Words can't describe the amount of S-A-T-I-S-F-A-C-T-I-O-N I gained into all my organs/parts/cells/mind/heart/soul/spirit as ONE/ONE-NESS at the news that Justice Valerie Thean, a non-engineering or non-science minded Judge, declared my beloved dear dear son Soh Ruiyong for all intents and purposes the real liar between him and Ashley! That she didn't use the word 'egregious' this time makes no difference to the sting of the verdict which is that there is still stubborn and unspeakable abomination in him, does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!
Eeeeeewwwwwwww yucks!!!
But definitely I got an energy boost like a protein bar or juice would tend to do to all my organs/parts/cells/mind/heart/soul/spirit wholesomely and handsomely as ONE/ONE-NESS. And the reason for my such scathing assessment of my very own beloved son Ruiyong is because as his beloved Daddy I'm all the more repelled by all his omissions towards Ashley Liew and many more people that are his 'enemies' being that I know him simply too uuuugggghhhhhhhh I-N-T-I-M-A-T-E-L-Y like my very own created loins----to invoke a quick and simple example and analogy, does that make sense?!
I Daddy Joe KS knows that my dear dear beloved son Ruiyong did not, will not, will never ever ever ever prevent any jealousy and odium inside his own organs/cells/parts/heart/mind/soul/spirit as ONE/ONE-NESS against Fairplayer of the year 2015/2016 award winner Ashley Liew because it's simply not in his nature to do so DUH!! He has no intuition, instinct for true peace and harmony the way I Daddy Joe KS am very well hinged and fine-tuned, neither does he have very very very substantial (read PROPHETIC OR EPOCHAL/INFINITE!) reason related to health or the science of health such as the DEADLY killer effects of artificial WiFi on human brains and bodies, to justify the temporary sacrifice of peace and harmony in favor of war and battle on the legal front with Ashley.
Would that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!
If Ashley hypothetically lied about his sportsmanship act or was intentionally vague/ambiguous hence deceptive about it, yet it doesn't pose any danger to my son's physical/mental/emotional/social/spiritual health and vitality AT ALL. My son ain't dropping dead, like the way I might do so with artificial WiFi or chemical cumulative exposure, if Ashley hypothetically lied or maintained the lie that he did slow down and cost him a medal.
There is no providential earth-shattering and heavens-collapsing Christ-returning prophetic or epochal quality or substance in the hypothetical lack of honesty on Ashley's part, ie, the lie means nothing threatening, life-threatening to nobody and no entity on earth much less to one Soh Ruiyong, therefore, no further appeal in a substantial High Court should be brought at the expense of a decision that has already been made about the same non-life-threatening hence non-substantial lie and the conflict that ensued over the lie, does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!
Oh dear, oh mine, can you ladies and gentlemen always see and foresee why I Daddy Joe KS, who loves my son Ruiyong, is always so exquisitely pinpoint in my views and insights insofar as peerless and unmatched among the men and towering men of this planet earth?!
Haizzzzzz..............what else can I say man................haizzzzzzzz...............
Supposing Ashley told a lie and the lack of redress and remediation of the lie by a Court Judge would foreseeably or even instantaneously the very second the lie was emitted or radiated out of Ashley's mouth/mind/tongue/speech KILL MY BELOVED SON RUIYONG or causes him severe physical disability or incapacity insofar as being pummelled by an oncoming truck or lorry, then by all means there is great reason of terror on my son's life to get Ashley to stop telling the lie by suing him in civil court or even criminal one since blood might be spilled!
But this isn't the case with the circumstances presented by both Ashley and Ruiyong. Ruiyong stood to benefit nor lose no reputation, prestige, status, awards, health, happiness, joy even if he allowed the perceived lie by Ashley to continue unstopped. Example: Ruiyong still keeps his 2015 SEA Games Gold Medal, the highest award and honor in SEA sport duh!! Ruiyong still gets to keep all the fond memories of love, respect and endearment he was treated and reveled by throngs of local supporters and sport officials like Malik Aljunied, Tan Chuan-Jin who both loved him to the core of their soul/mind/heart/spirit/organs/cells/parts as ONE/ONE-NESS!!!! Last but not least, he gets to keep his uuuggghhhh oh-so-so-so-so-so-beautiful ex-gf by the nickname of CHARM who would certainly not be well-pleased or gaining of any respect of Ruiyong if he exchanged peace and harmony with one and all fans, supporters, competitors and sport officials/governments for his so called 'truth'! Oh, and last but not least, he gets to be kind to his parents and family by not bringing the spotlight on them for his reckless and egregious/inappropriate behavior if he exchanged out peace and harmony with one and all fans, supporters, competitors and sport officials/governments for his so called 'truth'!!! Oh and sorry, the very final last but not least, he wouldn't have loss so much money, or public monies from crowdfunding sources or otherwise even his and his family's own pocket/wallet totalling almost 300,000-400,000 Singapore dollars if he didn't exchanged out the same peace and harmony with the same groups of people and stakeholders for his so called 'truth'!!
Would that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!! Oh dear haiz............HOW COULD MY SON RUIYONG NOT FORSEE OR SEE ALL THESE COMING to him?!
