Singapore is good at managing crises when it's already arrived but poor at forestalling it so that it doesn't even come round!

Now here will be in this post introduced a body or doctrine of knowledge, wisdom and understanding so profound and so true to the extent ironically no man or woman since time immemorial could ever prove. I call this 'immaterially true to the point of immunity to all material or materialistic scientific proofs', and such a truth absolutely build assiduously only on ancient time-invariant epistemological/metaphysical inductive, deductive, retroductive filtering and reasoning.

As we all know, Malaysian national Nagaenthran is scheduled to be executed in Singapore on Friday morning and this is expected to raise many epistemological or metaphysical questions and doubts for me.

The first metaphysical/epistemological question is whether drugs like heroine, cocaine, diamorphine TRULY MOST FUNDAMENTALLY AND METAPHYSICALLY/EPISTEMOLOGICALLY cause addiction, wreck families, destroy livelihoods etc. Because my Joe KS' precise answer is EFFORTLESSLY and FRICTIONLESS-LY A BIG NO!!!!

The addiction can only be triggered or sparked by an artificial/man-made electrical/electromagnetic force/distortion/imprint that of which is unapparent and invisible to the observation of the eyes and beyond the present-day detection capability of 'modern' science and medicine!!! As you know, all mortality or deaths on earth and under the heavens are absolutely attributable only to man-made artificial pulsed and modulated radiofrequency radiation EVEN AS the actual absolute mechanism of cause cannot and can never be ascertained due to the magnitude of divine ingenuity in the phenomena called E-L-E-C-T-R-I-C-I-T-Y that is too much greater and more invincible to conquer than the small little pea-brained minds of 'normal' conventional authority/government/citizens can ever make sense of and qualify/quantify!

Does that make sense?!

Modern man-made law or modern mankind's cause of action is certainly very very very very ancient, outdated, ignorant, CHILDISH, STUPID, DEFUNCT AND PERFORABLE because it fails to see or take into account that the word 'cause' or 'cause of action' is intrinsically metaphysically/epistemologically spiritual, ie, of the heart/mind/soul and its morality. Basically 'cause' is first and foremost an acceleration of the heart/mind/soul/spirit all of which are unapparent and invisible traits of consciousness and existence, or in physics we call the 'Zero Point Energy'.

Everything or every creation/event/outcome/occurrence in the universe springs forth from the 'Zero Point Energy'---all life, love, hatred does, and all the same diminishes or returns back to the 'Zero Point Energy' the same way it sprung forth, does that make sense ladies and gentlemen of Singapore?!!!!

So when one talks about 'true cause' or 'true causation' or 'true cause of action' one talks about the acceleration and deceleration, charging and discharging of the heart/mind/soul/spirit as ONE/ONE-NESS, does that make sense?!!!

So when one talks about the true cause of drug addiction, or the true cause of electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity, or the true cause of ALL DEATH AND SORROW ESPECIALLY IN MAN-MADE ARTIFICIAL EXISTENCES LIKE CITIES, METROPOLISES etc, it must be an acceleration (ie, agitation/distortion/perturbation) of the hearts/minds/souls/spirits of mankind first and foremost insofar as his cells/organs/parts tends/inclines to follow along the former or to act in accordance with the former in a mutually feedbacking resonant loop system.

As a metaphysically/epistemologically rarefied and existentially conscious/aware electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive exponent or 'exponent', I absolutely command that the cause of all the aforementioned pain and suffering on earth is only and forever ONE, the same ONE I have been dutifully singing like there is no tomorrow or so exuberantly or otherwise:

And that is man-made artificial pulsed, modulated radiofrequency radiation or the great mediator/equalizer/constant of death and destruction in modern man-made artificial existence and consciousness.

And so that is why I am absolutely effortless and tension-less in the cause of my heart/mind/soul/spirit in regarding the death penalty as totally indisposed not so much inhumane given there are certainly more inhumane or gross acts of killing in every part of the defiled/sullied Earth than Nagaethran's would be killing, does that make sense?!

And what is the indisposed part of the death penalty again?!

Answer: that the death penalty for Nagaethran does nothing, OR RATHER MORE ACCURATELY DOES *INSUFFICIENTLY*, OR *NOT ENOUGH* OR *NOT TRUE ENOUGH*, to serve as any deterrence for future drug addictions and drug mules precisely because it's not the one true most fundamental 'zero-point energy' cause of the same and also of all other death and sorrow on man-made artificial earth.

