and body and keeps the uuuuggghhhh happiness biochemical(s), ie, dopamine, serotonin, adrenalin, endorphin in waves and drones en todo de mi cuerpo y cabeza/mente!!!!!!!

Does that make sense?!!!

And I relish this inertia or ohmic resistance that CHARM conveys into all my brain and body parts/organs/cells through Romaine due to the aforementioned revitalizing, rejuvenating and reinvigorating or re-nourishment it does for all of the same.

And just in case anyone of you might derive perverse or morally/ethically insupportable misconceptions about my fondness of CHARM, as well as, fondness of CHARM THROUGH ROMAINE SOH, I wish to rubbish all such corrupt leanings/suggestions even those sexually immoral by affirming that my uuuuggghhh fondness for CHARM and for CHARM THROUGH ROMAINE SOH obeys the laws of incommensurability, ie, the uuugggghh fondness I have for CHARM cannot be governed, imputed, adjudicated, made sense of, defined by terrestrial or carnal hence man-made sin-based laws, does that make sense like this?!!!!!

The fondness I have for CHARM and for CHARM through Romaine Soh the uuuggghhhh perfect vessel or conduit or reflection of the former is beyond the understanding, knowledge, or any other commensurate or commensurable definition/comparison/premise of man-made sinful or carnal mankind being unto those of a Divine God of Heaven and Earth.

Isaiah 55:8-9
"For my thoughts are not your (carnal!) thoughts, neither are your (carnal!) ways my ways, declares the Lord, as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your (carnal!!!!!!) ways, and my thoughts than your (carnal!!!!!!!!) thoughts"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So as you can see dear ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace, I Daddy Joe KS am probably suffering from a divine affliction or illness to the extent that I'm suffering also a divine gift/view/insight/knowledge/wisdom/understanding/feeling/sentiment when I can confidently say that my fondness for CHARM and for CHARM through Romaine Soh the vessel is incommensurable with mankind's or man-made mankind's C-A-R-N-A-L-I-T-Y!!!!

When I mean that my fondness for CHARM is incommensurable or incommensurate with mankind's carnality I do actually mean that my fondness for CHARM contains infinitely greater elements/virtues/attributes/factors/principles/values/premises/postulates/assumptions than carnal/sensual/sexual/materialistic or conventional sinful or sin-based suffered by majority of man-made mankind, does that make sense?!!!

It means that my carnal/sensual/materialistic/sexual or conventional sinful desires/inclinations/tendencies in my fondness for CHARM is infinitely dwarfed and overpowered in so convincing and victorious or invincible a manner that it appears to the external 3rd party observer such as perhaps mi pequenita hijo Soh Ruiyong standing afar off that I do not have any such carnal/sensual/materialistic/sexual inclinations and desires in my fondness for CHARM, does that make sense like this?!!!!!!!

Since appearance and appearance superficially carries a lot of weight in this illusion of our consciousness and existence, it is usually more than enough to convince a carnal/sensual/materialistic/corrupt/sexual man like Soh Ruiyong that Daddy Joe KS is indeed OUT OF THIS WORLD, and/or, TRULY D-I-V-I-N-E or otherwise, being the most morally/ethically well-balanced in ONE/ONE-NESS hence precise and finely tuned compared to any other conventional sinful man or woman on earth, does that make sense?!!!

Okay, so enough of all the epistemological and metaphysical rendition, or how and why I am caused or inclined/moved/vibrated/excited in certain directions/manners/ways, and instead let's move on for once away from my being towards my doing!!!

So upon contemplating the picture below I'm met with inertia in my being insofar as I remember all my otherwise divine or divinely inclined virtues/principles/reasons/ethics/morality at the tip of fingers, but also met with inertia in my doing!!! ie, I was induced or activated in all my mind and body to humor myself with more of CHARM and CHARM's past memories so flipping my well-kept digital photo album is one way I arouse and linger the past, and, flipping for youtube videos of CHARM is also another even better way because the movement or motion of CHARM endears indeed inscribes and engraves herself much better into my psyche/soul/mind/heart/spirit/organs/parts as ONE/ONE-NESS than static pictures or images could ever do, does that make sense?!!

To the extent I found attached here a recent youtube video filmed during the thick of the COVID 19 pandemic last year. 

Awwwwww oh mine, oh dear am I exclaiming not in weariness or frustration but that only of pure merry and joy when I got my hands on this youtube video clip showing CHARM in motion, ie, talking, speaking, walking, gesturing, articulating because I particularly like her locution in her speech and found her such an uuuuuggghhhhhh uuuuggghhhhh beautiful orator the kinds suitable for news desk reportage or reporter, does that make sense?!!!

