The condemnation and evil of one Singaporean marathoner sportsman revealed in High Court Singapore, and, a relook at how our youth sport development needs to change to prevent such people from existing ever again


Words can't describe the amount of S-A-T-I-S-F-A-C-T-I-O-N I gained into all my organs/parts/cells/mind/heart/soul/spirit as ONE/ONE-NESS at the news that Justice Valerie Thean, a non-engineering or non-science minded Judge, declared my beloved dear dear son Soh Ruiyong for all intents and purposes the real liar between him and Ashley! That she didn't use the word 'egregious' this time makes no difference to the sting of the verdict which is that there is still stubborn and unspeakable abomination in him, does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!

Eeeeeewwwwwwww yucks!!!

But definitely I got an energy boost like a protein bar or juice would tend to do to all my organs/parts/cells/mind/heart/soul/spirit wholesomely and handsomely as ONE/ONE-NESS. And the reason for my such scathing assessment of my very own beloved son Ruiyong is because as his beloved Daddy I'm all the more repelled by all his omissions towards Ashley Liew and many more people that are his 'enemies' being that I know him simply too uuuugggghhhhhhhh I-N-T-I-M-A-T-E-L-Y like my very own created loins----to invoke a quick and simple example and analogy, does that make sense?!

I Daddy Joe KS knows that my dear dear beloved son Ruiyong did not, will not, will never ever ever ever prevent any jealousy and odium inside his own organs/cells/parts/heart/mind/soul/spirit as ONE/ONE-NESS against Fairplayer of the year 2015/2016 award winner Ashley Liew because it's simply not in his nature to do so DUH!! He has no intuition, instinct for true peace and harmony the way I Daddy Joe KS am very well hinged and fine-tuned, neither does he have very very very substantial (read PROPHETIC OR EPOCHAL/INFINITE!) reason related to health or the science of health such as the DEADLY killer effects of artificial WiFi on human brains and bodies, to justify the temporary sacrifice of peace and harmony in favor of war and battle on the legal front with Ashley.

Would that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!

If Ashley hypothetically lied about his sportsmanship act or was intentionally vague/ambiguous hence deceptive about it, yet it doesn't pose any danger to my son's physical/mental/emotional/social/spiritual health and vitality AT ALL. My son ain't dropping dead, like the way I might do so with artificial WiFi or chemical cumulative exposure, if Ashley hypothetically lied or maintained the lie that he did slow down and cost him a medal.

There is no providential earth-shattering and heavens-collapsing Christ-returning prophetic or epochal quality or substance in the hypothetical lack of honesty on Ashley's part, ie, the lie means nothing threatening, life-threatening to nobody and no entity on earth much less to one Soh Ruiyong, therefore, no further appeal in a substantial High Court should be brought at the expense of a decision that has already been made about the same non-life-threatening hence non-substantial lie and the conflict that ensued over the lie, does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!

Oh dear, oh mine, can you ladies and gentlemen always see and foresee why I Daddy Joe KS, who loves my son Ruiyong, is always so exquisitely pinpoint in my views and insights insofar as peerless and unmatched among the men and towering men of this planet earth?!

Haizzzzzz..............what else can I say man................haizzzzzzzz...............

Supposing Ashley told a lie and the lack of redress and remediation of the lie by a Court Judge would foreseeably or even instantaneously the very second the lie was emitted or radiated out of Ashley's mouth/mind/tongue/speech KILL MY BELOVED SON RUIYONG or causes him severe physical disability or incapacity insofar as being pummelled by an oncoming truck or lorry, then by all means there is great reason of terror on my son's life to get Ashley to stop telling the lie by suing him in civil court or even criminal one since blood might be spilled!

