Dear ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace, I'm honestly shocked to further find out from this article HERE that Joseph Schooling has made so many further breaches in the course of his representing Singapore at major games. I quote from the article linked:
"According to SNOC, Schooling breached several rules in the code of conduct.
Some of the rules included the prohibition of gambling and smoking at all times and taking any drugs or medication without the prior consent of the doctor of the Singapore team.
The code of conduct also stated that participants should inform the Chef de Mission of their whereabouts if they leave the games accommodation, and that they are not allowed to pursue their own activities without prior approval.
Schooling breached both those rules, as well as a daily "lights out" rule from 11pm to 6am. He also broke a rule that only allowed participants to drink alcohol after they have completed all their respective events at the games."
Oh mine, oh dear, like what da heck's going on?!!!!!!!!! The above breaches taken in totality and in context of Joseph being Singapore's most well-loved, cared for, doted upon and desired or revered male masculine athlete of all time (being Olympic champion is helpful too!!!) is absolutely egregious upon egregious upon egregious just eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww, U-N-T-H-I-N-K-A-B-L-E MORAL ABOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!
It's so unthinkable it's fictional..........oh dear oh mine..................
It's akin in moral corruption to those of the recent adulteress Rachel Wong and the manner in which she committed adultery, ie, she committed adultery on the damn day or otherwise night of her otherwise nuptial ceremony attended by otherwise hundreds if not thousands of family, next of kin and close friends or otherwise, does that make sense?!!!!!!
For a Singaporean woman born and raised in very morally righteous, ie, conservative Singaporean airspace/environment to conduct adultery in such a manner, rather than perhaps committing adultery 5 years* into the marriage after much conflict, tension and resentment/hatred that naturally attends marriage and marriage spouses in a modern city, is also egregious upon egregious upon egregious and simply U-N-T-H-I-N-K-A-B-L-E in a morally abominable way!!!!!!
*P.S I'm not intending to condon adultery by saying that it's okay for couples to cheat after 5 years or at least not on wedding day/night!!!
And that's why it's similarly unthinkable as to be fictional for Rachel Wong's adultery or otherwise, does that make sense?!!!
I mean oh dear...........oh this is just sooooooooooo eeeerrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh...............
Really, ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace, there isn't even an unreasonable, much less reasonable excuse for Joseph Schooling and Rachel Wong to snub and insult/mock all the love and adulation SNOC, the Singaporean republic, and for Rachel Wong her husband and all their next-of-kin and close friends, in the manner of their subsequent conduct. On top of the egregious-ness of their actual conduct and conduct breaches, the indifferent or uncaring/unconscionable manner in which they both respectively had snubbed and insulted/mocked all the love and adulation that surrounds and attends their existence through those who pour in so much love, care, support and attention on them is in and of itself another layer of egregious or egregious-ness, does that make sense like this?!!!!!
Haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....................oh oh oh oh oh why oh why eeeeerrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
In any event, the conduct breaches of Joseph Schooling were really unexpected when it was mentioned he 'gambled, smoked, alcohol' like really?!!!!!! Gosh, sorry for swearing in the name of the Lord God of Heaven and Earth but that sounds like what a street-side hustler or gang member/thug would do!!!!! Such behavior is incongruent with The Honorable leadership of Tan Chuan-Jin and SNOC!!!!! Such behavior is going to be frowned upon even by the most unreasonable member of Singaporean society for what sort of image does Joseph portray if he, an Olympic champion is also gambling and smoking?!!!! And smoking weed and/or tobacoo/nicotine?!!!
This is just incredible and I hope my dear dear son Soh Ruiyong is listening and reading this right now because he himself was almost on the verge of being paraded in the same manner in public and news media channels by the SNOC and its disciplinary committee IF NOT for the lack of a legally valid 'Athlete Code of Conduct' back in 2017/2018 or in the aftermath of his 2 consecutive and intentional missed drugs tests, blackout rule violation, cutting holes, and prize money dispute, to name a few among even more serious and flagrant conduct/code breaches in the subsequent years of 2019/2020/2021 and still present day 2022!!!
Soh Ruiyong: te suerte que la SNOC no te expongaria en los anos pasados in 2017/2018 en relacion malas conducto especifico. No imaginas que miedoso si todo Singapur a traves de periodicos encontraran tus drogas cuando se triunfa en contra Agus Prayogo..........