And of course her lithe, agile and acrobatic frame just bewilders my imagination and fuels my metaphysical desire due to the amount of metaphysically oooohhhhh ravishing feminine vivacity evoked from these attractive traits of hers, does that make sense?!!

I also like how her eyes, although they were blinking furiously perhaps due to the mal-rhythm suffered from the COVID vaccines, drew much pulse and blood away from my heart valve to the extent that it seemed to distress me the amount of terrible emotional, mental, physical scarring she had suffered at the hands of a very very very abusive, selfish, and downright deceptive/deceitful/conniving/scheming/plotting ex-bf Soh Ruiyong!!!!!!!

Oh mine, oh dear, do I now exclaim in the shoes of those infirmed and ill that not of merry or those experiencing merriment!!!!!!!!

I do wonder now whether throughout my exposition in this post I had inadvertently bore CHARM and Romaine Soh completely naked respectively to the extent that I had revealed, through each of them in one another, the most commensurable and inseparable attributes/qualities that enjoined and urged them together in friendship and later the most incommensurable and separable ones that even this friendship in its troubled and divorced state still fondly remembers and engraves/inscribes in each other's psyche/heart/mind/soul/spirit/body as ONE/ONE-NESS, does that make sense?!!

As an out of this world sharpened and enhanced electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive ability/ingenuity/capacity, I Daddy Joe KS have ways and thoughts or otherwise as per Isaiah 55:8-9 higher or far higher than man-made conventional mankind and hence also possess the natural flair that bears all things, persons, events metaphysically naked before my eyes including those of CHARM, Romaine and Ruiyong, and for me in today's post, to remember CHARM is to do the same of Romaine Soh and vice versa.......

Dear CHARM, you will always be the first and last woman I ever entrance and enchant hence be deeply moved and affected by......💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

Dear Romaine, you will always be the perfect image screen projector of CHARM in the way the 2 of you seem to grow into and reflect each other's voices, tones, gestures, mannerisms, actions, speeches so well or soooooo sooooooooo inseparably like sisters or sister-in-laws!!!!!!!!!

Dear Ruiyong, you lost the most gorgeous woman in the world in CHARM and still do when you forget and neglect yourself with that sub-par run-of-the-mill Asian girlfriend of yours that you met in England!

My pleading: hand me the Nobel Prize in Science (Physics) immediately!

Ladies and gentlemen of planet earth, I offer you the most illuminated section of my mind/brain in offering you nobel prize winning selection material: the FULL HENCE TOTAL proof of electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity that which is of a higher more refined standard than 'objective' ones!

In the past few years or decades even insofar as those decades in the 50s, 60s, 70s retrospectively I have witnessed much anguish and disappointment among even the most aristocratic and skilful EHS/MCS experts in the scientific-medical community which anguish and disappointment relates to those of being unable to nail down an immovable/eternal proof or cause of EHS/MCS wherein immovable is defined as INCONQUERABLE FOR ALL TIME AND SPACE, ie, unfalsifiable or like a God or Divine God or otherwise!

Does that make sense like this?!

What I have only witnessed is continual fiasco of a back and forth scuffle between various EHS/MCS scientific-medical groups or otherwise of one group proffering an imminent molecule/precursor or few molecules/precursors hence cause/proof of EHS/MCS and another competing group or individual backtracking spectacularly in a not so imminent manner, even in some cases completely rubbishing any such proofs or potential for proofs.

Such supposedly 'objective' molecules/precursors seem to always have a subjective biological meaning/symbol/rationale or effect to put simply, and perhaps some of you might already be quite familiar with all these from oxidative or nitrosative reactive species or otherwise innumerable other ones that seem to be correlated with EHS/MCS symptomatology.

I as a 3rd party reference observer observing the tussle or scuffle between individuals and groups for scientific-medical supremacy in the realm of EHS/MCS can only snicker surreptitiously to myself precisely because I humbly find all these individuals and groups 'off the mark' or 'missing the target'!

There is validity in the suspicion that these molecules/precursors from biology supposedly the objective cause of EHS/MCS could in fact be also the cause of many other illnesses/diseases on earth which means that there could be any infinite amount of co-variables from everywhere in the environment, indeed the entire universe from one end to the other or otherwise including those of the thought-universe or MIND that could induce the same molecules/precursors!

And, the only reason why an elusive and sometimes downright impossible objective benchmark could be demanded/regulated/required of EHS/MCS scientists and medical doctors by the WHO, ICNIRP, FCC, IEEE or otherwise any other public health regulatory body is precisely to safeguard and protect the financial coffers and profits of major industries, national governments and big corporations, does that make sense?!

