Singapore is good at managing crises when it's already arrived but poor at forestalling it so that it doesn't even come round!

Now here will be in this post introduced a body or doctrine of knowledge, wisdom and understanding so profound and so true to the extent ironically no man or woman since time immemorial could ever prove. I call this 'immaterially true to the point of immunity to all material or materialistic scientific proofs', and such a truth absolutely build assiduously only on ancient time-invariant epistemological/metaphysical inductive, deductive, retroductive filtering and reasoning.

As we all know, Malaysian national Nagaenthran is scheduled to be executed in Singapore on Friday morning and this is expected to raise many epistemological or metaphysical questions and doubts for me.

The first metaphysical/epistemological question is whether drugs like heroine, cocaine, diamorphine TRULY MOST FUNDAMENTALLY AND METAPHYSICALLY/EPISTEMOLOGICALLY cause addiction, wreck families, destroy livelihoods etc. Because my Joe KS' precise answer is EFFORTLESSLY and FRICTIONLESS-LY A BIG NO!!!!

The addiction can only be triggered or sparked by an artificial/man-made electrical/electromagnetic force/distortion/imprint that of which is unapparent and invisible to the observation of the eyes and beyond the present-day detection capability of 'modern' science and medicine!!! As you know, all mortality or deaths on earth and under the heavens are absolutely attributable only to man-made artificial pulsed and modulated radiofrequency radiation EVEN AS the actual absolute mechanism of cause cannot and can never be ascertained due to the magnitude of divine ingenuity in the phenomena called E-L-E-C-T-R-I-C-I-T-Y that is too much greater and more invincible to conquer than the small little pea-brained minds of 'normal' conventional authority/government/citizens can ever make sense of and qualify/quantify!

Does that make sense?!

Modern man-made law or modern mankind's cause of action is certainly very very very very ancient, outdated, ignorant, CHILDISH, STUPID, DEFUNCT AND PERFORABLE because it fails to see or take into account that the word 'cause' or 'cause of action' is intrinsically metaphysically/epistemologically spiritual, ie, of the heart/mind/soul and its morality. Basically 'cause' is first and foremost an acceleration of the heart/mind/soul/spirit all of which are unapparent and invisible traits of consciousness and existence, or in physics we call the 'Zero Point Energy'.

Everything or every creation/event/outcome/occurrence in the universe springs forth from the 'Zero Point Energy'---all life, love, hatred does, and all the same diminishes or returns back to the 'Zero Point Energy' the same way it sprung forth, does that make sense ladies and gentlemen of Singapore?!!!!

So when one talks about 'true cause' or 'true causation' or 'true cause of action' one talks about the acceleration and deceleration, charging and discharging of the heart/mind/soul/spirit as ONE/ONE-NESS, does that make sense?!!!

So when one talks about the true cause of drug addiction, or the true cause of electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity, or the true cause of ALL DEATH AND SORROW ESPECIALLY IN MAN-MADE ARTIFICIAL EXISTENCES LIKE CITIES, METROPOLISES etc, it must be an acceleration (ie, agitation/distortion/perturbation) of the hearts/minds/souls/spirits of mankind first and foremost insofar as his cells/organs/parts tends/inclines to follow along the former or to act in accordance with the former in a mutually feedbacking resonant loop system.

As a metaphysically/epistemologically rarefied and existentially conscious/aware electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive exponent or 'exponent', I absolutely command that the cause of all the aforementioned pain and suffering on earth is only and forever ONE, the same ONE I have been dutifully singing like there is no tomorrow or so exuberantly or otherwise:

And that is man-made artificial pulsed, modulated radiofrequency radiation or the great mediator/equalizer/constant of death and destruction in modern man-made artificial existence and consciousness.

And so that is why I am absolutely effortless and tension-less in the cause of my heart/mind/soul/spirit in regarding the death penalty as totally indisposed not so much inhumane given there are certainly more inhumane or gross acts of killing in every part of the defiled/sullied Earth than Nagaethran's would be killing, does that make sense?!

And what is the indisposed part of the death penalty again?!

Answer: that the death penalty for Nagaethran does nothing, OR RATHER MORE ACCURATELY DOES *INSUFFICIENTLY*, OR *NOT ENOUGH* OR *NOT TRUE ENOUGH*, to serve as any deterrence for future drug addictions and drug mules precisely because it's not the one true most fundamental 'zero-point energy' cause of the same and also of all other death and sorrow on man-made artificial earth.

And not only does my elegance permit that the death penalty does insufficiently to serve as any deterrence to future drug addictions and drug mules, it does INFINITELY INSUFFICIENTLY in this respect insofar as making a mockery of man-made artificial 'modern' and 'intelligent' mankind's existence/consciousness and his institutions/customs/cornerstones/practices/laws/rules! Does that make sense?!!!

The failure of artificial man-made consciousness/existence and his laws and institutions to recognize, in the absence of vain materialistic scientific 'objective' evidence that the ONLY ONE TRUE CAUSE OF DEATH AND SORROW under the heavens IS MAN-MADE ARTIFICIAL PULSED MODULATED RADIOFREQUENCY RADIATION + MAN-MADE ARTIFICIAL CHEMICALS COMBINED, is the sorrowful one!

But the issue I also raise is even more condemning of such conventional artificial mankind in that not only do they NOT RECOGNIZE artificial radiofrequency+chemicals as the sole 'zero-point energy' cause or fundamental epistemological/metaphysical cause and cause of action of death and sorrow on earth but they actually DON'T EVEN HAVE THAT WHEREWIDAL OR CAPACITY OR STARTING POINT inside their defiled souls/spirits/hearts/minds/cell/organs/parts as ONE to ever do such recognition in the first place DUH!!!!!!!!

