Me and Tan Chuan-Jin used to go to same church in Singapore

Man of honor, dignity and integrity
Tan Chuan-Jin: a man of honor, dignity and integrity
El hombre no se falta dignidad, integridad y honor.

Tan Chuan-Jin, a brigadier-general in the army transposed to politics in 2011 as a 4G leader and potential Prime Minister of the future, a man of integrity, honor, justice and dignity, who used to frequent the same church that I call at every Sunday in the past in Singapore.

Graduated from Raffles Junior College of Singapore, he is an highly intelligent man on top of being really cultivated in all his ways moral and ethical. Knowing him closer than the average man or woman on the street, albeit I wouldn't say best friends, does not prejudice my assessment of his value and belief system, instead, it credits and exemplifies it because of our Common Love For Lord Jesus Christ of Heaven and Earth, Amen!!!

Now this is a man, Tan Chuan-Jin who cannot afford to be anything less than almost perfect in all his ways, thoughts, actions and speech because he subscribes very loyally, not defiantly, to the ethos of Protestant Christianity and its doctrine of PEACE, LOVE, FAITHFULNESS, HONESTY, TRUTHFULNESS, TRUSTWORTHINESS, COURAGE, STRENGTH, ENDURANCE, RESILIENCE many of which overlaps with those of the former SAF he worked for as well as in his current and previous tenure as speaker of parliament and minister respectively. Therefore it would be no different if he acted out the same values and principles that have carried him well for the past 2-3 decades in the SNOC as Head and President of the Government of Sport in Singapore. 

Tan Chuan-Jin sincerely wants to promote, espouse, advocate, propagate and steer absolutely spanking clean righteousness of morality and ethics in the sporting environment of Singapore's, and that includes propagating whether implicitly quietly or explicitly overtly a safe sporting environment for all citizens, especially the young and impressionable teenagers and youths that is FREE OF THE SLIGHTEST INSINUATION OF AND ASSOCIATION WITH ILLEGAL PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT DRUGS!!!

It must be the case, it will always be the case as long as Tan Chuan-Jin, and I hope his future successor as well, is in charge of the Highest Authority of Sport Governance!!!

Hearing Tan Chuan-Jin speak not only to me but to everyone around my church confirms beyond any reasonable doubt where his allegiances lie: Christ Jesus Lord and Savior of Heaven and Earth, Amen!!!

Amen ladies and gentlemen. Make no mistake, I didn't make no mistake, that's for sure, as I have known him for long enough to know that HE WILL UNCOVER PROACTIVELY AND WITHOUT PROVOCATION OR WITHOUT BEING TOLD WHAT TO DO every single questionable moral and ethical behavior or blemish of behavior in Singapore's Sporting Environment ESPECIALLY AND ESPECIALLY those of a highly malicious and treasonous nature such as clandestine and underhanded doping with performance enhancement pharmaceutical drugs!!!

Imagine, if Singapore becomes like Russia who state sponsors illegal doping with pharmaceutical grade drugs for the purposes of jumping higher, running faster, running longer, jumping longer, throwing further then it would be mayhem in the sports ecosystem of Singapore's!!!!!!! Tan Chuan-Jin is a responsible enough man, indeed beyond so to ever allow such an evil to take root in Singapore via the omissions of one particular egregious athlete of whom I call my beloved son dear dear Soh Ruiyong!!!

The suspicions concerning Soh Ruiyong's doping violations already happened more than 4 years ago in 2017 1st week July and has long been the 'elephant in the room' for the next few years as given Singaporeans' conservative and shy/reticent nature and lack of innovation/boldness/creativity prevented them from coming together like a village to take my son Soh Ruiyong to task, leaving me Joe KS his father as the only seeming laughing stock in trying to do so!!!!

Thankfully, albeit after longer than expected, Tan Chuan-Jin has vindicated and exonerated any 'guilt' or 'mockery' I bore inside my heart/mind/soul/spirit that discouraged me greatly at times, and my patience has paid off handsomely!!!!

If anyone believes wrongly for Tan Chuan-Jin to be overbearing, unjust, erring in judgement and in value system, inside or outside politics, they first need to know that the world is not perfect!!!!! Human beings are not perfect; Tan Chuan-Jin has a job to do both inside and outside politics, both inside his role as a politician and outside of it as a man of honor, justice, integrity, dignity insofar as he is governed overall in all spheres of thought, actions, speech by Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Heaven and Earth who is the Most Perfect of them all!