But this isn't the case with the circumstances presented by both Ashley and Ruiyong. Ruiyong stood to benefit nor lose no reputation, prestige, status, awards, health, happiness, joy even if he allowed the perceived lie by Ashley to continue unstopped. Example: Ruiyong still keeps his 2015 SEA Games Gold Medal, the highest award and honor in SEA sport duh!! Ruiyong still gets to keep all the fond memories of love, respect and endearment he was treated and reveled by throngs of local supporters and sport officials like Malik Aljunied, Tan Chuan-Jin who both loved him to the core of their soul/mind/heart/spirit/organs/cells/parts as ONE/ONE-NESS!!!! Last but not least, he gets to keep his uuuggghhhh oh-so-so-so-so-so-beautiful ex-gf by the nickname of CHARM who would certainly not be well-pleased or gaining of any respect of Ruiyong if he exchanged peace and harmony with one and all fans, supporters, competitors and sport officials/governments for his so called 'truth'! Oh, and last but not least, he gets to be kind to his parents and family by not bringing the spotlight on them for his reckless and egregious/inappropriate behavior if he exchanged out peace and harmony with one and all fans, supporters, competitors and sport officials/governments for his so called 'truth'!!! Oh and sorry, the very final last but not least, he wouldn't have loss so much money, or public monies from crowdfunding sources or otherwise even his and his family's own pocket/wallet totalling almost 300,000-400,000 Singapore dollars if he didn't exchanged out the same peace and harmony with the same groups of people and stakeholders for his so called 'truth'!!

Would that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!! Oh dear haiz............HOW COULD MY SON RUIYONG NOT FORSEE OR SEE ALL THESE COMING to him?!

How sia, how ah?!! How on earth also that I, as a physically incapacitated and suffering in pain electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive victim am able to, I-R-O-N-I-C-A-L-L-Y against the trend of discrimination/prejudice/mockery of conventional society or common men and women, infer, deduce and induce infinitely so much more wisdom, knowledge and understanding as compared to supposedly 'non-physically' and 'non-mentally' ill Singaporean commoner men and women who don't professed to be consciously electrohypersensitive or multiple chemical sensitive who are walking the streets of Singapore, including Soh Ruiyong himself my beloved son?!!! How do I have more intelligence, presence of mind, and ingenuity/clarity of insight than Soh Ruiyong and the conventional man on the street to predict, foretell and forebode events as well as the hearts/minds of conventional mankind SO DAMN WELL unless it was my very own electrohypersensitive and multiple chemical sensitive agency and modus operandi that induce in or bestowed me with such ability?!


Somebody tell me please, oh mine, sharks................cuz I'm pretty sure I Daddy Joe KS had been up to the task and beyond in trying to rein in the pure stupidity and odium of my own beloved son Ruiyong. I Daddy Joe KS spared no effort since January 2016 when I first started whistleblowing the moral and ethical corruption/flaw/error in my son's personal and professional ethics to remove his blindfold with regards to plain 1+1 common-sense, as well as, the more complicated and trickier legal options/choices which I had told him to forgo and simply APOLOGIZE TO MALIK ALJUNIED, APOLOGIZE TO MARK AND ASHLEY LIEW, APOLOGIZE TO MOK YING REN, APOLOGIZE TO JED, and most importantly 'kneel down' before Tan Chuan-Jin and all the other SNOC board members and confess and re-confess his quaint association and nostalgia for Rui-En the MediaCorp Actress!

Would that make sense ladies and gentlemen?! Haiz.........................

Since the pursuit of my son's so called 'truth' had severely incapacitated him emotionally, spiritually, socially, politically, economically and even physically (resorting to performance enhancement drugs to revitalize his body parts/cells/organs and its bioenergetic metabolism to maintain or even enhance his running performances), he couldn't have done it CHILVAROUSLY, MAGNANIMOUSLY, SINCERELY, COURAGEOUSLY, FAITHFULLY, PEACEABLY, BOLDLY, INTELLIGENTLY, HENCE LAUDABLY and/or deserving of praise, does that make sense?!  He could only have done it, after suffering and intentionally suffering so much injurious effects to his TOTAL EXISTENCE AND CONSCIOUSNESS OR MIND+BODY out of darkness of vengeance and jealousy!!

Only a dark and evil Satanic force can motivate or fuel him to take so much 'sadistic' and/or even 'sado-masochistic' torture, pain and suffering in his all-round consciousness and existence for a mere paltry trinket of 'truth' that isn't based on life-threatening, earth-shattering, epochal, prophetic reasons or factors of life and of death!