Simply put, in Singaporean parlance, conventional man-made artificial laws, rules, practices and those governed by them as Judges, Justices, Scientists, Doctors, Engineers, and also obviously commoner 'normal' or average men and women walking the streets daily *JUST CANNOT MAKE IT* haizzzzzzzzzz.................

They just can't, sorry to paint such a negative and condemning picture of our entire earth's mostly modern conventional existence and consciousness haizzzzzzzzzzz.........

It's fact, it's reality, just look for yourselves dear Singaporean men and women even look up yourselves in the mirrors in all your reflection and ask yourself truly whether you can *STOMACH* that artificial man-made modulated pulsed radiofrequency radiation + chemicals and the people suffering them are truly suffering an authentic non-psychologically/psychiatrically disordered 'illness'. If you can't, or if your deep dark and overwhelmingly CARNAL subconscious force in you tempts you otherwise irrespective of what the World Health Organization stance on electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity is being that there are a disproportionately more counter-views to the contrary then your condemnation or mockery is sealed!!!!

Simply, you Singaporen folks just simply 'can't make it', even you aristocratic Singaporean medical doctors, lawyers, engineers, Justices, Judges, does that make sense at all?!!!

If our Parliament or Government which is caused or set into motion or accelerated/decelerated by our citizens or people from all levels of society, is unmoved by the illusion/delusion of deterrence of the death penalty for all future drug addictions and drug mules, the same way they are for the deadly harmful effects of artificial man-made pulsed modulated radiofrequency radiation +chemicals on all existence and consciousness under the heavens, then they must be either

1) wilfully hence murderously so(!!!!!!!), or
2) delusionally/distortedly psychiatrically/mentally so(!!!!), or,
3) spiritually exhausted and ransacked or lack of true cause of heart/mind/soul/spirit inasmuch as 'zero-point energy equilibrium'(!!!!) which is also intricately intertwined with 1 and 2 above, or,
4) any combination of the above 3!!!!!!

Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!

Summary: there is a correct 'belief' and wrong 'belief' in this world and universe because moral-cum-epistemological absolutism exist and exist enough to always penetrate the truth under any given stress or stress of circumstance/argument/judgement. The Singaporean men and women, including Judges and Justices who therefore 'believe' that the death penalty is needed because of the amount of homes, lives and livelihoods totally destroyed have not believed sufficiently enough to see through transparently the ONE TRUE METAPHYSICAL/EPISTEMOLOGICAL CAUSE OF DEATH AND SORROW ON EARTH which is artificial radiofrequency+chemicals and therefore imputed reasons/views truly haphazardly and dangerously to the demise of those on death row due to drug-trafficking........ 

The advancement of society, in the words of agreement of Nikola Tesla and Walter Russell hinges on how well it can prophesize or 'prophesize' crises of any sort insofar as consequently through this 'prophesizing' then managing to forestall them from an infinite time and space away so as never to be materially corrupted and disturbed by the same. In this context, to forestall drug addiction and drug mules from NOT ONLY EXISTING but also NOT INCLINING/TENDING TO EXIST in the first place and the secret of how this is done shall be found and discovered from epistemology/metaphysics or divine epistemology/metaphysics which reveals perfectly that artificial man-made pulsed modulated radiofrequency + chemicals, or, generally man-made V-A-N-I-T-Y is the cause of all death and sorrow and hence sin under heaven.........

Christian Guardsman Tan Chuan-Jin, Zachary Ryan Devaraj, SA President Lien, Malik Aljunied, Mark Teng!


It is my pleasure to announce to everybody that SNOC continues to preserve its ethics and sports ethos by maintaining the ban on one son of mine dear dear beloved Soh Ruiyong!

Yes yes yes yes yes oh yes baby................words can't describe my relief at SNOC's continued non-partisan stance towards sporting corruption and scandal such as performance enhancement drug abuse and doping among many others such as vengeful insubordination and downright vindictive-ness found in one son of mine dear dear beloved Soh Ruiyong!

SNOC is the only government entity in Singapore I still hold out faith and hope in far better manner than MOH, IMDA and NEA being that the former are the only ones who tune into and channel the same antenna frequency of moral purity and righteousness as me Joe KS in the area of fairplay and integrity/humility in sport, whereas MOH, IMDA, NEA have in their own realm of jurisdiction pertaining to artificial man-made pulsed modulated radiofrequency radiation neglected their responsibility in protecting Singapore society from the deadly killer invisible ill-effects of the same causing all sorts of physical and mental breakdowns and carnages across society.

SNOC is my sole treasure and one that I might as well own myself or be a huge shareholder in pumping perhaps 'millions of dollars' into the organization so that I become their overwhelming majority benefactor and they my beneficiary! Would that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!

No less helmed by a man Tan Chuan-Jin in whom I would put my life on the line to defend, exhort and glorify in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Amen! As previously mentioned in all my posts last month, Chuan-Jin is an upright man of justice and he always applies himself to standards higher than those he judges or wields with and I Joe KS know so because we were both from the same Christian Protestant Church!

If I had my way, Tan Chuan-Jin would be the next PM of Singapore, not Lawrence Wong to show my level of appreciation and confidence in this shining beacon light of a Singaporean elite guardsman!!!! SNOC rules the day, and, rules the night, with an iron fist because that's the fighting spirit of a true guardsman warrior and his organization or team DUH!!!!!!!!! My son Soh Ruiyong has absolutely no armory to defend against the supremacy of SNOC and Guardsman Tan Chuan-Jin if he has so much cowardice and superficiality enough to take performance enhancement drugs for all his qualifying races for 10000m and marathon last year, namely 31:28 and 2:22:59!!!!!!