Would that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!!


However despite all these errant views surrounding Tan Chuan-Jin, he is far from being cold-hearted, unforgiving and vengeful person as many on Straitstimes, Mothership, and other news channels have decried. Tan Chuan-Jin is only cold-hearted or unforgiving to the extent of applying himself very righteously and loyally to the ethos of Christianity as well as to those espoused and exalted by Singapore Parliament to love, care and serve one another----which is also a Christian ethic in any case.


Tan Chuan-Jin needs to be strict and severe when the need arises such as in the case of my beloved dear dear son Soh Ruiyong who took drugs beyond any reasonable doubt to enlarge his own Distance Running Kingdom unfairly, unjustly hence corruptly and immorally. Never mind my son was never caught explicitly and convicted, however, the circumstantial evidence in all spheres of my expert research and analysis is  too consistent, too clear-cut and no-brainer enough as to make him appear as plain dumb in my eyes  for not hiding his secret misdeed well enough. For to me Joe KS is no secret and every single gesture, movement, vibration, energy, frequency and lack thereof emanating or emitted from him or otherwise is like a walking shooting target that cannot be missed or occluded from my field of vision or field of wisdom, knowledge and understanding.


Would that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!


Tan Chuan-Jin can also be a joker goofing around , albeit modestly and tactfully with respect and clear boundaries for others as behooves  his diplomacy and dignity whenever he used to joke with Soh Ruiyong my son after he won the 2015 SEA Games Marathon Gold by calling him cheekily in the name of ‘Rui-En’ who is a female actress with MediaCorp!!!!!!!!! This was a parcel gift or otherwise sent to Soh Ruiyong bearing the name ‘Rui-En’ with a strikethrough correction across the name with no erasing and subsequently added below it another line containing the correct name ‘Ruiyong’!!!!


This shows that Tan Chuan-Jin can be light-hearted and fun-loving whenever the occasion befits such as taking advantage of Ruiyong’s upbeat mood upon winning the 2015 Sea Games marathon gold to goof and joke around informally with him thus creating, as then Minister of Youth, Development and Community, an unforgettable and even intimate socio-emotional connection with Ruiyong and to a larger extent all his athletes under his governance!!!!


The rapport Tan Chuan-Jin had with Soh Ruiyong was one of Singapore sporting history’s most publicly well-known example of peace and prosperity in sport, even I father Joe KS never felt so much concurrence and appetite for concurrence, ie, it made me oooohhhh uuuugggghhhh soothed, appeased and S-A-T-I-S-F-I-E-D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was an all-surpassing satisfaction in my heart/mind/soul/spirit/cells/organs/parts as ONE/ONE-NESS!


This interaction between Tan Chuan-Jin and Soh Ruiyong my son confirms everything I knew about the former as somebody who can compel people’s respect, mercy and adoration through fun, joy, laughter and some cheekiness as opposed to being a stoic, cold-hearted, hard-hitting uncompromising leader or dictator like Vladimir Putin!!!


If Tan Chuan-Jin was ever petty or frivolous in banning my son Ruiyong from Team Singapore it’s because there was strong justification for it ala means-to-an-end with the 'end' being to wit out doping completely!!! I trust Chuan-Jin’s judgement when it comes to the sovereign issue pertaining to the ban of Soh Ruiyong because the level of insight and knowledge (more than 20 yrs!) I have with regards to distance running sport and its doping just happens to outdo hence justifies Chuan-Jin’s and his entire sport government.














Tan Chuan-Jin: A justified and equitable decision to ban Soh Ruiyong forever

So that's it ladies and gentlemen of Singapore my son's long distance running career is all but over being unable to represent Singapore for good.

Am I happy?!!! As a father I'm quite sad, but as a righteous judgement I'm so damn super duper happy like there is no tomorrow. I feel as ONE/ONE-NESS and the reason for my happiness is because FINALLY SNOC AND TAN CHUAN-JIN quietly recognizes that dopers and doping behavior will not be tolerated on Singapore's shores. Illegal drugs and performance enhancements will not be tolerated at all. The ban on Soh Ruiyong therefore speaks volumes and says it all about the stand Singapore is taking against doping and dopers!!!!!