He is basically a superficial and insubstantial man or son of mine, and I'm embarrassed to analyze and conclude so elegantly and expertly like so far above and beyond anything Justices of High Court, Straits Times journalist or investigative journalist can ever achieve or accomplish; and, a superficial and insubstantial man is a devilish, impish, hence corrupt and lewd one! Precisely because it is precisely the empty-minded or empty-vessel fools and perverts of the planet earth today in 2022 who are in the process of or end up becoming criminals or committing immorality/evil/injustice of all sorts in whatever major or minor cumulative manner!

This brings me to the question of how and why the failure of our previous generation of youth sport development if there are athletes like my son Ruiyong with so much mental, emotional, spiritual, social, physical instability and commotion on whether there is an institutional weakness in the same system in the first place?!!! The next question would be whether this weakness has already been identified and measures taken by Tan Chuan-Jin and SNOC to heed against it! On prima facie as well as closer inspection, I can see that Tan Chuan-Jin and SNOC has taken steps to cohere all the NSAs with an all-important athlete code of conduct detailing the rules and regulations of becoming a representative one's nation, family, club, school etc. Also he has quietly clamped down in a hush-hush clandestine and unspoken manner DOPING IN SPORT by not only including against it in the athlete code of conduct but also distancing himself and his organization away from it by, as we all now know, quietly and peaceably turning down my son Ruiyong's application and nomination to the Hanoi SEA Games 2022, as well as, soon to be Asian Games in Hangzhou September. He has also, if I ever forget, done quite a lot in clamping down on sexual exploiting of young and vulnerable teenage or otherwise youth female athletes with now a system of reporting and feedback for victims of sexual harassment/exploiting/stalking even sexual innuendo/speech/behavior. Rightfully so, the sexual depravation of our modern environmental pollution does degrade the prestige, reputation and status of Singapore and Singaporean athletes who are supposed to be flag-bearers and role-models in every sense of the way possible and are taken to be so the moment they seemed to don national colors!

Therefore I give Tan Chuan-Jin and SNOC or Sport Government a 10 out of 10 for an excellent job well done to revamp the entire youth sport system in view of threats posed by one son of mine Ruiyong starting from 2016 to present day with increasing menace and malice even insofar as full-fledged vengeance and jealousy against an innocent and lovable husband, brother, comrade, Christian, athlete as Ashley Liew!

Does all these make sense ladies and gentlemen?!

Before I end my post for the day being tired typing all this difficult nonsense here for you people to read, I just want to present to you all the fruit of my hard work advocating against or whistleblowing the insane madness of evil of one son of mine Soh Ruiyong here in this CNA article:

Joy and hope prevailed for me Joe KS!!! 







It's against my paternalistic wishes for Ruiyong to win his appeal in High Court

Dear ladies and gentlemen of Singapore, it does seem like the appeal in High Court of Singapore is underway and I'm really shuddering in my chair seat just thinking about it because there might be a chance, pending the more suitable engineering-minded Judge like Justice Chan Seng Onn and See Kee Oon respectively, that my beloved dear dear son Soh Ruiyong could get away with a victory.

Well some of you might then ask why the heck am I intimating of a possible victory against my conscience ESPECIALLY IF I DO NOT WISH FOR SUCH AN EVENT TO HAPPEN, ie, I do not wish for my son to win in High Court!

Answer: I Joe KS think and feel as ONE/ONE-NESS. I'm trained by my out of this world rarefied electrohypersensitive agency to harmonize my conscience or harmonize concepts of life and especially death seamlessly with zero tension or like a super-conductor! Basically, I'm trained to be INFINITELY MORE F-E-A-R-L-E-S-S and T-O-U-G-H-E-R, ie, more rock solid, than a commando fighter in all my mind and body AS ONE/ONE-NESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure if that made sense to you ladies and gentlemen!

So therefore I'm not fazed by giving consideration or time and effort to things and events that I do not favor or wish to occur such as death or in this case right now pertaining to the unwanted victory of my beloved son Soh Ruiyong in High Court of Singapore, does that make sense?!

