I"m a big fan of Anti-Doping Singapore's Dr Patrick Goh!!!

Question: why am I a big fan and lover of Dr Patrick Goh of Anti-doping Singapore advisory as seen in the CNA video below?

Education crucial in preventing athletes from using drugs: Anti Doping Singapore | Video - CNA (channelnewsasia.com)

Answer: it's because I sense an eerie or mysterious foreknowledge, so it seems, that Dr Patrick Goh seems to have of no other athlete than the one of mi pequenita hijo Soh Ruiyong when he explicitly stated in the video aforementioned that doping violations include:

1) failure to indicate accurately your whereabouts for testing (hence leading to a missed test which might amount to 3 before a doping sanction is activated!)

2) failure to avoid associating yourself in person, on social media or otherwise with doping activities, suspected doping activities and dopers or doping persons/athletes/coaches!!!

And I felt sooooooooooo relieved to the point of orgasm or otherwise overflowing ecstasy at hearing these 2 specific doping violations on CNA media interview precisely because Dr Patrick Goh seems to be communicating directly to the Singaporean public and all its stake-holders THE EXACT VIOLATIONS OF MI PEQUENITA HIJO SOH RUIYONG IN 2017 JULY 31ST-6TH AUGUST or just before the KL Sea Games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What were the 2 doping violations of Ruiyong in July 2017? They are:

1) Intentionally or giving impression of intentionally missing 2 consecutive drugs test in the space of 7 days for no apparent reasons so as to weird out testing officials ENOUGH to call his bluff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2) Associating himself before, during and after the 2017 Sea Games with convicted African American doper Jordan Chipangama and his coach and team Ben Rosario and NAZ elite in a region of America, Flagstaff Arizona, well-known for past doping convicts and doping activities!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See picture below of Ruiyong and Jordan cavorting freely like lovebirds or otherwise brotherhood.

Oh mine...........oh dear..............what are the odds ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace that Dr Patrick Goh out of the 12 doping violations he said during the aforementioned CNA interview would amount to or be equivalent to doping or doping sanction that he only referred TO THE VERY 2 VIOLATIONS THAT MI PEQUENITA HIJO SOH RUIYONG HIMSELF VIOLATED JUST BEFORE 2017 SEA GAMES INSTEAD OF THE OTHER 10 REMAINING ONES?!!!!!!!!!!!

2/12=0.17 or nominal chance of 17%!!!!!!!! Does that make sense like this?!!!

Haizzzzz.................oh mine oh dear.............

Now for the rest of the day my mind is going into sympathetic overdrive, ie, fight-and-flight response in full alert mode after being cast such wide alert in all my mind+body as ONE/ONE-NESS by the seemingly startling prescient revelation of Dr Patrick Goh of Antidoping Singapore advisory!!!! I really can't wrap my mind around such perfect synchronicity surrounding mi pequenita hijo Soh Ruiyong and Dr Patrick Goh!

This is cause of reason for me to also really love Dr Patrick Goh and Antidoping Singapore even more or to the next level not only due to their seeming pre-knowledge of Soh Ruiyong's doping violations in 2017 but also their undying love and passion for clean sport with honor and integrity whether win or lose! I love such honor about them and I'm proud to have a Singaporean organization persuaded this way, unlike that found in State-sponsored Russian Doping scandal of recent era!

I'm all for clean and righteous sport and sport practice beyond simply protecting oneself from drugs and drugs abuse; I'm also actually all for practicing sport with other types of virtues and ethics not related to abstinence from drugs such as losing graciously without hatred and jealousy, putting others before oneself such as even relinquishing a gold medal position (like Dr Ashley Liew did in the 2015 Sea Games marathon!) for the sake of fair-ness shown to other athletes on the competing field, and being careful and sensitive to the feelings/emotions/sentiments of other diverse athletes/team-mates/competitors on the playing field and especially outside of it insofar as being an exemplary role model for the youth. These are sport and personal attributes missing from Singapore's most morally and ethically corrupt athlete to date Soh Ruiyong starting from 2015 till present day and who represents the failure of the Singapore Sport system hitherto somewhat, does that make sense like this?!

I still can't wrap my mind around how he still has enough insult and shame in him to continue recommending himself or asking Takagi Ramen and SA president Lien to recommend on behalf of him as a candidate for future major international games?!!!

How in the world ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace huh?!!!!! Eeeeerrrgggghhhhh yuckzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, it's so disgusting, insulting, demeaning and downright rubbing salt into wound, does that make sense?!!! If it were me I would be soooooooooo embarrassed and shameful at asking any further favors from the very people and governing bodies whom I had mocked and disparaged so freely and wantonly in the past. I would retreat as far as possible away in some geographical obscurity insofar as Uganda Kapchorwa, Cameroon Batie, or Entoto Ethiopia or otherwise and lead instead a life of monk-like repentance and forgiveness of sins unto the Lord Jesus Christ Amen!!!!!!!

Does that make sense like this?!!! Haizzzzzz..........................dios mio................que lastima asi...........

To Antidoping Singapore I hope you keep up the wonderful work and become the world leader in the area of antidoping advocacy and testing. Come on, there are so many more obscure drugs and artificial performance enhancements or otherwise out there in athletes' bodies circulating that haven't been caught and probably never will as seen in a very good example in Soh Ruiyong who till today has never been tested positive for any trace of drugs in his blood but yet we know still that he is a doper for all practical intents and purposes!!!

Let's go ADS!!!!!!!!!!!!💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💖💖💖💓💓

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