And not only does my elegance permit that the death penalty does insufficiently to serve as any deterrence to future drug addictions and drug mules, it does INFINITELY INSUFFICIENTLY in this respect insofar as making a mockery of man-made artificial 'modern' and 'intelligent' mankind's existence/consciousness and his institutions/customs/cornerstones/practices/laws/rules! Does that make sense?!!!

The failure of artificial man-made consciousness/existence and his laws and institutions to recognize, in the absence of vain materialistic scientific 'objective' evidence that the ONLY ONE TRUE CAUSE OF DEATH AND SORROW under the heavens IS MAN-MADE ARTIFICIAL PULSED MODULATED RADIOFREQUENCY RADIATION + MAN-MADE ARTIFICIAL CHEMICALS COMBINED, is the sorrowful one!

But the issue I also raise is even more condemning of such conventional artificial mankind in that not only do they NOT RECOGNIZE artificial radiofrequency+chemicals as the sole 'zero-point energy' cause or fundamental epistemological/metaphysical cause and cause of action of death and sorrow on earth but they actually DON'T EVEN HAVE THAT WHEREWIDAL OR CAPACITY OR STARTING POINT inside their defiled souls/spirits/hearts/minds/cell/organs/parts as ONE to ever do such recognition in the first place DUH!!!!!!!!

Simply put, in Singaporean parlance, conventional man-made artificial laws, rules, practices and those governed by them as Judges, Justices, Scientists, Doctors, Engineers, and also obviously commoner 'normal' or average men and women walking the streets daily *JUST CANNOT MAKE IT* haizzzzzzzzzz.................

They just can't, sorry to paint such a negative and condemning picture of our entire earth's mostly modern conventional existence and consciousness haizzzzzzzzzzz.........

It's fact, it's reality, just look for yourselves dear Singaporean men and women even look up yourselves in the mirrors in all your reflection and ask yourself truly whether you can *STOMACH* that artificial man-made modulated pulsed radiofrequency radiation + chemicals and the people suffering them are truly suffering an authentic non-psychologically/psychiatrically disordered 'illness'. If you can't, or if your deep dark and overwhelmingly CARNAL subconscious force in you tempts you otherwise irrespective of what the World Health Organization stance on electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity is being that there are a disproportionately more counter-views to the contrary then your condemnation or mockery is sealed!!!!

Simply, you Singaporen folks just simply 'can't make it', even you aristocratic Singaporean medical doctors, lawyers, engineers, Justices, Judges, does that make sense at all?!!!

If our Parliament or Government which is caused or set into motion or accelerated/decelerated by our citizens or people from all levels of society, is unmoved by the illusion/delusion of deterrence of the death penalty for all future drug addictions and drug mules, the same way they are for the deadly harmful effects of artificial man-made pulsed modulated radiofrequency radiation +chemicals on all existence and consciousness under the heavens, then they must be either

1) wilfully hence murderously so(!!!!!!!), or
2) delusionally/distortedly psychiatrically/mentally so(!!!!), or,
3) spiritually exhausted and ransacked or lack of true cause of heart/mind/soul/spirit inasmuch as 'zero-point energy equilibrium'(!!!!) which is also intricately intertwined with 1 and 2 above, or,
4) any combination of the above 3!!!!!!

Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!

Summary: there is a correct 'belief' and wrong 'belief' in this world and universe because moral-cum-epistemological absolutism exist and exist enough to always penetrate the truth under any given stress or stress of circumstance/argument/judgement. The Singaporean men and women, including Judges and Justices who therefore 'believe' that the death penalty is needed because of the amount of homes, lives and livelihoods totally destroyed have not believed sufficiently enough to see through transparently the ONE TRUE METAPHYSICAL/EPISTEMOLOGICAL CAUSE OF DEATH AND SORROW ON EARTH which is artificial radiofrequency+chemicals and therefore imputed reasons/views truly haphazardly and dangerously to the demise of those on death row due to drug-trafficking........ 

The advancement of society, in the words of agreement of Nikola Tesla and Walter Russell hinges on how well it can prophesize or 'prophesize' crises of any sort insofar as consequently through this 'prophesizing' then managing to forestall them from an infinite time and space away so as never to be materially corrupted and disturbed by the same. In this context, to forestall drug addiction and drug mules from NOT ONLY EXISTING but also NOT INCLINING/TENDING TO EXIST in the first place and the secret of how this is done shall be found and discovered from epistemology/metaphysics or divine epistemology/metaphysics which reveals perfectly that artificial man-made pulsed modulated radiofrequency + chemicals, or, generally man-made V-A-N-I-T-Y is the cause of all death and sorrow and hence sin under heaven.........

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