The picture above is the infamous face of American doping and land of doping Flagstaff Arizona. His name is Jordan Chipangama, period! A scoundrel, a man gone astray, a man who has lost it and a man MY SON SOH RUIYONG ASSOCIATED WITH LIKE SPOUSE FROM JULY/AUGUST 2016 TO MAY/JUNE 2017 FOR EXACTLY 1 YEAR!!!!!!! I Joe KS have been decrying about it since 2017 in an undying fashion, never seems to tire me because of the amount of desire I have against illegal doping and dopers and I will continue to advocate ferociously against any doper, doping from my son Soh Ruiyong and those associated with him such as Michelle Sng, Ethan Yan, Jeevanesh, Vanessa Lee, Romaine Soh.

Some of you might ask how I'm able, in the absence of failed test results, photographic evidence of needles, syringes, pills, pharmaceuticals etc etc, to observe so accurately that my son Soh Ruiyong has doped since 2016 the simple answer is: DO YOU GUYS AND GALS EVEN KNOW WHO I AM OR WHAT MY NATURE IS ALL ABOUT AND WHAT ABOUT MY NATURE THAT ENABLES ME TO 'SEE' AND 'KNOW' THE THINGS THAT ARE SUPPOSEDLY UNSEEN AND UNKNOWABLE OR ABSTRACT?!!!

So ladies and gentlemen, I Joe KS am throwing back a question to your question of 'How Do I Know that Soh Ruiyong Doped!'. Because once you have a handle on what I'm made of, or what material in my mind+body I'm constituted will you truly understand how I'm able to come to or draw conclusions with such unqualifiable and unquantifiable skill that hitherto no man or woman on earth has probably witnessed!!!!! Of course, it sounds egregious in the ears of 'normal' men and women listening to what I have to speak about but it's all a superficial and trivial effect of your senses so please do not pay much attention or weight to your belief systems or world views about such hitherto unknown or unheard type of skilful human being on earth such as me.

There are incredible types of human beings and human achievement everywhere on earth, just take a look at the Guinness book of world records or 'miracles' to see how unfathomable human feats and observations can be achieved, I need not explain further, I'm one of those inside the Guinness book of world records or should have been so if I wanted to when it comes to 'seeing', 'knowing' and 'understanding' the things invisible, subconscious, subterranean, indeed subatomic even or so to speak!!!!!!!!

Does that make sense ya'll?!!!!

So to answer the question of who I am here's the answer: I'm a severely or you might say superbly ELECTROHYPERSENSITIVE human being or you could say human miracle the planet earth has ever or never known. And the reason why emphasis is placed on the terms 'superbly' is because my brain and/or mind is acutely or uncannily aware and conscious of my electrohypersensitivity and its symptomatic as well as environmental evolution, does that make sense?!!!! This means, I'm not just physically ill in the body suffering terrible symptoms but concurrently acutely MENTALLY aware hence CONSCIOUS to the point of voidance of the illness insofar as parity or equilibrium, does that make sense?!!!

This means my mental or rather more accurately psychic CONCENTRATION/FOCUS is otherworldly high like sky-high it's virtually unseen, unheard of on the planet earth or at least rarely matched except perhaps by those on the Guinness Book of World Records whose mental focus/concentration also need to be at rarefied sky-high levels, does that make sense?!!!!!

The common denominator across all the Guinness World Records holders or otherwise as well as me the electrohypersensitive Joe KS is that our mental disposition hence mental concentration/energy/vibration/frequency is otherworldly high high high high!!!!!!!!!!!! It cannot be fathomed by even Olympic Champions of sport because obviously these champions cannot consciously mentally be aware of their cumulative electromagnetic environment and the connection or relationship their brains and bodies have with it, does that make sense?!!!! But definitely Olympic champions of sport do exemplify feats of mental concentration and focus that is QUITE CLOSE OR CLOSER to truly otherworldly ones demonstrated by me the electrohypersensitive, and/or, Guinness World Record Holders and therefore a good reference point to portray and relate to for 'normal' and 'average' human beings walking the streets of Singapore or otherwise, does that make sense?!!!