These performance standards achieved by Ruiyong, including all the previous PBs and NRs set before 2021 had all been duped and swindled by performance enhancement drugs and drug abuse and is in no way Guardsman-like or warrior-like!!!! In no way ruling the day and ruling the night like men of honor and integrity that Tan Chuan-Jin exudes, exemplifies and instils/imbues consequently in those around him or those that come into his sphere of consciousness and existence!!!!

My son Ruiyong is a pussssy coward or coward pussssy, does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!

It seems like I'm quite happy to label him a pussy coward but I am absolutely not!!!! It cuts me uuuuuggghhhhhh ooooohhhh so so so sooooooooooo deep, and, hurts so bad as a father to exercise rebuke and pity on him because he is a son I truly love inside my bosom, does that make sense?!!!

None of this post is enjoyable for me to write, the same way none of Ruiyong's rebuff by SNOC and Tan Chuan-Jin is enjoyable to them as well!!!! Me Joe KS, Tan Chuan-Jin, SNOC are all warriors of the LIGHT OF DAY not the dark of night, ie, we yearn for glad tidings and positive vibes/experiences, those belonging to ancient chivalrous knights, royal kings/queens/princes, stately in manner/speech/gestures/thoughts/ways/habits/desires, not those bad vibes belonging to whores/prostitutes/uncouth/heathen/LGBTQ/sexual-deviants/fornicators/adulterators/smokers/addicts and in this relevant context EGREGIOUS DOPERS AND DEFAMERS like my son Ruiyong!!!


Haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, what more can I as a father say man, oh mine..................

The last I heard yesterday my son Ruiyong offered to 'resolve differences' in the 'best interests of Singapore' kinda like really?!!!!!

What sorta 'best interests' for Singapore is he delusional over about if people like me Joe KS, his own beloved and proud father and confidante de jure has only ever found vested personal and self-interested motives and agendas in every thing he says and does for the past 10 years and beyond of his existence and consciousness. In fact, it was revealed finally by Judge Lee and Justice Thean that my son Ruiyong had personal interests so damn vested it infringed on serious moral and ethical offences such as defamation, jealousy, hatred/anger, fornication/adulteration, performance enhancement drug abuse/cartel, drugging up Jeevanesh Soundararajah to run a 1500m faster than Zachary Ryan Devaraj has ever run in his life (and we all know who the latter is----a schoolboy middle distance legend in the 800m and 1500m whom Jeevanesh had zero talent and hardwork to ever sniff during high school days!!!!).

Jeevanesh you reading this or not huh?!!!! You were no 1500m runner in your youthful days, neither with any such leg speed as 4:00:77 performance at 18 or 21 years of age for the same IF you also couldn't even best the greatest 800m/1500m schoolboy runner in Zachary Ryan Devaraj during highschool and university days indeed you couldn't even friggin sniff his backside in any 800m or 1500m race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeevanesh, we or at least I Joe KS, ain't stupid fools or born yesterday, we know the amount of wear and tear in your legs hitherto 2022, we know the years you have already trained and missed, we know your background as a longer distance runner in 5000m and 10000m and eternally struggling in the 800m and 1500m, but you just ran a 1500m in 4:00:77 at this age?!!!! We also know the drastically deteriorating radiofrequency and chemical pollution environment in which you are bathed in but think you are unscathed(!), hence we know YOU DEFINITELY NEEDED SOMETHING A-R-T-I-F-I-C-I-A-L-L-Y INDEED ILLEGALLY ENHANCING TO ENHANCE YOUR ORGANS/PARTS/CELLS for elite distance running.

Sorry Jeeva, but I Joe KS know you took those drugs from my beloved dear dear son Soh Ruiyong!!!!!!

Therefore my son Ruiyong doesn't have Singapore's 'best interests' in his heart/soul/spirit because he has sabotaged her prestige, reputation and honor by associating himself with that frigging convicted doper Jordan Chipangama and his NAZ elite coach Ben Rosario for an entire calender year in 2016/17, and, doping himself up with the same drugs so as to feel guilty enough to evade antidoping testers multiple times without properly valid reasons in July 2017, then continued doping from 2017 to 2021 whenever he sees fit in order to make a strong statement at convenient junctures in the athletics calender year where perhaps there might be other intersecting benefits and advantages for his vested personal self-interests. An example would be running the 5000m 14:44 'NR' in July and 6:53 2.4km 'NR' before the announcement of the verdict by Judge Lee in September 2021 in order to beef up any potential negative publicity and bad press if a losing verdict was announced!  Does that make sense?!

Every performance in 2021 by my son Soh Ruiyong was meticulously curated with utmost artificial care and intention in view of an equally artificially motivated outcome: appealing to and indeed swindling more public sympathy in order to shift the balance of the court of public opinion based on a numbers game towards his advantage! Basically, simply put, the artificially doped up performances of Ruiyong in 2021 were used as pawns or chess-pieces to partly disguise a sinisterly wicked, vengeful and vindictive/jealous agenda filled with uuuuggggghhhhhhh eeeewwwwwww HATRED AND ODIUM EEEEWWWWWWWW for SNOC, Tan Chuan-Jin, Ashley, Mark, Mok, Malik, Jed, me Daddy Joe KS and so many more people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Therefore, every phrase, word, intonation, speech, gesture he made in 2021 and 2022 were for an artificially motivated hence wicked unethical and immoral agenda to further his oppression in the realm of Sporting Fraternity in Singapore, including to get back and hit at Tan Chuan-Jin's pristine clean moral righteousness and purity.

