Me and Tan Chuan-Jin used to go to same church in Singapore

Man of honor, dignity and integrity
Tan Chuan-Jin: a man of honor, dignity and integrity
El hombre no se falta dignidad, integridad y honor.

Tan Chuan-Jin, a brigadier-general in the army transposed to politics in 2011 as a 4G leader and potential Prime Minister of the future, a man of integrity, honor, justice and dignity, who used to frequent the same church that I call at every Sunday in the past in Singapore.

Graduated from Raffles Junior College of Singapore, he is an highly intelligent man on top of being really cultivated in all his ways moral and ethical. Knowing him closer than the average man or woman on the street, albeit I wouldn't say best friends, does not prejudice my assessment of his value and belief system, instead, it credits and exemplifies it because of our Common Love For Lord Jesus Christ of Heaven and Earth, Amen!!!

Now this is a man, Tan Chuan-Jin who cannot afford to be anything less than almost perfect in all his ways, thoughts, actions and speech because he subscribes very loyally, not defiantly, to the ethos of Protestant Christianity and its doctrine of PEACE, LOVE, FAITHFULNESS, HONESTY, TRUTHFULNESS, TRUSTWORTHINESS, COURAGE, STRENGTH, ENDURANCE, RESILIENCE many of which overlaps with those of the former SAF he worked for as well as in his current and previous tenure as speaker of parliament and minister respectively. Therefore it would be no different if he acted out the same values and principles that have carried him well for the past 2-3 decades in the SNOC as Head and President of the Government of Sport in Singapore. 

Tan Chuan-Jin sincerely wants to promote, espouse, advocate, propagate and steer absolutely spanking clean righteousness of morality and ethics in the sporting environment of Singapore's, and that includes propagating whether implicitly quietly or explicitly overtly a safe sporting environment for all citizens, especially the young and impressionable teenagers and youths that is FREE OF THE SLIGHTEST INSINUATION OF AND ASSOCIATION WITH ILLEGAL PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT DRUGS!!!

It must be the case, it will always be the case as long as Tan Chuan-Jin, and I hope his future successor as well, is in charge of the Highest Authority of Sport Governance!!!

Hearing Tan Chuan-Jin speak not only to me but to everyone around my church confirms beyond any reasonable doubt where his allegiances lie: Christ Jesus Lord and Savior of Heaven and Earth, Amen!!!

Amen ladies and gentlemen. Make no mistake, I didn't make no mistake, that's for sure, as I have known him for long enough to know that HE WILL UNCOVER PROACTIVELY AND WITHOUT PROVOCATION OR WITHOUT BEING TOLD WHAT TO DO every single questionable moral and ethical behavior or blemish of behavior in Singapore's Sporting Environment ESPECIALLY AND ESPECIALLY those of a highly malicious and treasonous nature such as clandestine and underhanded doping with performance enhancement pharmaceutical drugs!!!

Imagine, if Singapore becomes like Russia who state sponsors illegal doping with pharmaceutical grade drugs for the purposes of jumping higher, running faster, running longer, jumping longer, throwing further then it would be mayhem in the sports ecosystem of Singapore's!!!!!!! Tan Chuan-Jin is a responsible enough man, indeed beyond so to ever allow such an evil to take root in Singapore via the omissions of one particular egregious athlete of whom I call my beloved son dear dear Soh Ruiyong!!!

The suspicions concerning Soh Ruiyong's doping violations already happened more than 4 years ago in 2017 1st week July and has long been the 'elephant in the room' for the next few years as given Singaporeans' conservative and shy/reticent nature and lack of innovation/boldness/creativity prevented them from coming together like a village to take my son Soh Ruiyong to task, leaving me Joe KS his father as the only seeming laughing stock in trying to do so!!!!

Thankfully, albeit after longer than expected, Tan Chuan-Jin has vindicated and exonerated any 'guilt' or 'mockery' I bore inside my heart/mind/soul/spirit that discouraged me greatly at times, and my patience has paid off handsomely!!!!