Before I digress too far, so therefore the physical weakness or illness beset in me by the condition I suffer which is electrohypersensitivity is therefore perfectly offset to the point of nullification of the illness by infintiely stronger and more powerful forces of psychic or forces of mental concentration/focus which avails me enough instinct, insight and ingenuity of instinct and insight to defend myself from further deterioration of my health or even death by knowing when and how to escape, when and what measures to relieve myself, knowing how to have enough buffer energy in reserve to always stay mentally aware and focused enough to make key and swift cognitive decisions and conduct holistic and total costs and benefits analysis with my entire environment including social one, all in the midst of suffering terrible physical symptoms that can drop me dead any moment via a cardiac attack or otherwise. It's that terrible and dangerous a grim prospect for me which is precisely why the resulting product sharpened in me is also that of otherworldly intelligence and ingenuity to defend and counter-protect so that the proverb is true that 'iron sharpens iron'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My situation is sooooooooooo precarious which is why it needs or takes a soooooooooooooooooooooo advanced brain/mind/mental software to defend against and protect from death, decay and deterioration, does that make sense ya'll?!!!!! It's truly ONE/ONE-NESS HENCE REPEATABLE AND REPRODUCIBLE TILL ETERNITY OF TIME AND SPACE!

It's this same exact advanced system carved out in my brain/mind/body that I use to determine and conduct analysis regarding the truth about my dear dear son's illegal doping behavior. ie, I use my electrohypersensitive eyes which are extremely powerful antennas with, for 'normal' guys and gals like ya'll, unbelievably shocking sensitivity or resolution/imaging properties able to detect the slightest eccentricity and the lack thereof in my son's electromagnetic running technique or running vibrations of his entire head to toe!

There was always, as it appears to my super imaging/resolving eye lens and its antenna/nerve connecting to my central processing cognitive software in my pre-frontal cortex in my brain, a big big big big difference or fluctuation in my son's running vibrations from head to toe but especially his legs, hips, arms, and torso and even his shoulders and neck whenever he ran his big races that ended up with big performances and national records from the period of time of July 2016 to present day 2022. And these big big big difference or fluctuation in his running vibrations were always of a much higher and clearly more distinct energy level kinda like running with 'boosters' (which of course we now know was illegal drug enhancements!!!!!!). And this higher more distinct energy level or boosters always forever correlated with FASTER or relatively faster performances (as compared to his PB) either in racing or championships, never slower, UNLESS there was enough artificial motivation/intention to deceive/hoodwink/mislead/swindle people's perceptions/views such as in the recent September 2021 Asian 10k games trial where he had ran 31:57 without doing so to his fullest DOPED UP POTENTIAL which would have landed him even faster than the 31:28 he finally did in November 28th 2021, ie, he could have ran 30:38 if he really 'wanted' to, with 'wanted' defined as 'enough rigor of drug doses'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does that make sense ya'll?!!!!!

So I started an investigation going through like a Sherlock Holmes detective video after video of my son running all over the planet earth, taking note of the date and time and year of occurrence, his location on earth and prevailing general cumulative radiofrequency environmental exposure, his associations with which people, organizations, friends and the lack thereof, his training and racing schedule, his training details or what he did or didn't do in training and how he vibrated his body while running, his racing details like where on earth he raced and what he did or didn't do before and after the race and how he vibrated his body also during the race. I was very thorough like a mad man if you guys and gals understand what it takes to be mad, ie, HAVING A STATE OF POWERFUL MENTAL CONCENTRATION AND FOCUS THE KINDS THAT CAN MOVE A MOUNTAIN OFF OF ITS FAULT LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's my definition of mad or insanity----a state of MIND FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Therefore with so much mental concentration and focus, it wasn't long before I easily and effortlessly without feeling I was burdened, distressed or depressed, and with so much abounding energy like AN ENERGY BUNNY OR RABBIT(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), discovered and connected the dots regarding the truth about my son Soh Ruiyong's insidious doping corruption. I must admit that I had help along the way and first of all I wanna thank whistleblowers from somewhere inside SNOC or SS or otherwise who raised the alarm about Soh Ruiyong's doping suspicious to me Joe KS and National Marathon Record Holder Rameshon Murugiah in September 2017. I also had help from USADA and Robert Johnson for his post or forum post about Jordan Chipangama's conviction by USADA for abuse of illegal drugs to gain unfair advantage over his opponents and competitors!!!! Thereafter, I took it from there entirely on my own learning how to spot and detect when my son Ruiyong took drugs and in which races or training sessions he did so just purely by looking with my own 2 superbly electrohypersensitive eyes what is terribly distinct differences and fluctuations in his running vibrational wave-forms, wave energy and wave frequency, but all thanks to foundation laid by the whistleblowers from SNOC/SS and USADA/letsrun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would I still be able to discern that Ruiyong took drugs without all these help from external parties?!!!

