It's against my paternalistic wishes for Ruiyong to win his appeal in High Court

Dear ladies and gentlemen of Singapore, it does seem like the appeal in High Court of Singapore is underway and I'm really shuddering in my chair seat just thinking about it because there might be a chance, pending the more suitable engineering-minded Judge like Justice Chan Seng Onn and See Kee Oon respectively, that my beloved dear dear son Soh Ruiyong could get away with a victory.

Well some of you might then ask why the heck am I intimating of a possible victory against my conscience ESPECIALLY IF I DO NOT WISH FOR SUCH AN EVENT TO HAPPEN, ie, I do not wish for my son to win in High Court!

Answer: I Joe KS think and feel as ONE/ONE-NESS. I'm trained by my out of this world rarefied electrohypersensitive agency to harmonize my conscience or harmonize concepts of life and especially death seamlessly with zero tension or like a super-conductor! Basically, I'm trained to be INFINITELY MORE F-E-A-R-L-E-S-S and T-O-U-G-H-E-R, ie, more rock solid, than a commando fighter in all my mind and body AS ONE/ONE-NESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure if that made sense to you ladies and gentlemen!

So therefore I'm not fazed by giving consideration or time and effort to things and events that I do not favor or wish to occur such as death or in this case right now pertaining to the unwanted victory of my beloved son Soh Ruiyong in High Court of Singapore, does that make sense?!

I effortlessly convert and transform, ie, more accurately TRANSMUTATE HENCE HARMONIZE my legitimate fears and anxieties using my out of this world electrohypersensitive ability/agency/will into courage, energy, frequency, vibration and more uuuggghhhhh uuuuuggghhhhh vibration, does that make sense?!

I'm a scavenger of all the darkest voids and/or strongholds of human death or spheres of human condemnation swallowing them up effortlessly and converting them with my special electrohypersensitive biological algorithm into 'food and nourishment' for my soul/heart/mind/spirit/cells/organs/parts as ONE/ONE-NESS!

Make sense right?!

I ain't got no fear for nobody or no entity because the fear of Artificial Radiofrequency or WiFi in general supercedes them all, ie, there is no fear like the fear of Artificial Radiofrequency and WiFi precisely because there is no physical, mental, sexual, emotional, spiritual, social affliction and tribulation like the ones caused by radiofrequency and WiFi in general, does that make sense?! 

The amount of death or deadly substance consisting in artificial radiofrequency or WiFi in general is, in my one of a kind and accurate antenna view/opinion, unqualifiable and unquantifiable just pure and simply oooohhhhhhhhhh forgone!!!!!!

Yes forgone because there is just too much divinely prophetically destructive element to such a hopelessness requiring therefore only Christ Jesus Lord and Savior of Heaven and Earth to remediate at the Second Coming Once For All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Make sense right?!!!!

Between being beheaded by a guillotine, hanged at the gallows, burned at the stake or tortured by artificial radiofrequency and WiFi in general, I sincerely truly always go with the first 3 options because the death is fast and swift, ie, no more than 2-3 minutes max!!!!!!! While as for the misery of suffering caused by artificial radiofrequency and WiFi in general the pain is comparatively disproportionately gargantuan!!!!!!!!!!

Therefore if a human being, an electrohypersensitive one like me or otherwise survives such an infinitely more gargantuan death, and being conscious of so would ultimately make me super-human or super-natural entity, or, entity that is OUT OF THIS WORLD in thought, speech/word, and action/desire/inclination/tendency!!!!!!


Answer: because Iron Sharpens Iron DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surviving an infinitely gargantuan death produces an infinitely gargantuan, ie, SUPERNATURAL, human being or human entity which is known as E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does that make sense?!

Well before I digress too far, I would like to return to my fear and fearless-ness, as ONE/ONE-NESS, surrounding the possible victory against my wishes in High Court of Singapore of Soh Ruiyong's appeal. 

It does make me sick to the core knowing that it wouldn't have been truly the facts and evidences that triumph but rather the forbidding J-E-A-L-O-U-S-Y against Ashley's wondrous prestige and reputation that did so!!!!!

Oh mine, oh dear Lord sorry for swearing in the name of the Lord God haiz.....................

The facts and evidences mean nothing in the event of loss or triumph, instead, it's the soul/heart/mind/spirit/cells/organs/parts and their invisible frequencies/energies/vibrations as ONE/ONE-NESS that count, just as it isn't in the SIZE OR MAGNITUDE OF GIFT but the heart and soul of it all that counts!

Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!

If there was something truly worthy of all my fears and anxieties it would truly be that my beloved son Ruiyong had won against Ashley in High Court of Singapore I-M-P-R-O-P-E-R-L-Y and UNETHICALLY and IMMORALLY even if he did so legally since what is legal isn't necessarily what is properly moral or ethical!

Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!

Speaking of which I just only accidentally flipped a page on google and bump into my son's ex-gf the oh-so-beautiful CHARM and her gorgeous publicity, also a girl whom I just uuuugggghhhhhhhh truly regret to forgo as would be daughter-in-law in September 2018 due to my son's then worsening and deteriorating professional ethics and reputation in sport!

I understand I seem to or come across as speaking about my son's ex-gf CHARM as if she is so sexually desirable or with sexually trickling energy/passion which are all true to a certain extent to the extent that I'm trying to clarify for all my readers now, BUT(!!!!!!) also please remember I always evoke and speak as ONE/ONE-NESS and thus my overwhelming pleasure for her is as cradling a delicate and ooohhh so vulnerable and cute little baby girl of 6 months old in my arms, ie, I see CHARM as my tiny daughter from the point of view of a MASSIVE, HUGE AND TOWERING DADDY FIGURE!

Does that make sense?!

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