Ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace, if any of you have any ounce of TRUE UNSPOILED MORALITY LEFT IN YOU, you will join arms with me to super condemn true pervert Titus Low and his equally perverted advocate and mouthpiece Soh Ruiyong, former ex-team-Singapore marathoner now defunct. Eeeeeewwwwwwwwwww damn.......
Gosh, sorry for swearing in the name of the Lord God, but I just can't stomach all these nonsense man, yucccckkkkssssssssssss........
Soh Ruiyong and Titus Low simply don't know the moral depravation of their hearts/minds/souls/spirits/cells/organs/parts as ONE/ONE-NESS to understand, if at all, why having privately, discreetly, consensual sexual gratification on a Virtual Machine (ie, Computer) on an internet server website as OnlyFans is very very very very very very morally wrong hence immoral.
You see ladies and gentlemen of Singapore, these 2 perverts have too loose or corrupt a moral compass to ever know the reason why, and, be convicted (acting and speaking) of it in all sincerity like I Joe KS perfectly do! Does that make sense like this ladies and gentlemen?!
Granted, I Joe KS am perfectly inclined in every sense of the word peeerrrrrfeeeccct!!!!!!!!!!! Even if I'm 1 yard short of perfection, I always strive even for that yard precisely because of a special biological uuuuggghhhhh nature or condition that anchors my uuugggghhh soul/mind/heart/spirit/cells/organs/parts as ONE/ONE-NESS! This special biological anchor is called uuugggghhhhhh E-L-E-C-T-R-O-H-Y-P-E-R-S-E-N-S-I-T-I-V-I-T-Y AND MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY!!!!!!!
These are 'illnesses' of an existentialist sort! What is existentialist illness? Answer: it's one where the threat to my ability to exist, not just staying alive, and more importantly function and operate like a human being, is curtailed and suppressed! Because of this special biological existentialist threat, my world and the lens in which I view, interact, survive, communicate in the world needs to be that much more impeccable, ie, peeerrrrrfeeeccct right down to the microscopic wave frequency/energy/vibration in order that I may exist with uuuuggghhhh purpose and with effect, not just staying alive like a comatose vegetable or zombie like the Singaporean commoner man and woman walking the streets AKA YOU!
Would all these make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!
This includes the realm of morality and ethics, ie, I exist, desire to exist, encourage/exhort to exist in this realm all the more R-I-G-H-T-E-O-U-S-L-Y, PURELY, SINLESS-LY OR OTHERWISE ALMOST SINLESS-LY, LIKE AN UNBLEMISHED LAMB OR UNDEFILED/UNTOUCHED/UNSPOILED VIRGIN MARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!!!
YAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, this means I'm absolutely spanking clean when it comes to SEXUAL MORALITY AND VIRGINITY, and of course doping morality which I have proven myself time and time again for the past 6 years whistleblowing enduringly, undyingly, desirously, sincerely, passionately the doping transgressions of one doped up son of mine beloved Soh Ruiyong dear dear!
I cannot tolerate sexual sin or blemish-ness, not only doesn't sit well in my stomach or in my loins, but just the whole modus operandi of a sex pervert just as Titus Low and Soh Ruiyong wreaks of CONSCIOUS WICKEDNESS AND EVIL AT EVERY JUNCTURE DURING THE PROCESS OF AND REALIZATION OF SEXUAL PERVERSION/IMMORALITY!
How do I know?!!!
Answer: DUH, I used to be a sex pervert myself a long long long long long time ago, decades ago while a young and frankly stupid man before I was aware that I was electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive. I used to be my son's young age, sexually care-free and potent/fertile, believing the lies and whims of my ego which seductively rationalized to me "Joe, fornicating a woman is ok so long as she is willing, or, she is in love with you", and, "Joe, it's okay to film your sex scenes or upload naked images of her if it's done 'lovingly' never mind consensually"!!!!!!!
So therefore, the need today of me to be morally holy, pure and righteous like a truly hungry man isn't so much, if at all, born of any wilful effort on my part to want to do so or be like so but rather out of achieving, maintaining sustainable bio-energetic or bioelectromagnetic/electrical homeostasis hence health for my existentialist illnesses electrohypernsitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity, does that make sense?!!!
I know it's hard to understand for hackneyed Singaporean minds/hearts/souls/spirits/cells/organs/parts much less if more wicked and corrupt like Titus Low and Soh Ruiyong's but what I'm basically trying to say is that righteousness is not a choice for the existentially threatened electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive, it's a sine quo non, no ifs or buts, make sense?!!!!
I die die die die die have to be righteous, I have to die by it because to fornicate/adulterate a woman consists of too much evil scheming and wicked coercing/manipulating of the woman and of the surrounding environment that would distort, corrupt, and consume my bioenergetic or my electrical mind+body so much enough to worsen or aggravate my electrohypersensitivity and multiple-chemical sensitivity, does that make sense?!!!