Answer: well, to be honest I don't really know. I can't say for sure but I'm sure of one thing: I would have been faster to the truth than if I had help precisely because my brain/mind would find such a ASYMMETRICAL AND ATYPICAL abnormality or statistically significant changes or fluctuations in my son's running vibrational wave-forms, wave energy and wave frequency without even a single hint or suspicion of illegal drugs which would rather exhort me even more strongly to pounce on that line of suspicion and allow myself to be openly suggested and received with all behavior, vibe, gestures, words and lack thereof associated with doping!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is no doubt in my mind that SNOC/SA and USADA/letsrun would have slowed me down to the extent of obstructing me the electrohypersenitive antenna from discovering the truth about Soh Ruiyong's doping for myself. I operate best and the level of mental concentration and focus when I'm alone, ONE PERSON, ONE-MAN SHOW with no assistance or help from outside. I will learn and know things infinitely faster and more exact and pinpointed.

Thus given all my knowledge garnered from all my supernatural ability with my electrohypersensitive 2 eyes/lens, I can safely assure everybody with my neck on the chopping board, with no other material evidence whatsoever and using ONLY AND ONLY AND ONLY AND ONLY MY 2 PRECIOUS EYES that the races and training sessions my son had used illegal drugs to gain unfair advantage between July 2016 and present day are the following:

1) Chicago Marathon 2016

2) If Chicago Marathon 2016, then also in his Chicago training buildup in Jordan Chipanagama's house from end July, early August onwards till late September and early October 2016, not forgetting a miraculous and impossible recovery from a plantar fasciitis injury.

3) Portland track festival 2017 14:55 5000m.

4) Some or all training sessions in 2017 majority while sleeping in Jordan Chipangama's house due to the circumstantial corroborating evidence of illegal drug usage in the Portland 5k in 14:55.

5) 2017 SEA Games marathon. Not sure about 5000m SEA Games final but likely carried over effect from the marathon a week earlier so it's as good as doped or partially doped!

6) Didn't take drugs for all of 2018 especially after being 'doped up' with the girl of his dream by the name of CHARM his ex-gf and The Beautiful!!!!!!!!! None of his running vibrations in any race or training demonstrated that distinct higher energy vibe. Of course with such a beautiful ex-gf by his side or on his lap everyday he had enough satisfaction in his ego to not crave bigger and faster performances/successes that only the illegal drugs could achieve or assist with!!!!!! But things changed once he lost that beautiful woman, lost that prestigious scholar job, lost that Team Singapore privilege and responsibility, he went total psycho and berserk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell bent on attack and vengeance eeewwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn..............

7) For the final months of 2018 he was holed up in Flagstaff preparing and training for 2019 Seoul marathon and 2019 Arizona HM. He doped in all these races and trainings leading up to them, running record breaking national records!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His distinct higher energy vibe in his running vibration was palpable for me to see in my electrohypersensitive eyes!!!!!!!! When he returned to Singapore after Seoul and started running, training and racing again, that distinct higher energy vibe gave way back to his usual eccentric and low-energy lackadaisical vibe with mal-rhythmns. It's simple, easy to spot, easy as ABC for me Joe KS!!!!!!

8) 2019 Singapore marathon he DID NOT DOPE, otherwise he wouldn't have deteriorated or slowed so terribly AND MOST IMPORTANTLY BASED ON CAMERA EVIDENCE SINCERELY(!!!!!!) in the final 10km!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neither did he dope while training in Kenya Iten. With his new gf by his side or on his lap, again, he had 'natural doping' in the form of dopamine and serotonin to not require of his ego big performances from illegal drugs!!!!

9) 2020 lull year due to COVID 19. No drugs, no training, no racing. He should be on a downward decline and spiral from June 2020 onwards as Singapore ramps up 5G irradiation!