And what does Joseph think of trying to do when he left the games village without approval from Chef de Mission? Taken in totality and in context it seems to me he went out together with Amanda Lim, his otherwise wild and ephemeral forage, in the middle of the night after lights out under the secretive cover of darkness to procure weed/tobacco/alcohol or otherwise any other hedonistic substances from a secret Vietnamese or otherwise sect, return in joy in each other's arms to one of their hotel rooms and proceeded to consensually sexually trespass one another's body for hedonistic pleasure???!!!!
All these done behind the back of the Chef de Mission, this is just disgusting! Again, it's unthinkable as fictional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If there was reason how Joseph Schooling's performances deteriorated since 2016 Olympic Games, I think the SNOC inadvertently discovered it for themselves if Joseph Schooling's internal body systems are laced with pure odium of the trio of illicit sex, illicit drugs, illicit alcohol!
Yuckzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Joseph Schooling has virtually deteriorated despite so much 'guidance and attention/education' from so many Singapore stakeholders against the contrary, into a thug or thug-like! Singapore had never known such a deterioration of an Olympic Champion because we never had one and never seen how one spiraled down towards the bottom pit but now we have an idea!!!
Singaporean parents who watch their kids grow up would now be very hesitant to allow their kids the stress and limelight of representing Singapore, hence representing Singapore AT ALL hence be willing to participate in any sporting or otherwise endeavor in view of representing Singapore AT ALL seeing that Singapore's deteriorating environmental/social/moral culture seem to be at loggerheads with those suitable for sustaining the good morality/ethics/vitality and good health mental, emotional, sexual, physical, spiritual of any human being in Singapore much less those of an Olympic caliber or champion!!!
Does that make sense like this?!
While The SNOC and The Honorable Tan Chuan-Jin is very good at managing breaches and setbacks to the organization and sporting community, the method to prevent these breaches and setbacks in the first place is still far from over or ever fully effective. Deterrence via fear is not wholesome enough a method of prevention, it's not harmonizing or therapeutic enough for the human mind+body as ONE HARMONIOUS ENTITY, while education just as deterrence is also very divorced from the actual circumstances of temptation of breaching hence not wholesome enough a method of prevention. If anybody asks me Joe KS, really there is only 1 method most wholesome/handsome of them all under heaven and earth that will prevent any breaches or setbacks or temptation to breach and setback in any Singaporean athlete's mind+body as ONE/ONE-NESS forever and ever and ever:
"Turn off the electricity or otherwise immigrate to an electricity-less countryside or suburban environment far away from Singapore. In this manner, the temptations that befell Joseph's electrified mind+body could never have occurred because we would be singing his praises in 2017 as the 100m Butterfly World Champion over Caleb Dressel (who coincidentally lives on a super large acre farm in the middle of an Florida Orlando's lush green jungles/forests with few electricity/antennas and fewer particulate air pollution!), and also singing his praises at the 2019 and 2021 World and Olympic Champion STILL in the same event. Joseph would not need any recourse to illicit weed, illicit sex or hedonism, illicit alcohol to fill any pleasure gap in his life precisely because there would have been no lack of pleasure and satisfaction at a life well-lived with so many trophies in his multi-decorated championship cabinet!!!"----Proprietary and classified information of Joe KS!!!
Caleb Dressel's reign is not fortuitous nor is it training related because Joseph trains just as hard if not harder than he does. Neither is there any relation to coaching because there is no significant advantage one coach has over the other! They are all world class coaches and bemedaled DUH!!! Neither is there sports science discrepancy in question, in fact I would like to think Caleb gets less sports science help than Joseph ever got but dominated longer and more comprehensively than Joseph ever did in the pool, and still is dominating in 2022 6 years after 2017!!! Joseph fizzled out almost immediately after Rio Olympics. Therefore Caleb's reign or lack thereof can only be imputed to the invisible world/realm of electricity or lack thereof, and the same for Joseph Schooling!
Just take a look at Caleb Dressel's physical/mental indeed moral/ethical endurance/longevity by affirming his uuuuggghhhh beautiful lush green farm set in the Florida jungles and forests below:
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