Ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace, there are 2 types of electricity under heaven and earth, the first we call the TRANSVERSE electricity or electromagnetism and the second we call the LONGITUDINAL electricity or 'electromagnetism'. Both are invisible, but the latter is infinitely more invisible and underlying than the former because the former is constituted of the latter and is controlled by the same!!! The laws of physics in the former cannot explain those found in the latter but the laws governing the latter which are so called the set of 'DNA' or instructions of Mother Nature completely explain those found in the former.
Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!
Video here attached explains Nikola Tesla's and James Clerk Maxwell's 'New Electricity'!
You see ladies and gentlemen the best of current modern conventional mankind's knowledge and understanding in 2022 regarding electricity and magnetism is really no match for the true greats of century's past such as Nikola Tesla, James Clerk Maxwell, Oliver Heaviside, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, JJ Thompson, Michael Faraday and so many more. The only remnants that remain of these great geniuses of electricity and the knowledge of secrets they stow away are Eric Dollard and a widely dispersed population of deep electrical science enthusiasts all over the world which aren't many including me Joe KS of course.
Now the reason why I'm bringing up the fact that there are 2 types of electricity/magnetism under heaven and earth is precisely because totally almost all the people of the planet earth including the very 'best professors' of the past 4-5 decades including those doing deep research into highly classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and their severe harm on the human brain and body all believe, or may I say, tend/incline/seduce/tempt to believe that a Faraday Cage may offer both 'long-term' and 'conductive' protection to human health and vitality if one uses it over one's body for protection.
Of course, many more believe that the 'evidence' of the protection these Faraday Cages offer can be gained from using instruments like RF meters to ascertain a reduction in radiation intensity due to the reflecting properties of such metallic Faraday Cages and really therein lies the BIGGEST DELUSION OF MANKIND'S EXISTENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mankind HAD NEVER KNOWN (being that he wasn't taught/told/educated/instructed properly!!!!) that there is another type of electricity or 'electromagnetism' that can penetrate the Faraday Cage ALL THE SAME with zero attenuation and making complete mockery of the so called 'shielding' effect of such cages!!!!!! And this electricity I call aforementioned New Electricity, or, New Law of Electricity, or, New law of Physics, or, Newly discovered law/behavior of Mother Nature, or, Newly discovered law/behavior of Light, or Newly discovered SUPERIOR LAW compared to those comparably retarded and muted laws conventional electromagnetism/electricity/light!!!!!
Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!
High-class top secret classified experiments by Nikola Tesla in late 19th century and confirmed many times over even in recent modern day history by a slew of scientists specializing in the research and revisit of Nikola Tesla's ingenious works and discoveries, including among them the more well-known ones like Eric Dollard and Ken Wheeler, that when there is a surge of electrical or magnetic current, electrical and magnetic current displaces itself or its very own self by leaving a longitudinal impression or perturbation in the ETHER----which is magneto-dielectricity which is essentially made up of magnetic and dielectric potential fields respectively.
So therefore when a mobile phone base station 4G or 5G or WiFi router is communicating and transmitting its magnetic field in spurts and bursts called PULSES which may vary from millisecond to micro-second intervals, longitudinal etheric waves of magnetism deriving from the OMNI-PRESENT AND UBIQUITOUS ETHER which is a universal UNIFIED FLUID MEDIUM which finds all matter and its consciousness and existence, will also start transmitting and emitting from point of source of the mobile phone base station or WiFi router in a radial fashion outward, longitudinally with no or very little decay in its vibrations and energy!!!
Because this magnetism or magnetic field, which is made of the same substance as the magnetic field of emitting 4G, 5G and WiFi router ones, is produced LONGITUDINALLY it cannot be measured by conventional RF instrument meters which require a TRANSVERSE WAVE COMPONENT TO BE POLARIZED AND INDUCED AT THE RECEIVER, does that make sense?!!!
And the most important juncture has now arrived here: because this magnetism or magnetic field, which is made of the same substance as the magnetic field of emitting 4G, 5G, and WiFi router ones, is produced LONGITUDINALLY it cannot be conducted, ie, contacted and reflected/voided at the surface of any metallic screen filter known as Faraday Cage whether made of iron, steel, lead or whatever the heck else!!!!!! Nada, zero, zilch!!!!! Nothing can stop a wave, an etheric wave or wave of the ether which electricity and magnetism constitutes from penetrating the hardest and most impenetrable military armor on earth precisely because entities of the ether are LONGITUDINALLY PRODUCED, REPRODUCED AND EVOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!
