Don't think SCALAR Energy is real?! Not if the CIA says so!


|As an EHS/MCS subject under law, I view the law as a continuum of moral upgrading and societal advancement as a whole and I'm here today to advance SCALAR|

For me personally in the law, understanding the harm posed by man-made artificial EMFs is all about understanding the scalar wave (ie, field rather) component of the same and acknowledging its existence first and foremost.

Since the human skin and body with their electrical permittivity and magnetic permeability constants assembles as a make-shift Faraday cage of sorts, it shouldn't allow much if at all electromagnetic radiofrequency/microwave waves from man-made artificial EMFs to penetrate if otherwise possible. All that attenuation in the human shell or depth would greatly attenuate any 'power density' of concern thus justifying WHO's assertion that these EMFs only cause EHS and all human diseases without actually mechanism-causing them!!!

Does that make sense?!

So therefore, if EHS is still preeminent and the same for all other human diseases on earth then it really has nothing or cannot have anything to do with electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation waves IF AT ALL because these transversely mediating waves simply attenuate too much to do any good and proper penetration and sustained and consistent penetration beyond the surface of the human shell/depth. Instead, it must only to do with SCALAR waves (ie, fields rather!) or the SCALAR energy component of electromagnetic radiofrequency/microwave radiation wave because in the entire history of science there is only ever 1 superior form of nature or supernature which possesses a penetrating ability that is so lossless or so attenuation-free, and, more importantly so effortlessly and freely generated using natural energy sources from the earth, sun, and universe etc!

So for me right now my mission is not about explaining to people how and why man-made artificial EMFs in its SCALAR component pose incomparable harm to all human consciousness and existence or otherwise but more so about getting in more PR (ie public relations appearance) for SCALAR's existence and credibility as a No.1 superior indeed divine or closest to divine (for being the most beautiful, exquisite, breath-taking, resonant hence effortless/impedance-less electrical/electromagnetic force under the heavens and earth)!!!

So I hereby then share with one and all in this group from out of America's own CIA vault of a once classified publication subsequently declassified in the 2nd half of the twentieth century pertaining to American military research and research scientists' inquisition into and studying conscientiously and studiously the effects of this new form of electricity/electromagnetism called SCALAR! They repeatedly paid homage to one man throughout the entire laborious publication, and that man's name was none other than Nikola Tesla!!! It therefore seems like this once classified publication had been declassified as a means to also consent to Nikola Tesla's cosmic brilliance!

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