There was never any interest in furthering 'Singapore's best interest' at all at any point in time of my son's professional distance running career, especially in the period of time after 2015 from 2016 to present day!!! It was all about him and him ruling the day and ruling the night like a guardsman albeit fake!!!!!!!

Hence there was never any interest in 'resolving any differences with SNOC or with Tan Chuan-Jin' at all especially as he was psychogenically perturbed enough to be mentally oblivious to 4 statutory declarations by SNOC's lawyers regarding the ascertained facts surrounding Ashley's slowing down in the marathon race!

One has to be sooooo sooooooo soooooooooooo eeeeeewwwwwwww eeeerrrrrgggghhhh psychiatrically deranged or delusional to dare go up against legally valid 4 statutory declarations and not rather set aside one's ego, be humble and admit defeat!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why Malik Aljunied is absolutely right in 'defaming' my son Ruiyong when he asserted that 'the marathon has (psychiatrically) messed up my son's brain and heart', and the reason why Mark Teng is also absolutely correct to say that 'things that one don't see doesn't mean had never happened'!!!!!!!

Any way SNOC is doing the right thing by law and by athlete code of conduct and by Singapore to snub Ruiyong's selection to the Asian Games which makes SA president and officials look like friggin fools for being snubbed twice in a row now without lesson!!!!

I wonder then what the heck on earth is Gojek CEO and SA President Lien thinking in his brain or whether he has got enough substantial cognition to make the right selections to SNOC! Once bitten, twice shy, there shall no longer be a 3rd time otherwise SNOC could just suspend Lien and SA for equally outrageous and unethical behavior for persisting in 'wrongdoing' in selecting 'wrongful' and undeserving athlete-doper in Ruiyong!!!!!


Soh Ruiyong, sorry but I Daddy Joe KS am sexually non-indulgent!

A few days ago I detested one Titus Low together with one other Soh Ruiyong, my beloved dear dear son and the reason was due to their flagrant and outrageous S-E-X-U-A-L W-I-C-K-E-D-N-E-S-S!!!!

Now I know I sound like some top grade holiest Church Pastor or even God calling them both out if it might imply that I myself Daddy Joe KS am sexually spanking clean and unblemished myself FIRST, which I will be happy to admit that I am!!!

Dear ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace, yes I am sexually righteous, or almost 100% righteous barring the occasional unintended stray thought here and there, and the reasons for me being such a state, as explained 2 days ago, is due to my out of this world electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity existentialist 'illnesses' or handicap rather, does that make sense?!

So yes, if there was one man under heaven and earth, apart from the even more perfect (than me Daddy Joe KS) Divine God Himself, most perfect to deem a judgement in the realm of sexual immorality, it's a no brainer that IT HAS TO BE AND MUST BE ME DADDY JOE KS, does that carefully and cautiously make sense ladies and gentlemen?!

Sex is something I totally abhor and abstain not insofar because it's an intrinsically unnatural and abominable act of cherishment between 2 persons married, but rather because it's artificially unnatural, ie, made artificially unnatural hence perverted, corrupted, sullied, dirtied, defiled, spoiled by none other people than?

Answer: DUHHHHHHHH!!!! Man-made artificial mankind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's the heathen and sullied people of the earth such as those belonging only and only in and of the modern city, suburb and nowadays even some or most rural areas as well, which is all of you reading this or otherwise, that have corrupted what was once an intrinsically natural and unspoiled institution or practice as S-E-X!!!

Would that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!

And you see, the overarching plea of cause for why ONLY the people of the cosmopolis, metropolis, city, or suburb are also the only ones capable of perverting and corrupting the institution of NATURAL GUILT-FREE S-E-X is also only an E-N-E-R-G-E-T-I-C, V-I-B-R-A-T-I-O-N-A-L hence E-N-V-I-R-O-N-M-E-N-T-A-L one, does that make sense?!

Both Titus Low and Soh Ruiyong are true blue cosmopolitans and metropolitans, unlike Paul Tergat, Haile Gebrselassie and Kenenisa Bekele, who being some of the world's greatest long distance runners of all time cannot be fatefully NOT of the cosmopolis/metropolis/city/suburb! ie, these distance running greats cannot not come from only and only and only R-U-R-A-L UNDEFILED, UNSPOILED, UNSULLIED, UNTOUCHED COUNTRYSIDE AND ISOLATED MOUNTAINEOUS ENVIRONMENTS as the only explanation for how their brains and bodies not only contain so much sacred energy to run so fast for so long training notwithstanding, but also surely to experience oh-so-uuuggghhhh-natural-and-tranquil sex with their wives completely also unspoiled, untouched, undefiled and guilt-free!!!!

Did I hit the damn nail on the spot ladies and gentlemen, as well as Titus Low and Soh Ruiyong?!!

So question is what's the energetic/vibrational hence environmental plea of cause in the modern city that is so damn different, ie, poisonous and polluted, as compared to the rural undefiled, untouched, unspoiled countryside environment that insofar as poison and pollute the sacred natural institution of sex by poisoning and polluting the same hearts/minds/souls/spirits/cells/organs/parts AS ONE/ONE-NESS of the very population of human beings consisting in the former thus BESMIRCHING THEIR MORAL CONSCIOUSNESS/CONSCIENCE AND EXISTENCE?!!!

Answer: easy as ABC for the powerfully conscious and existing human beings such as those electrohypersensitive and/or multiple chemical sensitive. It's Artificial, Man-made, Pulsed, Modulated, Radiofrequency and Chemical Pollution, mutagenic, carcinogenic, teratogenic, psycho-genic, basically it's so bad for human consciousness and existence it's P-R-O-V-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L-L-Y BAD, ie, helplessly and hopelessly and irretrievably bad like there is no tomorrow!

Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!

I have said this answer many times in the past under different subjects and areas of concern, but today's area of concern concerns SEXUAL DEFILEMENT AND IMMORALITY, which is fundamentally a LOOSE SCREW, ie, AN UNHINGING, A RELAXATION, A LOOSE-NESS, A GIVING UP OF CONTROL OF ONE'S ENERGY STORES, A RENUNCIATION OF ONE'S DIGNITY AND CARE, AND A SLOWLY BUT SURELY BREWING HATRED FOR LIFE AS WELL AS PREMONITION FOR DEATH!!!!!

I'm metaphysically and epistemologically breaking down the core of sexual unhinging hence sin into its component mind-wave frequency/energy/vibration forms and this unhinging can only occur in the presence of AN ENVIRONMENT OF DEATH OR DEATH PROMOTION, ie, Artificial Man-made Pulsed, Modulated, Radiofrequency and Chemical Pollution!

Hence, the curse that has bewitched my dearest son Soh Ruiyong and his bisexual whore Titus Low is one destined to be ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION from artificial radiofrequency and chemical in an INVISIBLE, IMPERCEPTIBLE, SUBCONSCIOUS/UNCONSCIOUS AND SILENT MANNER, flying all the way under their radar if their radar is not like mine Daddy Joe KS so microscopically discerning, does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!

This is the reason why people like us Daddy Joe KS abstain and flee far far far far away from sex, sexual imagery, sexual temptation, sexual innuendo, sexual pornography if not at least be really really really really uncomfortable, disgusted and repelled by the same if I'm not able to flee far away.

So as you all know, I Daddy Joe KS am currently residing in a modern city or suburb unable yet to leave to the truly rural unspoiled Ugandan or Cameroonian countryside environments for good, therefore I can only so much as be detested, repelled and disgusted by the gamut of sexual sin and corruption that I come across in the city/suburb in the Straitstimes, Today, CNA as well as social media posts from especially Soh Ruiyong.

So this was how I came to be repelled by sexual immorality residing in Soh Ruiyong and Titus Low, and this was also how I have explained to you in all the aforementioned I came to totally practice religious, metaphysical and epistemological sex-distancing, ie, I Joe KS have a flourishing and ripening sexual aspect that is permanently under consecration and ministering to the Righteous Lord God of Light of Heaven and Earth!!!

Sorry Ruiyong, I Daddy Joe KS don't do sex of any sort, whether wrongful or rightful, sorry.......and I further implore you to give up all your sexual rights to sexual immorality and cling to sexual righteousness in the Lord Jesus! 

Amen Ruiyong!

Disgraced ex-team-Singapore marathoner found to be sexually unhinged and indulgent in criminal lewdness and perversion


Ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace, if any of you have any ounce of TRUE UNSPOILED MORALITY LEFT IN YOU, you will join arms with me to super condemn true pervert Titus Low and his equally perverted advocate and mouthpiece Soh Ruiyong, former ex-team-Singapore marathoner now defunct. Eeeeeewwwwwwwwwww damn.......

Gosh, sorry for swearing in the name of the Lord God, but I just can't stomach all these nonsense man, yucccckkkkssssssssssss........

Soh Ruiyong and Titus Low simply don't know the moral depravation of their hearts/minds/souls/spirits/cells/organs/parts as ONE/ONE-NESS to understand, if at all, why having privately, discreetly, consensual sexual gratification on a Virtual Machine (ie, Computer) on an internet server website as OnlyFans is very very very very very very morally wrong hence immoral.

You see ladies and gentlemen of Singapore, these 2 perverts have too loose or corrupt a moral compass to ever know the reason why, and, be convicted (acting and speaking) of it in all sincerity like I Joe KS perfectly do! Does that make sense like this ladies and gentlemen?!

Granted, I Joe KS am perfectly inclined in every sense of the word peeerrrrrfeeeccct!!!!!!!!!!! Even if I'm 1 yard short of perfection, I always strive even for that yard precisely because of a special biological uuuuggghhhhh nature or condition that anchors my uuugggghhh soul/mind/heart/spirit/cells/organs/parts as ONE/ONE-NESS! This special biological anchor is called uuugggghhhhhh E-L-E-C-T-R-O-H-Y-P-E-R-S-E-N-S-I-T-I-V-I-T-Y AND MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY!!!!!!!

These are 'illnesses' of an existentialist sort! What is existentialist illness? Answer: it's one where the threat to my ability to exist, not just staying alive, and more importantly function and operate like a human being, is curtailed and suppressed! Because of this special biological existentialist threat, my world and the lens in which I view, interact, survive, communicate in the world needs to be that much more impeccable, ie, peeerrrrrfeeeccct right down to the microscopic wave frequency/energy/vibration in order that I may exist with uuuuggghhhh purpose and with effect, not just staying alive like a comatose vegetable or zombie like the Singaporean commoner man and woman walking the streets AKA YOU!

Would all these make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!

This includes the realm of morality and ethics, ie, I exist, desire to exist, encourage/exhort to exist in this realm all the more R-I-G-H-T-E-O-U-S-L-Y, PURELY, SINLESS-LY OR OTHERWISE ALMOST SINLESS-LY, LIKE AN UNBLEMISHED LAMB OR UNDEFILED/UNTOUCHED/UNSPOILED VIRGIN MARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!!!

YAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, this means I'm absolutely spanking clean when it comes to SEXUAL MORALITY AND VIRGINITY, and of course doping morality which I have proven myself time and time again for the past 6 years whistleblowing enduringly, undyingly, desirously, sincerely, passionately the doping transgressions of one doped up son of mine beloved Soh Ruiyong dear dear!

