Vladimir Putin vs Soh Ruiyong

Dictator with ironic refinement, poise and elegance and even justice!!!

Definitely dictator or with dielectric potential for dictatorship given his performance enhancing drug abuse history. No justice rules in him given his false accusation of Ashley's act of sportsmanship!!!

They are both dictators, both in the groove of dictating and manipulating rather than observing and prophesizing like me Joe KS!

The observers and prophets like me Joe KS are always superior or infinitely superior to the ones manipulating and dictating, does that make sense?! Precisely because the observers and prophets manipulate and dictate in a manner quite unlike the dictators and manipulators or as ONE/ONE-NESS!!!

Dictators or dictator-like Soh Ruiyong falsely or dubiously accuses Ashley Liew of telling a bunch of lies about his act of sportsmanship or otherwise whereas observers or prophets like me Joe KS preempt or forestall the environment, ie, the cumulative metaphysical hence invisible radiofrequency environment that caused dictators or dictator-like Soh Ruiyong to possess electrical potential or voltage for false-ness of mind/heart/soul/spirit/cells/organs parts as ONE/ONE-NESS!!!

Make sense right ladies and gentlemen?!

The real dictators are those observers and prophets in my mold Joe KS' because we are BENEVOLENT DICTATORS DUH!!! We are the unsung, unseen, invisible, the silent hero or guardian angel at every meal, speech, dressing, altercation, exchange, environment, aspect of life the way our Lord Jesus Christ of Heaven and Earth is, does that make sense?!!!! We are thus the unsung dictators of the impeccable and most perfect sort, literally incorruptible and indefatigable insofar as with INFINITY OF UUUUGGGHHHH OOOOHHHHH ENERGY/VIBRATION/FREQUENCY!!!

Dictators like me Joe KS pull the strings behind the scenes by pushing and shifting buttons on radiofrequency machines or hardware emitting out a whole gamut of radiofrequency transverse and longitudinal electromagnetic radiation and/or radio-microwave vibrations/energies/waves to astound or affect the brains and nervous systems of people like Soh Ruiyong, Vladimir Putin, Joe Biden, Elon Musk or whoever the heck else UNAWARES, UNCONSCIOUS belonging to this planet earth, does that make sense?!

And the people that I might astound or 'astound' end up committing crimes against justice and equity or humanity such as Soh Ruiyong against SNOC, Ashley Liew, Malik Aljunied, Mark, Mok, Jed and Vladimir Putin against Ukraine because the astounding was done of their minds, ie, the artificially modulated pulses of radio-microwave radiation both transverse and longitudinal UNHINGED the neuropsychiatric stability hence self-restraint and self-control of Vladimir Putin and Soh Ruiyong and send them spiralling out of control to do and say things that are truly INCREDIBLY UNJUST AND IMMORAL without their conscience!!!

Does that make sense?!

While I do not like Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, equally I do not like that it was omitted or suppressed by the mainstream news media channels that it was the United States of American who masterminded Putin's invasion of Ukraine by provoking hence facilitating it DUH!!!

NATO and western allies are NO ANGEL if Putin is also no angel!!!

Putin is human and doing basic duty to preserve Russian supremacy. His number one morality and philosophy of morality is Russian prestige, Russian security, Russian interest even if many Russian commanders or citizens must be sacrificed to these ends. I find that ordinarily impervious to criticism because of the tenets of nationalism and sense of loyalty to Mother Russia. Fighting for one's country and her interest when it is conceivably threatened and hijacked away by 'Neo-Nazis' such as Zelensky couldn't be deplorable even if lives must be lost on the battlefront. Firstly, as mentioned again, Russia's security interest has been greatly compromised is already enough reason for Putin to spring into loyal action to defend his country. There is not any egregious neglect of duty or morality on Putin's part in invading Ukraine if we understand the entire relations and power dynamics between them and the world allies as ONE/ONE-NESS!!! There is only necessary and/or elegantly commensurate duty and responsibility to Mother Russia in the manner that perfectly evokes and reflects the electrical or electromagnetic voltage(s) or air electricity content of our modern times/era!!!!!! This means there is only necessary and/or elegantly commensurate duty and responsibility by Putin to Mother Russia in the manner that perfectly evokes and reflects thus the attendant NEUROPSYCHIATRIC imprints or pertubations/distortions caused by the same electrical or electromagnetic voltage(s) of our modern times/era that isn't ordinarily conscious to Putin, does that make sense?!