I effortlessly convert and transform, ie, more accurately TRANSMUTATE HENCE HARMONIZE my legitimate fears and anxieties using my out of this world electrohypersensitive ability/agency/will into courage, energy, frequency, vibration and more uuuggghhhhh uuuuuggghhhhh vibration, does that make sense?!

I'm a scavenger of all the darkest voids and/or strongholds of human death or spheres of human condemnation swallowing them up effortlessly and converting them with my special electrohypersensitive biological algorithm into 'food and nourishment' for my soul/heart/mind/spirit/cells/organs/parts as ONE/ONE-NESS!

Make sense right?!

I ain't got no fear for nobody or no entity because the fear of Artificial Radiofrequency or WiFi in general supercedes them all, ie, there is no fear like the fear of Artificial Radiofrequency and WiFi precisely because there is no physical, mental, sexual, emotional, spiritual, social affliction and tribulation like the ones caused by radiofrequency and WiFi in general, does that make sense?! 

The amount of death or deadly substance consisting in artificial radiofrequency or WiFi in general is, in my one of a kind and accurate antenna view/opinion, unqualifiable and unquantifiable just pure and simply oooohhhhhhhhhh forgone!!!!!!

Yes forgone because there is just too much divinely prophetically destructive element to such a hopelessness requiring therefore only Christ Jesus Lord and Savior of Heaven and Earth to remediate at the Second Coming Once For All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Make sense right?!!!!

Between being beheaded by a guillotine, hanged at the gallows, burned at the stake or tortured by artificial radiofrequency and WiFi in general, I sincerely truly always go with the first 3 options because the death is fast and swift, ie, no more than 2-3 minutes max!!!!!!! While as for the misery of suffering caused by artificial radiofrequency and WiFi in general the pain is comparatively disproportionately gargantuan!!!!!!!!!!

Therefore if a human being, an electrohypersensitive one like me or otherwise survives such an infinitely more gargantuan death, and being conscious of so would ultimately make me super-human or super-natural entity, or, entity that is OUT OF THIS WORLD in thought, speech/word, and action/desire/inclination/tendency!!!!!!


Answer: because Iron Sharpens Iron DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surviving an infinitely gargantuan death produces an infinitely gargantuan, ie, SUPERNATURAL, human being or human entity which is known as E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does that make sense?!

Well before I digress too far, I would like to return to my fear and fearless-ness, as ONE/ONE-NESS, surrounding the possible victory against my wishes in High Court of Singapore of Soh Ruiyong's appeal. 

It does make me sick to the core knowing that it wouldn't have been truly the facts and evidences that triumph but rather the forbidding J-E-A-L-O-U-S-Y against Ashley's wondrous prestige and reputation that did so!!!!!

Oh mine, oh dear Lord sorry for swearing in the name of the Lord God haiz.....................

The facts and evidences mean nothing in the event of loss or triumph, instead, it's the soul/heart/mind/spirit/cells/organs/parts and their invisible frequencies/energies/vibrations as ONE/ONE-NESS that count, just as it isn't in the SIZE OR MAGNITUDE OF GIFT but the heart and soul of it all that counts!

Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!

If there was something truly worthy of all my fears and anxieties it would truly be that my beloved son Ruiyong had won against Ashley in High Court of Singapore I-M-P-R-O-P-E-R-L-Y and UNETHICALLY and IMMORALLY even if he did so legally since what is legal isn't necessarily what is properly moral or ethical!

Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!

Speaking of which I just only accidentally flipped a page on google and bump into my son's ex-gf the oh-so-beautiful CHARM and her gorgeous publicity, also a girl whom I just uuuugggghhhhhhhh truly regret to forgo as would be daughter-in-law in September 2018 due to my son's then worsening and deteriorating professional ethics and reputation in sport!

I understand I seem to or come across as speaking about my son's ex-gf CHARM as if she is so sexually desirable or with sexually trickling energy/passion which are all true to a certain extent to the extent that I'm trying to clarify for all my readers now, BUT(!!!!!!) also please remember I always evoke and speak as ONE/ONE-NESS and thus my overwhelming pleasure for her is as cradling a delicate and ooohhh so vulnerable and cute little baby girl of 6 months old in my arms, ie, I see CHARM as my tiny daughter from the point of view of a MASSIVE, HUGE AND TOWERING DADDY FIGURE!