Conventional science even INDEPENDENT SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS have all never known that 1) a Faraday cage or screen filter can be penetrated like it's not even there, and 2) that the reason why number 1) is possible is because they were never educated/told/taught/instructed in matters concerning this NEW LAW OR NEW LONGITUDINAL BEHAVIOR OF ELECTRICITY/MAGNETISM called the Ether or called the Universal Unified Fluid Medium which finds all matter and its consciousness and existence, does that make sense?!!!!!
That is why from one end of the planet earth to another one finds unbelievably many people, including electrohypersensitive ones like me Joe KS who decry the Faraday Cage and its offsprings such as and especially Faraday clothing such as beanie hat, jacket/suit and trouser pants which are the most injurious to the severely electrohypersensitive like me Joe KS, while the Bed Cage works slightly better to some extent albeit completely nullified and invalidated its beneficial effect the moment artificial pulsed and consistently even intermittently pulsed radiofrequency (transverse) magnetic field pollutes the surrounding environment and sets off in the Ether medium a magnetic field (longitudinal) travelling much faster than the speed of light and without loss of energy that then penetrates the Bed Cage and Steel Armored Russian Tank and injure the human being within!!!!!!!!!
How beautiful a death!!!!!!!!!! How elegant and refined an injury, completely hush-hush, sshhsssshh ssshhhssshhh, dead quiet with death and injury/harm coming like a thieve in the night just whisking you away to ill-health!!!!!!
I have seen the movie Bank Heist decades ago and the actor-criminals rob with the utmost elegance and refinement that you couldn't tell they were part of a criminal conspiracy at all. The deadliness of pulsed man-made radiofrequency magnetic fields is exactly the same refinement of death without a trace or hint of itself!!!!!
YOU JUST DROP DEAD, or just fall irreparably sick (think cancer and many other illnesses!!!!). And if you were jabbed with COVID vaccine and if you don't drop dead soon, sooner or soonest, you fall ill soon, sooner or soonest as well and you ponder about a cause with no success precisely because the illness/death didn't leave a trace or hint for you which is exactly the action and action mechanism of pulsed artificial radiofrequency magnetic fields, ie, these kills precisely without a trace or hint of itself as the cause of death/illness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The pulses of RF magnetic fields and the destructive longitudinal ether waves it sets off synergized belligerently with the COVID vaccine to kill you or get you ill!!!!!!!!!! Does that make sense or not?!!!!!!
Like I mentioned above, IT'S A BEAUTIFUL UUUUGGGHHH OOOOOHHHHH DEATH!!!! It's a celebration of death and its ooooohhhhhh subtle kiss or 'peck on the cheek'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For me Joe KS, I go to such extent to call it The Art of Death thinking myself like Van Gogh painting an emotionally subtle work of art except that I'm radiating people with subtle creativity and innovation rather than painting with the same!!!!!
To this end at the end of my post I spare no means to confirm with one and all in Singapore and the rest of the world that the supposed 'knowledge' and 'understanding' you thought you learned very well of the past perhaps 10-20 years even as electrohypersensitive victims yourselves IS NOT, ie, IS NOT SUFFICIENT AND COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The longitudinal (scalar) ether waves are more injurious to the body than transverse ones because the longitudinal ones are SHOCK-WAVES (or 'ultra-sonic') while the transverse ones are continuous conventional 'sub-sonic' waves hence it's quite obvious that SHOCK-WAVES do more damage to your body than the conventional continuous ones!!!!
And now listen to this consequential insight: since longitudinal shock-waves cannot be blocked or shielding by metallic Faraday Cages, therefore therein lies the potential of EMF harmonizers to 'block' or rather harmonize the shockwaves into something more friendly to human biology. Therein lies the importance and pre-eminence of harmonizers as the MAIN 'SHIELDING' option of choice equal in benefit to those of metallic Faraday cage ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A harmonizer harmonizes both the transverse pulsed electromagnetic RF as well as the longitudinal magnetic ether that had been activated/pressurized or induced the former whereas the Faraday Cage can only be of benefit to the former and not the latter!!!
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