An observer-type dictator like me Joe KS would be able to foretell and forestall such things with perfect intuition/instinct and accuracy due to our out of this world electrohypersensitive agency!!! Does that makes sense yet?!

Now if we return to Soh Ruiyong my beloved dear dear son we also notice that like Putin, he is unawares or unconscious of the derivative electrical/electromagnetic elements or voltage(s) that is UNHINGING and setting loose his self-control whether in the sexual, emotional, psychiatric, spiritual, physical, mental, social realm you name it his ENTIRE BRAIN AND BODY PARTS/CELLS/ORGANS AND CAUSING HIM TO DISPLAY THE KINDS OF BEHAVIOR OR LACK THEREOF we Singaporeans see and read about with disgust in the newspapers, social media channels, other news media etc.

How he strangely became entangled in such despicable manner with Ashley Liew, Malik Aljunied, Tan Chuan-Jin is frankly a mystery that is CONVENTIONALLY SUPPOSEDLY UNEXPLAINABLE but perfectly accurately hence unconventionally surely explained only and only and only and only by uncontrolled rampant cumulative exposure of his brain and body parts/cells/organs to artificial man-made pulsed and modulated radiofrequency radiation in his environment everywhere.

Now so these are the comparisons and the lack thereof I want to highlight between Vladimir Putin and Soh Ruiyong without necessarily explicitly condoning the morality and/or the lack thereof of their actions and speeches.

Now as for Soh Ruiyong having been repelled by SNOC forever and indefinitely yet with him publicly stating on his facebook comments that the lack of representing Singapore doesn't faze him one bit in any department mental, emotional, spiritual, ideological yet he must have made such an observation pretentiously to hit back at SNOC for scoffing and rebuffing his nomination to the SEA Games precisely because of how much value or benefit it means and brings to his human consciousness and existence by representing one's country at an international meet from the new cultures and cuisines he gets to exchange and taste respectively to the new people and like-minded athletes he might dine and compete/banter with to the amount of prestige and honor and pride that accompanies being a national representative of Singapore in sport!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to mention the amount of sponsorship opportunities he can continue to attract or turn heads and eyes just by being called to represent Singapore and be seen on television and news media channels competing in a Singaporean vest.

Soh Ruiyong my son had to forgo a whole gamut of privileges and benefits that goes along being Singapore's top representative in his Sport Event being lovingly and peaceably rebuffed by SNOC and Tan Chuan-Jin and yet he had the temerity to claim on social media and facebook comments that 'oh it's nothing lah' as if to mean that SNOC's rebuff doesn't affect him and his sense of individual identity or raison detre as if life just goes on unbothered which isn't true for him!

My son Ruiyong is greatly hurt or dented in his ego and going through currently an identity crisis of massive proportion because if one thinks about it the most splendidly achieving athlete of the past year 2021 isn't on the team to Hanoi SEA Games hence many ordinary citizens in their minds are going to first balk and down the road soon later SUSPECT SOME ERROR OR INJUSTICE in the first place in my son Ruiyong's system of morality and ethics. And this suspicion would be more than repelling and detesting enough to put some more distance between my son Ruiyong and his goal to win the hearts and minds of the citizens of Singapore over in support and adulation. If so then he will very soon plunge into identiy crisis of the suicidal sort, ie, he might be tempted to end his life for good................................................................................................

I shudder to think about that, ie, that this struggle or emotional crisis of identity which he hides very well being so deceptive a moral version of male masculinity is going to corner him into a spot insofar as exposing his number one secret affair of all time: illegal performance enhancement drugs and drug abuse!!!

Haiz, what else can I say man haizzzzz..........................oh dear........................

Just thinking about this outcome of suicide weakens my arms typing this post and I thus need a break from all these sapping prospects of death.













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