I cannot tolerate sexual sin or blemish-ness, not only doesn't sit well in my stomach or in my loins, but just the whole modus operandi of a sex pervert just as Titus Low and Soh Ruiyong wreaks of CONSCIOUS WICKEDNESS AND EVIL AT EVERY JUNCTURE DURING THE PROCESS OF AND REALIZATION OF SEXUAL PERVERSION/IMMORALITY!

How do I know?!!!

Answer: DUH, I used to be a sex pervert myself a long long long long long time ago, decades ago while a young and frankly stupid man before I was aware that I was electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive. I used to be my son's young age, sexually care-free and potent/fertile, believing the lies and whims of my ego which seductively rationalized to me "Joe, fornicating a woman is ok so long as she is willing, or, she is in love with you", and, "Joe, it's okay to film your sex scenes or upload naked images of her if it's done 'lovingly' never mind consensually"!!!!!!!

So therefore, the need today of me to be morally holy, pure and righteous like a truly hungry man isn't so much, if at all, born of any wilful effort on my part to want to do so or be like so but rather out of achieving, maintaining sustainable bio-energetic or bioelectromagnetic/electrical homeostasis hence health for my existentialist illnesses electrohypernsitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity, does that make sense?!!!

I know it's hard to understand for hackneyed Singaporean minds/hearts/souls/spirits/cells/organs/parts much less if more wicked and corrupt like Titus Low and Soh Ruiyong's but what I'm basically trying to say is that righteousness is not a choice for the existentially threatened electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive, it's a sine quo non, no ifs or buts, make sense?!!!!

I die die die die die have to be righteous, I have to die by it because to fornicate/adulterate a woman consists of too much evil scheming and wicked coercing/manipulating of the woman and of the surrounding environment that would distort, corrupt, and consume my bioenergetic or my electrical mind+body so much enough to worsen or aggravate my electrohypersensitivity and multiple-chemical sensitivity, does that make sense?!!! 

This means, the ARTIFICIAL EGO-DRIVEN (ie, man-made!!!) energetic behavior and nature (frequency/phase/polarization/vibration) of sexually fornicating or adulterating a woman is at loggerheads with TRUE NATURAL HOMEOSTATIC HEALTH AND VITALITY, thus impossible to make a choice in favor of such outcomes for the energetically/electrically threatened electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive person like me Joe KS or otherwise!

Being so energetically/electrically threatened in my existence and consciousness, I Joe KS as an electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive sufferer all the more embrace and go in search of uuuuugggghhhhhh true uuuugghhhhh unspoiled, undefiled, untouched, UNCONDITIONAL PLATONIC LOVE, CARE, UNDERSTANDING, WISDOM, HOPE, FAITH, COURAGE, PEACE, HARMONY precisely because these are electrical resonators/injectors of powerful energetic/vibrational health and vitality in the human being!!!!!!! Does that make sense?!!!!

Being also out of this world electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive with distinction, I Joe KS am all the more invisibly, telepathically, metaphysically, epistemologically hence also spiritually discerning of what's 'good' and what's 'bad', or what's positive and negative and everywhere in between in all its varying textures and degrees!!! 

So given all my solid background history, here is my verdict regarding Titus Low and Soh Ruiyong:

1) Titus Low is sexually wicked and unhinged to film a video of himself naked and masturbating in the shower cell with another person (guy) and also thus making homosexual insinuations eeeewwwwwwwwwww yucks!!!

2) Titus Low is morally debased to believe that he makes substantial and credible financial profit 'creatively' while making such sexually wicked and unhinged videos and images, eeeeerrrrrrgggghhhhh shit yucks.........

3) Titus Low is morally debased to think that private consent through subscription is enough to circumvent detestable and wicked moral leanings/inclinations.

4) The fan group subscribers of Titus Low are equally if not more morally debased to pander to both Titus Low's sexual wickedness and infidelity, as well as, their own ones.

5) Soh Ruiyong is equally if not more sexually wicked and perfidious than Titus Low and his legion of deranged wireless radiation damaged supporters by coming out in public to advocate for his innocence.

6) Soh Ruiyong's act of moral support is intrinsically (based on metaphysical forms/patterns of thought and behavior) akin to agreeing to getting into the shower cell with Titus Low, indeed ALREADY DONE SO LONG FOREGONE(!!!!), and masturbating mutually together with him and the other actor for a 3-way male masturbation motion picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you agree ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace?!!!! I can't actually believe I concluded the aforementioned findings like a court Judge precisely because it doesn't befit the righteous angelic and holy stature of my existential electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity to find out like so. I'm very embarrassed that I have to use sexually explicit terms and phrases with high immoral density/concentration to say about my once sexually undefiled, virgin, righteous, holy son Soh Ruiyong whom I first loved (as only a father parent) when he was 13 years old!!!!

I feel defiled, spoiled, dirtied that in giving all these sexually depraved verdict and terms I inadvertently electrically induced the same sexual depravity in all my consciousness and existence eeeewww yucks, leaving me needing a quick purge of sorts after writing this via prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ and some earthing to discharge corruption to the earth/universe!

Living amidst so much sexual depravity in modern society, mainly caused by artificial man-made pulsed modulated radiofrequency radiation INVISIBLE AND ESPIONAGING TRIGGERS, I therefore assert and reaasert that both Titus Low, Soh Ruiyong and many more Singaporean men and women like them both are unconscious of this invisible meta-trigger or metaphysical trigger from their polluted environment and don't know that they are acting out, speaking forth its garbage-filled energetic/vibrational contents full of moral wickedness and evil!!!!