If anyone believes wrongly for Tan Chuan-Jin to be overbearing, unjust, erring in judgement and in value system, inside or outside politics, they first need to know that the world is not perfect!!!!! Human beings are not perfect; Tan Chuan-Jin has a job to do both inside and outside politics, both inside his role as a politician and outside of it as a man of honor, justice, integrity, dignity insofar as he is governed overall in all spheres of thought, actions, speech by Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Heaven and Earth who is the Most Perfect of them all!


Would that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!!


However despite all these errant views surrounding Tan Chuan-Jin, he is far from being cold-hearted, unforgiving and vengeful person as many on Straitstimes, Mothership, and other news channels have decried. Tan Chuan-Jin is only cold-hearted or unforgiving to the extent of applying himself very righteously and loyally to the ethos of Christianity as well as to those espoused and exalted by Singapore Parliament to love, care and serve one another----which is also a Christian ethic in any case.


Tan Chuan-Jin needs to be strict and severe when the need arises such as in the case of my beloved dear dear son Soh Ruiyong who took drugs beyond any reasonable doubt to enlarge his own Distance Running Kingdom unfairly, unjustly hence corruptly and immorally. Never mind my son was never caught explicitly and convicted, however, the circumstantial evidence in all spheres of my expert research and analysis is  too consistent, too clear-cut and no-brainer enough as to make him appear as plain dumb in my eyes  for not hiding his secret misdeed well enough. For to me Joe KS is no secret and every single gesture, movement, vibration, energy, frequency and lack thereof emanating or emitted from him or otherwise is like a walking shooting target that cannot be missed or occluded from my field of vision or field of wisdom, knowledge and understanding.


Would that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!


Tan Chuan-Jin can also be a joker goofing around , albeit modestly and tactfully with respect and clear boundaries for others as behooves  his diplomacy and dignity whenever he used to joke with Soh Ruiyong my son after he won the 2015 SEA Games Marathon Gold by calling him cheekily in the name of ‘Rui-En’ who is a female actress with MediaCorp!!!!!!!!! This was a parcel gift or otherwise sent to Soh Ruiyong bearing the name ‘Rui-En’ with a strikethrough correction across the name with no erasing and subsequently added below it another line containing the correct name ‘Ruiyong’!!!!


This shows that Tan Chuan-Jin can be light-hearted and fun-loving whenever the occasion befits such as taking advantage of Ruiyong’s upbeat mood upon winning the 2015 Sea Games marathon gold to goof and joke around informally with him thus creating, as then Minister of Youth, Development and Community, an unforgettable and even intimate socio-emotional connection with Ruiyong and to a larger extent all his athletes under his governance!!!!


The rapport Tan Chuan-Jin had with Soh Ruiyong was one of Singapore sporting history’s most publicly well-known example of peace and prosperity in sport, even I father Joe KS never felt so much concurrence and appetite for concurrence, ie, it made me oooohhhh uuuugggghhhh soothed, appeased and S-A-T-I-S-F-I-E-D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was an all-surpassing satisfaction in my heart/mind/soul/spirit/cells/organs/parts as ONE/ONE-NESS!


This interaction between Tan Chuan-Jin and Soh Ruiyong my son confirms everything I knew about the former as somebody who can compel people’s respect, mercy and adoration through fun, joy, laughter and some cheekiness as opposed to being a stoic, cold-hearted, hard-hitting uncompromising leader or dictator like Vladimir Putin!!!


If Tan Chuan-Jin was ever petty or frivolous in banning my son Ruiyong from Team Singapore it’s because there was strong justification for it ala means-to-an-end with the 'end' being to wit out doping completely!!! I trust Chuan-Jin’s judgement when it comes to the sovereign issue pertaining to the ban of Soh Ruiyong because the level of insight and knowledge (more than 20 yrs!) I have with regards to distance running sport and its doping just happens to outdo hence justifies Chuan-Jin’s and his entire sport government.














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