This means, the ARTIFICIAL EGO-DRIVEN (ie, man-made!!!) energetic behavior and nature (frequency/phase/polarization/vibration) of sexually fornicating or adulterating a woman is at loggerheads with TRUE NATURAL HOMEOSTATIC HEALTH AND VITALITY, thus impossible to make a choice in favor of such outcomes for the energetically/electrically threatened electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive person like me Joe KS or otherwise!
Being so energetically/electrically threatened in my existence and consciousness, I Joe KS as an electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive sufferer all the more embrace and go in search of uuuuugggghhhhhh true uuuugghhhhh unspoiled, undefiled, untouched, UNCONDITIONAL PLATONIC LOVE, CARE, UNDERSTANDING, WISDOM, HOPE, FAITH, COURAGE, PEACE, HARMONY precisely because these are electrical resonators/injectors of powerful energetic/vibrational health and vitality in the human being!!!!!!! Does that make sense?!!!!
Being also out of this world electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive with distinction, I Joe KS am all the more invisibly, telepathically, metaphysically, epistemologically hence also spiritually discerning of what's 'good' and what's 'bad', or what's positive and negative and everywhere in between in all its varying textures and degrees!!!
So given all my solid background history, here is my verdict regarding Titus Low and Soh Ruiyong:
1) Titus Low is sexually wicked and unhinged to film a video of himself naked and masturbating in the shower cell with another person (guy) and also thus making homosexual insinuations eeeewwwwwwwwwww yucks!!!
2) Titus Low is morally debased to believe that he makes substantial and credible financial profit 'creatively' while making such sexually wicked and unhinged videos and images, eeeeerrrrrrgggghhhhh shit yucks.........
3) Titus Low is morally debased to think that private consent through subscription is enough to circumvent detestable and wicked moral leanings/inclinations.
4) The fan group subscribers of Titus Low are equally if not more morally debased to pander to both Titus Low's sexual wickedness and infidelity, as well as, their own ones.
5) Soh Ruiyong is equally if not more sexually wicked and perfidious than Titus Low and his legion of deranged wireless radiation damaged supporters by coming out in public to advocate for his innocence.
6) Soh Ruiyong's act of moral support is intrinsically (based on metaphysical forms/patterns of thought and behavior) akin to agreeing to getting into the shower cell with Titus Low, indeed ALREADY DONE SO LONG FOREGONE(!!!!), and masturbating mutually together with him and the other actor for a 3-way male masturbation motion picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you agree ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace?!!!! I can't actually believe I concluded the aforementioned findings like a court Judge precisely because it doesn't befit the righteous angelic and holy stature of my existential electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity to find out like so. I'm very embarrassed that I have to use sexually explicit terms and phrases with high immoral density/concentration to say about my once sexually undefiled, virgin, righteous, holy son Soh Ruiyong whom I first loved (as only a father parent) when he was 13 years old!!!!
I feel defiled, spoiled, dirtied that in giving all these sexually depraved verdict and terms I inadvertently electrically induced the same sexual depravity in all my consciousness and existence eeeewww yucks, leaving me needing a quick purge of sorts after writing this via prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ and some earthing to discharge corruption to the earth/universe!
Living amidst so much sexual depravity in modern society, mainly caused by artificial man-made pulsed modulated radiofrequency radiation INVISIBLE AND ESPIONAGING TRIGGERS, I therefore assert and reaasert that both Titus Low, Soh Ruiyong and many more Singaporean men and women like them both are unconscious of this invisible meta-trigger or metaphysical trigger from their polluted environment and don't know that they are acting out, speaking forth its garbage-filled energetic/vibrational contents full of moral wickedness and evil!!!!
It's the reason why I Joe KS stopped having actual physical sexual intercourse for so long now being that the entire man-made man-driven consciousness of sex is so corrupted/perverted hence wicked and unhinged that having sex with a woman today, even my own wife would electrically induce the same corrupted/perverted consciousness in all my sexual dealings with my own wife, thus also corrupting it and her. The same would occur for her. The outcome of such a sex is:
And the list goes on. Many Singaporean men and women as well as men and women all over the world in modern jurisdictions, actually indeed ALL BAR NONE(!!!!!!), are admitting and finding sex strangely unfulfilling and insurmountable beyond perhaps the 1st 2 or 3 sexual encounters, and the invisible meta-reason or metaphysical trigger of a reason has been revealed and exposed by me here now!
Sex?! Nah, as an intellectually stimulating and multiplying man, sex ain't for me man, I don't hate it but there is great electrical impedance (ie, capacitative and inductive) mismatch of it with my electrical consciousness and existence!!!
Sorry Ruiyong, Daddy admits I dislike sex, so please stop selling me your stash of pornographic obscene material please ok?!!!!!
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