10) 2021 1st half also lull year due to COVID 19 and should be in further decline requiring at least 1 year to get back to pre-covid non-doped shape of 2:30 for the marathon, not 1 month in June/July 2021 where he electrified, with no warning and not in keeping with the environmental radio pollution circumstance as well as 1.5yr lull period especially also as he remains stationed in polluted Singapore the entire time rather than be based overseas like Loh Yean Kew the world champion in badminton, the entire nation with jaw dropping performances in the 5km, 10km, 2.4km and marathon all in 6 months across a large spectrum of distances like they were child's play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Impossible. He therefore doped at most key workout training sessions like his 1km intervals, 2km intervals, shorter 400m ones as well, and even the 5km and 10km ones. He doped at all his national record races at 5km, 2.4km and marathon, and non-record ones like 10km which was too fast to believe in Singapore's 'heat and humidity' of 31:28!!!!!!! His running vibrations suddenly became that distinct higher energetic vibe in only 1 month in June/July 2021 when it should take him an eternity or never at all, especially after covid era, to return to the same or even better shape and form before covid! He became consequently Singapore's most prolific doper in 6 intense months of training and racing, possibly also destroying his body beyond measure. He even doped Michelle Sng, Vanessa Lee, Jeevanesh, and soon Ethan Yan. His sister Romaine has always been on the doping boat with him since 2016/2017 and would not be surprised that she took some drugs for her 1500m races as well!!!!!!

Voila, that's it ladies and gentlemen, give me a prize for my efforts. I have helped vindicated and exonerated SNOC and Tan Chuan-Jin for their banning Soh Ruiyong from Team Singapore forever as very well-deserved and well-deserving of my son Soh Ruiyong! Let Straitstimes Newspaper be first to this entire revelation here and put paid to all doubts and questions.


Radio DJ Electrohypersensitive Joe KS of Singapore

Tan Chuan-Jin is a man of substance and justice, not frivolity or pettiness!!!!


A defiant posture showing a half naked top and gym pants precisely the way an MMA fighter is dressed for the occasion of FIGHTING!!!!!! Soh Ruiyong wants to fight Tan Chuan-Jin!!!!! He is a fighter!!!!!!

Recently as we all know, my dearest son beloved Soh Ruiyong, AKA, the Doping Slut/Bitch/Whore of South East Asia trained under NAZ elite's Ben Rosario (Head Coach) and former convicted doper and training partner Jordan Chipangama, supposed to apologize on social media to supposedly SNOC and Tan Chuan-Jin. But the question is, DID HE REALLY MEAN IT?!!!!!!!! Are there any signs and tell-tales that might present or showcase anything opposite to an apology, just as in the aforementioned attached image of a FIGHTER READY TO FIGHT IT OUT REAL HARD!!!!!!

I Joe KS, father of my beloved son dear dear Soh Ruiyong will prove my case yet again as I have always been doing on facebook until Soh Ruiyong forcefully influence facebook's decision to ban me from the platform forever!!!

  1. Nobody apologizes sincerely with an attached image half naked in gym tights and hands in pocket looking away in an impudent manner!!!!!! It's a red-flag of an apology DUH!!!!!!! You Singaporeans better be wise to the intrinsic lie!!!
  2. The image portrayed above by Soh Ruiyong goes contrary to the substance of an apology which is majestic humility, respect, meekness and self-abasement!!!!!!!! 
  3. Instead, the image portrays or tries to portray DEFIANCE, ANGER, BUAY SONG TYPE, WANNA FIGHT TYPE, GANGSTERISM TYPE, tit-for-tat type, vengeance and hatred type, jealousy and anger type being that he is half naked on top, wearing gym pants and looking poised in his face for a war, exactly the image of an MMA or boxing exponent before he enters the cage or Octagon for battle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Does that make sense ya'll?!!!!!
  5. So beyond all the honey-dripping 'words of apology' to SNOC and Tan Chuan-Jin we can see here that my dear dear son Soh Ruiyong had secretly smuggled, like  a 'Trojan Horse', resentment, disgust and pure odium for SNOC and Tan Chuan-Jin, baiting them to take a chance on him, which they rightly didn't!!!!!!!

Okay, enough about the credibility of my son Ruiyong's apology, now let's move on to the credibility of Tan Chuan-Jin sir, a man I quite admire since 21st February as a result of his snubbing my son Ruiyong's chance at the Hanoi Sea Games 2022, when he seems to be petty enough to block my son's selection due to equally 'petty' reasons, but is this really true?!!! Is Tan Chuan-Jin sir really really petty or is it just the aftermath of imperfect and inacurate public opinion?!!!!