How sia, how ah?!! How on earth also that I, as a physically incapacitated and suffering in pain electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive victim am able to, I-R-O-N-I-C-A-L-L-Y against the trend of discrimination/prejudice/mockery of conventional society or common men and women, infer, deduce and induce infinitely so much more wisdom, knowledge and understanding as compared to supposedly 'non-physically' and 'non-mentally' ill Singaporean commoner men and women who don't professed to be consciously electrohypersensitive or multiple chemical sensitive who are walking the streets of Singapore, including Soh Ruiyong himself my beloved son?!!! How do I have more intelligence, presence of mind, and ingenuity/clarity of insight than Soh Ruiyong and the conventional man on the street to predict, foretell and forebode events as well as the hearts/minds of conventional mankind SO DAMN WELL unless it was my very own electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive agency and modus operandi that induce in or bestowed me with such ability?!
Somebody tell me please, oh mine, sharks................cuz I'm pretty sure I Daddy Joe KS had been up to the task and beyond in trying to rein in the pure stupidity and odium of my own beloved son Ruiyong. I Daddy Joe KS spared no effort since January 2016 when I first started whistleblowing the moral and ethical corruption/flaw/error in my son's personal and professional ethics to remove his blindfold with regards to plain 1+1 common-sense, as well as, the more complicated and trickier legal options/choices which I had told him to forgo and simply APOLOGIZE TO MALIK ALJUNIED, APOLOGIZE TO MARK AND ASHLEY LIEW, APOLOGIZE TO MOK YING REN, APOLOGIZE TO JED, and most importantly 'kneel down' before Tan Chuan-Jin and all the other SNOC board members and confess and re-confess his quaint association and nostalgia for Rui-En the MediaCorp Actress!
Would that make sense ladies and gentlemen?! Haiz.........................
Since the pursuit of my son's so called 'truth' had severely incapacitated him emotionally, spiritually, socially, politically, economically and even physically (resorting to performance enhancement drugs to revitalize his body parts/cells/organs and its bioenergetic metabolism to maintain or even enhance his running performances), he couldn't have done it CHILVAROUSLY, MAGNANIMOUSLY, SINCERELY, COURAGEOUSLY, FAITHFULLY, PEACEABLY, BOLDLY, INTELLIGENTLY, HENCE LAUDABLY and/or deserving of praise, does that make sense?! He could only have done it, after suffering and intentionally suffering so much injurious effects to his TOTAL EXISTENCE AND CONSCIOUSNESS OR MIND+BODY out of darkness of vengeance and jealousy!!
Only a dark and evil Satanic force can motivate or fuel him to take so much 'sadistic' and/or even 'sado-masochistic' torture, pain and suffering in his all-round consciousness and existence for a mere paltry trinket of 'truth' that isn't based on life-threatening, earth-shattering, epochal, prophetic reasons or factors of life and of death!
He is basically a superficial and insubstantial man or son of mine, and I'm embarrassed to analyze and conclude so elegantly and expertly like so far above and beyond anything Justices of High Court, Straits Times journalist or investigative journalist can ever achieve or accomplish; and, a superficial and insubstantial man is a devilish, impish, hence corrupt and lewd one! Precisely because it is precisely the empty-minded or empty-vessel fools and perverts of the planet earth today in 2022 who are in the process of or end up becoming criminals or committing immorality/evil/injustice of all sorts in whatever major or minor cumulative manner!
This brings me to the question of how and why the failure of our previous generation of youth sport development if there are athletes like my son Ruiyong with so much mental, emotional, spiritual, social, physical instability and commotion on whether there is an institutional weakness in the same system in the first place?!!! The next question would be whether this weakness has already been identified and measures taken by Tan Chuan-Jin and SNOC to heed against it! On prima facie as well as closer inspection, I can see that Tan Chuan-Jin and SNOC has taken steps to cohere all the NSAs with an all-important athlete code of conduct detailing the rules and regulations of becoming a representative one's nation, family, club, school etc. Also he has quietly clamped down in a hush-hush clandestine and unspoken manner DOPING IN SPORT by not only including against it in the athlete code of conduct but also distancing himself and his organization away from it by, as we all now know, quietly and peaceably turning down my son Ruiyong's application and nomination to the Hanoi SEA Games 2022, as well as, soon to be Asian Games in Hangzhou September. He has also, if I ever forget, done quite a lot in clamping down on sexual exploiting of young and vulnerable teenage or otherwise youth female athletes with now a system of reporting and feedback for victims of sexual harassment/exploiting/stalking even sexual innuendo/speech/behavior. Rightfully so, the sexual depravation of our modern environmental pollution does degrade the prestige, reputation and status of Singapore and Singaporean athletes who are supposed to be flag-bearers and role-models in every sense of the way possible and are taken to be so the moment they seemed to don national colors!
Therefore I give Tan Chuan-Jin and SNOC or Sport Government a 10 out of 10 for an excellent job well done to revamp the entire youth sport system in view of threats posed by one son of mine Ruiyong starting from 2016 to present day with increasing menace and malice even insofar as full-fledged vengeance and jealousy against an innocent and lovable husband, brother, comrade, Christian, athlete as Ashley Liew!
Does all these make sense ladies and gentlemen?!
Before I end my post for the day being tired typing all this difficult nonsense here for you people to read, I just want to present to you all the fruit of my hard work advocating against or whistleblowing the insane madness of evil of one son of mine Soh Ruiyong here in this CNA article:
Joy and hope prevailed for me Joe KS!!!
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