It's the reason why I Joe KS stopped having actual physical sexual intercourse for so long now being that the entire man-made man-driven consciousness of sex is so corrupted/perverted hence wicked and unhinged that having sex with a woman today, even my own wife would electrically induce the same corrupted/perverted consciousness in all my sexual dealings with my own wife, thus also corrupting it and her. The same would occur for her. The outcome of such a sex is:











And the list goes on. Many Singaporean men and women as well as men and women all over the world in modern jurisdictions, actually indeed ALL BAR NONE(!!!!!!), are admitting and finding sex strangely unfulfilling and insurmountable beyond perhaps the 1st 2 or 3 sexual encounters, and the invisible meta-reason or metaphysical trigger of a reason has been revealed and exposed by me here now!

Sex?! Nah, as an intellectually stimulating and multiplying man, sex ain't for me man, I don't hate it but there is great electrical impedance (ie, capacitative and inductive) mismatch of it with my electrical consciousness and existence!!!

Sorry Ruiyong, Daddy admits I dislike sex, so please stop selling me your stash of pornographic obscene material please ok?!!!!!







Longitudinal Scalar Electric/Magnetic (ie, magneto-dielectric Ether) shock-wave secret of 1848

We live in such times where we call the things 'advanced' and 'modern' those that weren't only just invented, discovered or created but those we had a 'sleeping beauty-type' long-range dementia/delusion over for about close to 200 years!!!

What am I referring to ladies and gentlemen of Singapore?!!

Answer: haizzzzz, what else can it be man?!!! It's Devout Christian Protestant, Physicist and Mathematician Sir James Clerk Maxwell's discovered equations of the super-penetrating and super-tunneling (of the Best Military Armor on Earth or Faraday Cage!) Longitudinal Scalar Electric/Magnetic Shockwave of 1848, not 2022 as if right now by my seeming discovery or otherwise here!!!!!!!

There is nothing new, astounding or profound in anything I'm saying or introducing here being already known almost 200 years ago except if there is equally something greatly demented, delusional, brain-fogging, deceptive, lost, deceived, or generally trivial/superficial/lewd/perverted/insubstantial in all your minds and brains, does that make sense?!

Because what these equations from 1848 showed were mathematical proof of the existence of these shockwaves hence the existence of the ETHER or of the unified magneto-dielectric medium. It also showed that these shockwaves and the ETHER or magneto-dielectric medium are ONE IN THE SAME DAMN THING!

The magneto-dielectric medium is the ETHER is the very longitudinal scalar electric/magnetic shockwaves perturbed or vibrated or set into motion by mobile phone antennas or any antennas, man-made or natural (ie, cells/molecules/atoms etc!) created under heaven and earth! It's ONE/ONE-NESS, ooooohhhhhh how so beautiful wooohooooooooooo!

This video below by Germany's super-expert in Physics and Engineering, an avid Nikola Tesla researcher, by the name of Konstantine Christian Meyl, explains to us all the A to Z of longitudinal scalar electric/magnetic respectively waves, and why it is the main cause of harm on human brains and bodies rather than that of transverse electromagnetic waves which today's scientists seem to be obsessed about.

Now the information I present here is information that even the best EMF scientists on the planet earth hitherto 2022 don't know about or is otherwise wrong over like there is no tomorrow! Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?! So therefore I also highlight the heaven and earth disparity in wisdom, knowledge and understanding not between ignorant fools like industry, Big Pharma, governments, and, people like Nikola Tesla, Konstantine Christian Meyl, me Joe KS and many like us, but that also between the best most benevolent EMF scientists and medical doctors on the planet earth hitherto 2022, and, the same group of people Tesla, Konstantine, me Joe KS, I meant to say that if I Joe KS or Nikola Tesla is so far ahead of even the best most intelligent EMF scientists on the planet earth in 2022, then how much more so against the super corrupt/stupid/ignorant telco industry and their associations like Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Governments of the planet earth.

The information I present here is so so soooooooooooooooooooooooo astronomically far ahead that Nikola Tesla once said to Walter Russell that 'the information and knowledge they had both discovered and arrived at combined then was 1000 years ahead of mankind's then contemporaneous era's ability to make sense of and accept' and hence (implying thus) that no way under heaven and earth that any banal and hackneyed man or woman on the street could even be suspected or inseminated in anywhere close to their minds and hearts such beautiful wisdom and knowledge!!!!

Would that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!

I for one as an electrohypersensitive agent suffered and experienced longitudinal scalar magnetic/electric shockwave injury to my brain and body parts/cells/organs as ONE/ONE-NESS many times over while conducting the ethically borderline experiments on myself, ie, I stood inside a Faraday Cage and had somebody weaponize an ordinarily innocuous WiFi signal jammer antenna using a remote control so as to switch on and off, and on and off in a rapid manner. I also had somebody made a 4G mobile phone call inside a fully caged steel metallic elevator carriage with the doors closed tight shut while I stood outside of it a few meters away.

What were my findings?!!!

Answer: shocking to say the least!!!! I was injured beyond ease, and, I-N-S-T-A-N-T-A-N-E-O-U-S-L-Y!!! It felt like being bathed in electromagnetic waves/radiation except it also felt psychotic initially precisely because I would have been fighting my sanity trying to understand how the heck on earth the Faraday Cage/Surface failed to do its job being so well proven and tested by so called 'very good science and scientists'?! Either the science was shit or the products were fake, but then again, they both also couldn't be so!!!