Let's analyze it:

Tan Chuan-Jin blocked Ruiyong's selection to the SEA Games team on the supposed basis of poor ethics, poor example and poor conduct not according to the Code of Conduct of SNOC's, and, Olympic Charter as well. But is this lack of conduct and moral behavior enough to warrant a ban from Team Singapore especially as many had believed he has the supposed objective qualifying performances in the marathon and 1500m?!!!!!

Answer: no, a lack of conduct and moral behavior needs to be egregious enough, such as molesting a female team member on her private parts, stabbing another athlete with a pole vault, shouting and screaming vulgarities like a hooligan on the track, exposing his private parts around the track, stealing jewellery from the store etc etc which are truly egregious criminal offences beyond the scope of even the athlete code of conduct, to warrant Tan Chuan-Jin and SNOC removing Ruiyong from Team Singapore.

However, Soh Ruiyong's 'offences' were only merely and superficially related to sponsorship rule, prize money debate, cutting holes in singlet before race, having a difference of opinion with sport officials, talking too much, too big and too openly on social media, arguing with Malik Aljunied, Ashley Liew, Mok Ying Ren, Jed, Mark and so many more high-ranking people of society none of which were criminal albeit liable for misconduct under the newly drawn-up athletes code of conduct by SNOC.

Given that this newly drawn up code of conduct had never been in existence before 2019 shows strong proof that 'conduct and moral behavior' didn't even mattered when it came to being selected to Team Singapore. I believe there were far worst moral conduct in all the years before 2020 spanning 1960 to 2019 in the history of Singapore Athletics and athletes who met performance criteria still got selected in the end!!!!!!! Why would it be different with my son Soh Ruiyong this time round?!!!!!!!

How come like that?!! How come SNOC and Tan Chuan-Jin suddenly became so petty overnight just like that?!!!! Impossible right?!!!!!! If something is too ludicrous to be true, it probably ain't true!!!!!!

That's the thing ladies and gentlemen, it had to be therefore some other more ramifying reason that caused SNOC to block Ruiyong's bid to the SEA Games than all these aforementioned simply superficial, and as ya'll correctly identified, non-magnanimous and trivial petty reasons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know Tan Chuan-Jin personally and spoke to him face to face before for some time before 2019 and I can assure you guys that HE IS NOT A PETTY PERSON AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!! He might be dabbling in politics and tell the occasional sugar-coating lie or euphemism for the sake of political expedience BUT HE AIN'T NO PETTY AND TRIVIAL PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tan Chuan-Jin is a meaty person, a man not of regular substance, a man knowledgeable in the law though not a lawyer, a man upright and justified in and of the Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is not perfect, nobody is, but he didn't demonstrate any lack of magnanimity or pettiness in blocking Ruiyong's selection to the SEA Games 2022!!!!!!

Therefore, given all these ramifications aforementioned and that Chuan-Jin is a man of substance and justice, what then must have been cause enough of such great injustice to warrant Tan Chuan-Jin and SNOC blocking Ruiyong's bid to the SEA Games 2022?!!!!

Answer: the answer lies in the highly covered up, hush-hush, clandestine world of invisible performance doping, ie, taking illegal drugs to assist and enhance one's performances unfairly against other competitors, and, also to bring more consistency to one's performances!!!!!!!!!

My son Soh Ruiyong has long been suspected by insiders and whistleblowers inside SNOC, Sport Singapore, and Antidoping since 2017 to be doping to gain unfair advantage over the competition hence lacking in integrity and credibility himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was me Joe KS that one of SNOC's runners approached, together with national marathon record holder Rameshon Murugiah in 2017 September to complain about Soh Ruiyong's highly suspicious testing behavior in first 10 days of July 2017, wherein it was no mere coincidence that his training partner Jordan Chipangama who had just finished a training stint together with him for all of 2016 and first half of 2017 had been exposed and caught for doping with a blood thinner Meldonium. Article enclosed HERE

As we all know, Soh Ruiyong did the impossible and beat the greatest long distance runner of all time in SEA Agus Prayogo and shocked a nation to its core, especially those who have been following the sport of distance running for more than 10 years and have expert ability to predict, foretell and make conclusions to a high if not perfect accuracy. So therefore the news of his victory in the SEA Games 2017 finally made more sense if he were also guilty of doping just as his training partner Jordan Chipangama also was on July 4th 2017!!!!!!! 2 training partners, 2 underdogs, 2 dopers, 2 sweethearts of life as friends and buddies!!!!!!