And these supposedly objective molecules/precursors and other scans which are heavily emphasized as being objective or full of objectivity by EHS/MCS scientific-medical groups or otherwise are supposed to continue safeguarding the same institutions and corporations of their financial targets if every single one of these molecules/precursors could also reap great financial profit and become financially valuable and significant as a diagnosis and its attendant treatment, does that make sense?!

So as everyone can see here, 'objectivity' or 'objective-ness' in science and medicine has a terrible profit-making purpose associated with it much more so than the supposed therapeutic or alleviating effects it is supposed to provide for illnesses and diseases.

Ordinarily, such objectivity isn't ethical or unethical per se, rather it is terrestrial or earth-bound or carnal (for lack of a better word)!!! Precisely because carnal or terrestrial men and women can be both ethical and unethical, therefore the latter unable to provide a good control or control variable for 'objectivity' or 'objective-ness', does that make sense?!

As a metaphysically and epistemologically highly discerning and differentiating electrohypersensitive human being, there is no 'one size fits all' type of objectivity for me and I'm forced to differentiate or calculate the different levels of objectivity from terrestrial/carnal which is the lower and more unrefined/unsophisticated one to of course the higher divine/spiritual one, does that make sense?!

So to the extent aforementioned and repelled of carnal/terrestrial (of the carnal senses!) objectivity, I would like to provide my own seriously immovable/eternal proof of EHS/MCS that which is objective in every sense of the word divine/spiritual which rules the carnal/terrestrial realms or realms of objectivity.

Word of caution: my objective proof would leave much to be desired in a different and more all-encompassing and inconquerable/invincible way/manner than carnal/terrestrial ones from molecules/precursors and other scans and what not!

Here it goes:

"The human mind and body is as a huge charge being carried around the earth's axis, as well as, together with this rotating earth through the ether which is made up of elemental particles which behave as a fluid to solid bodies, and, simultaneously as a solid to high-frequency radiofrequency, microwave and infra-red radiation. Since charge carried around constitutes a magnetic field, and since such a magnetic field then imparts rotational momentum (ie, rotates the plane of polarization) to the electromagnetic field, the result of all these is the induction or establishment of Faradayan microhelical electromagnetic tubes of force inside the human mind and body that rotates around irrotational empty ether cores wherein the human mind and body passes through these elemental ether particles and their cores as it journeys as a huge charge through the universe!

These Faradayan microhelical electromagnetic tubes or tubules of force inside the human mind and body establishes and justifies NATURALLY the same, including establishing and justifying of course LONG-LIVED OR ETERNAL HEALTH AND VITALITY, OR, IMMORTALITY, INCLUDING UNTOUCHED OR INCORRUPTIBLE MORALITY THAT IS INTERTWINED WITH THE ETHER'S DIVINE ORIGINS HENCE DIVINE WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING!

Also these tubes or tubules being so naturally established and justified in and of the Ether are hence very symmetrically well-formed just like the microhelices of the DNA except infinitely more invisible.

Under the impression or stress/duress of artificial man-made high-frequency or radiofrequency electromagnetic fields or irradiation, the elemental Ether particles which are passing through the human mind and body solidifies (as earlier mentioned) and becomes instantaneous inertia (mass) during the duration in which it passes through the mind and body. A change in electromagnetic momentum inside the mind and body has thus or is going to occurr due to this newfound inertia! The mind and body with its previously well-formed and well-established microhelical tubes/tubules of electromagnetic force RESISTS such changes in electromagnetic momentum via Faradayan law due to its own inertia thus adding or causing more inertia to itself which is non-natural and non-naturally justified/established. The once well-formed and well-established and aligned microhelical tubes/tubules of electromagnetic force of human eternal everlasting health and vitality now become fragmented, severed, ruptured, penetrated, asymmetrical thus disrupting the natural flow (microhelical boring of the tubes of force around irrotational naturally and divinely wrought Ether cores/elements passing through the mind and body) of electromagnetic charge throughout the mind and body thus also disrupting or severing the transfer of energy between the this Ether and the human mind+body.

Therefore without this transfer of energy from the environmental Etheric elements/cores as without the very providence or providential care of the Divine God of Heaven and Earth, the human mind and body is foregone in its utter destruction and death!!! Illnesses and diseases of the mind and body galore due to malformation of the Faradayan microhelical tubes/tubules of electromagnetic force, therefore malformation of also good moral/ethical principles/virtues that only the Ether, Providential Ether hence Divine God may imbue and teach rather than man-made artificial society and its carnal customs/practices!!!"

Does that make sense like this?!!

Well, that's the end of the proof, I don't think anybody gets closer in such totality the way all the power of death in a lightning bolt/flash is also totally absorbed or evaporated into the fine edged tip of a cylindrical metallic beam at the top of a roof building!

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