Following crystal clear epistemological processes of fact-finding, fact-weighing, fact-scaling, fact-classification, and with emotionally-conditioned steely patience and courage, I treaded ahead inch by inch debunking and debunking one myth after another to arrive on a higher and higher plane of truth of consciousness and existence. It helped that I had a powerful physics background and a serendipitous encounter and thereafter affection for one powerful man in physics, ie, Nikola Tesla. They both work together to cause more and more powerful resonance in me to first alleviate my electrohypersensitive condition, and, subsequently also to entrench deeper and deeper my love for the beautiful electrical theories and discoveries of Nikola Tesla and whole host of other classical scientists. Everything I therefore learnt about the etheric longitudinal scalar electric/magnetic shockwave is everything I ever combined between my love for Nikola Tesla and his discoveries/theories, and, my love for knowing and understanding what physical laws/principles could have overcome the Faraday Cage and injured me so effortlessly and profoundly in such an all-surpassing time and space manner! 

Does that make sense?!

The discoveries and insights I introduce and share here passionately and desirously aren't modern, advanced or new per se at all, but nonetheless so new, so modern and so advanced TO THE EXTENT THAT MANKIND LIKE YOU HAVE BECOME SIMPLY SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VAPID, BLAND AND STUPID/IGNORANT!!!

The image below explains in simpler summarized detail the concepts of longitudinal scalar waves as explained by Dr Konstantine Meyl and how it overcomes a metallic armory or shield.

I explain the graph above in greater detail below:

As you can see in the graph below which I created on Microsoft Word, the power versus time graph for a mobile phone inside and outside a perfect Faraday Cage, ie, the sharper pulse graph and blunt one respectively.
Law of conservation of energy applies to an open communicating system between transmitter (source) and receiver (target) with this energy pool being the totality of every possible energy source from all the earth and distant universe in between that could come into resonance with the receiving characteristics of the receiver circuit, and, the energy of the transmitter itself on top of that.
Hence, any one particular point in time and space or era, we have 1 unique value of total energy available for the receiver brought to bear in 2 distinct experimental scenarios one inside the perfect Faraday Cage and outside of it as shown by these 2 pulses on the graph.
Energy is the product of power and time, and as aforementioned being conserved as ONE, therefore if a mobile phone inside a perfect Faraday cage is the transmitter ( and earthed to the human being's hands or body in general being in contact with it), and the mobile phone base station is the receiver also earthed and grounded, then the mobile phone will intelligently find its way out of the perfect cage to the receiver, being both connected by the ground or earth by TUNNELING hence penetrating through it by reducing the time interval of the pulsation to produce a much sharper power spike like a knife's edge, as compared to if the mobile phone were outside of the cage and having the mobile phone base station receiver in its clear sight with much lower power spike being given over a much larger time interval, ie, no powerful tunneling hence penetrating ability is required to communicate in the absence of the Faraday Cage.
What the spike does is to produce both an electric, and separately, a magnetic shock-wave of a STRAIGHT-LINE longitudinal nature in the exact direction of the receiver as if both the transmitter and receiver were electrodes or cathodes and anodes and the space between them as if a complete void of vacuum energy, ie, transparent with no obstacles in sight to attenuate the scalar longitudinal shockwave.
This super-penetrating and super-tunneling longitudinal scalar magnetic and electric shockwave respectively accompanies the non-penetrating and non-tunneling (ie, cannot go through the Faraday cage perfectly) transverse electromagnetic wave/radiation during emission albeit travelling ahead of the latter being that its speed is much faster being faster than the speed of light being the medium in and of itself that PERMITS or charges (capacitative) and induces (inductance) electromagnetic waves/radiation AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT.
Therefore the retardation or attenuation of the less biologically harmful, if at all, transverse electromagnetic wave/radiation by the Faraday surface doesn't so much, or only very slightly, if at all, attenuates the infinitely more harmful scalar longitudinal magnetic and electric respectively shockwaves because the latter travels faster ahead of the former. Before the former has arrived at the plane surface of a Faraday Cage to be attenuated, the latter has long arrived there and tunneled through it first.
This is the reason why between avoidance/escape, and, shielding, the former is infinitely preferred, always! If the latter has to be used, it's only fleeting and temporal like a next-next-best solution.
But this is not all!
If you were inside the Faraday cage and the tranverse electromagnetic wave/radiation fails to reach you being shielded by the Faraday surface, then, all it takes is a minimum of 2 DIRECTIONAL SCALAR BEAMS OF ELECTRIC OR MAGNETIC SHOCKWAVES from any 2 capable distant antenna transmitters outside to induce the very transverse electromagnetic wave/radiation that has been shielded by the Faraday surface inside your brain and body to harm and if weaponized to kill you, just as it takes a minimum of 2 beams or ray of light from an object for your eyes to trickle an electric charge and form an image behind a retina, ie, for your eyes to induce an electromagnetic effect/current in your nerve optic!!!
And, if you are inside a Faraday Cage, the electromagnetic wave/current/field/radiation induced in you that has now made you an emitter of the very hostile RF you are trying to avoid or flee from, from a minimum of 2 pulsing and tunneling longitudinal scalar waves producing transmitters will be now shielded, hence A-C-C-U-M-U-L-A-T-E-D or trapped, IN YOU WITH NO ABILITY TO PENETRATE OUT OF THE FARADAY SURFACE/CAGE!!! ie, you are reflecting or shielding back RF electromagnetic waves on yourself insofar as to infinitely harm yourself more!!!
Do you know what that means?! Well, it simple means, MISSION SUICIDE, OR MISSION DEATH!!! Whether it comes slow or fast doesn't matter.
Conventional or standard science of 2022, or modern day is not well-tasked to handle all these gem of insight and information because frankly they still find it 'an offence', or, 'scaring the public' which is a regressive and ancient mentality and the main culprit for the lack of real progress in science.

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