However, without a photographic evidence of him putting a drug into his mouth or injecting into his blood, or without a biochemical indicator in his blood test results, or even a possible genetic profiling of his cellular expressions for illegal substances, SNOC knows my son Ruiyong CANNOT BE CAUGHT and can only be innocent until proven guilty using the above methods!!!!!!! SNOC is already sure Ruiyong my son had doped illegally with his best buddy and training partner Jordan Chipangama but is unable to LEGALLY AND FORCEFULLY CONVICT HIM USING LAWFUL MEANS because none of the abovementioned lawful means of implicating a crime of doping was useful for the circumstances!!!!!!!!!

SNOC knows my son Ruiyong ain't no low IQ dumbass mentally handicapped person, instead, he is able to evade, scheme, plan and execute to near perfection and prevent even the most zealous anti-Ruiyong supporters from connecting the dots between him and Jordan Chipangama!!!!!!!!!!!

Does that make sense?!!!!

SNOC therefore themselves need to learn to scheme, evade, plan and execute in a manner lawful enough to counter the subterfuges of Ruiyong and the amount of disgrace, dishonor and disrepute he is bringing across from America Flagstaff Arizona, the land of doping expertise and artifice, to Singapore's shores to corrupt and exploit!!!!!!!

Does that make sense?!!!!!!

From July 2017 after the SEA Games onwards, SNOC was beginning a multi-pronged approach to tackle Soh Ruiyong the doping menace and sought to pull out all stops to remove him using the simplest and most lame, and as ya'll also correctly identified, PETTY EXCUSE(S) to cover up for the real substantial reason of which was his foregone doping guilt, just as his American training partner Jordan Chipangama!!!!!!!!!! So SNOC ordered an athletes code of conduct and simply stated EVERY SINGLE OFFENCE OR LACK THEREOF pertaining for all intents and purposes to Soh Ruiyong and nobody else!!! The whole idea of athletes code of conduct was mainly the agenda of one man and one man only: Soh Ruiyong my beloved son!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a ploy, a very intelligent one by SNOC and Tan Chuan-Jin, to safeguard Singapore's shores from DOPING CORRUPTION, not so much poor character, personality, attitude or behavior on social media and public sphere, and not so much for being bold, outspoken, derisive, mocking or resenting anyone or anything!!!!!!!!!!!

For the corruption the level of subtlety and refinement of Soh Ruiyong's, SNOC and SNOC's Tan Chuan-Jin were up to the task with equally subtle and refined a level of discipline, reproach and rebuke using the infamous submarine weapon known as the 'Athlete Code of Conduct'!!!!!!!!

With this code of conduct, SNOC can lawfully and legally reject Ruiyong's selection bid to any major international games forever and ever and ever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!

Tan Chuan-Jin is a smart man, a man I really love and respect outside of politics and sometimes inside it as well, and he won the chess game against Soh Ruiyong who failed in his bid to hoodwink, swindle and downright shit on top of SNOC's head by getting away scot-free with his doping corruption learned from America and American distance exponents and traded its success in Singapore's shores!!!!!

Kudos to you Tan Chuan-Jin and SNOC, good on you for outsmarting a frankly downright stupid son of mine Soh Ruiyong who is too young, too immature, too brash, too egotistical, too impulsive and lacking in self-control to win against you the chess-master!!!!!!!!!!!

The winner takes all, and Sir Tan Chuan-Jin, you took the scalp of Soh Ruiyong!!!! Congratulations, you have eternal legal immunity to do at will with Soh Ruiyong!!!!!!!

Thank you once again Tan Chuan-Jin sir, also to your SNOC the same!!!!!!!!!

As for Soh Ruiyong, you deserve it sweetie, never once did you obeyed Daddy's righteous commandments and instructions to you since 2016 when I started whistleblowing your questionable moral ethics to no avail. Now, you are free to realize your dreams of being a corrupt doping distance runner and run performances that are out of this world using such unfair and un-sportsmanlike means!!!

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