Does that make sense?!

Be forewarned SNOC that Romaine Soh is doped as hell!!!!!

Listen boys and girls, I know this isn't an auspicious start to the post with my proclamation that my dearest beloved son Soh Ruiyong's sister Romaine Soh, a girl whom I have fantasized having intimate Ethical Jiu Jitsu bouts with on the mats by virtue of her Martial Arts background, is doped as hell running 5min flat for 1500m and 2:23 for 800m winning handily the IVP races.

Consider that the previous doped as hell Vanessa Lee under the drug supervision of my son Ruiyong ran 7:59 for 2.4km, which translates to an equivalent 17:10 (at least) 5000m performance on the track, but could only run a frigging slow as hell 18:25 for 5000m at the IVP games where Romaine was also participating showed 3 things:

1) That Vanessa Lee used to dope under the supervision of my son Ruiyong back in one August 2021 last year and,

2) Vanessa Lee, perhaps feeling guilty or fearful of me Daddy Joe KS going around on social media lambasting and even tarnishing her image as a doping slut subsequently decided to distance herself from my son Ruiyong and his concoction of drugs and started to repent and turn over a new leaf beginning with a rightfully slowish 8:15 for 2.4km in January 2022, which is still a tad too fast for her entire pre-covid history of performances but nonetheless shut me up for good. Her recent IVP results of 12minutes for 3000m SC and 18:25 for 5000m also made me very very very comfortable in the sense that I'm not weirded out with any fears that she might have doped because frankly she ran like she was supposed and predicted to do so based on reasonable-ness of history of performances and any chartered improvement or lack thereof. I also take into account, most crucially, Singapore's deteriorating radiofrequency and chemical/air-quality environment which can only accelerate her deterioration and accentuate her struggle and not supposed to allow her to out of the blue run a 7:59 2.4km. Being that she had never left Singapore to a rural unspoiled environment nor immigrated to one she had no injection of sacred rural environmental energy in her blood and cells to ever run 7:59 2.4km and hence 17:10 5000m cleanly. Her 18:25 and 12min for 5000m and 3000m SC respectively were truly HER RIGHTFUL PLACE, training/recovery in Singapore's super duper polluted airspace environment NOTWITHSTANDING!!!!!!!!!

3)While Vanessa Lee ceased from doping, kudos to her, up came Romaine Soh to take on the baton and continue where she left off. Romaine has always been doping since forever or since the moment she met Jordan Chipangama and his wife and 2 sons back in Flagstaff Arizona in the 1st half or otherwise of 2017, just as my son Ruiyong was also the same. With her secret stash of metabolic or otherwise drugs she returned to Singapore and ran really impressive middle distance performances at all-comers and SA series track meets mostly in the 800m and 1500m! This occurred in all of the rest of 2017, 2018, 2019 with periods or bouts of injuries with her ankle/foot or otherwise leaving her in a state of crutches. She struggled for a few months upon years before resuming, with foregone certainty, the tradition of training and racing with performance enhancement drugs she had learnt from and was taking together with my son Ruiyong AGAIN.

Vanessa Lee ran her 18:25 5000m like the 1500m equivalent of 5:20-5:30, and if Romaine Soh, undoped is no better than Vanessa Lee in the 5000m, middle distance prowess notwithstanding, then Romaine isn't supposed to be running any 5 flat 1500m to win any frigging IVP race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would that friggin make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!!!!!!!! I mean, for the clear-minded and sane entity, even without special intimate knowledge of the situation surrounding Soh Ruiyong and his sister, it's quite clear for all to see and deduce that Romaine Soh is a cheater-bug just like Soh Ruiyong and Jordan Chipangama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then now we come to the frigging case of one Shohib Marican, who when I saw his 1500m race result at the IVP of 4:19 nearly urinate my pants because who the heck on earth who just ran 10 seconds faster in 4:09 1-2 months ago in the SA all comers series meet with the apparent drug supervision and presence of Soh Ruiyong could suddenly turn in a completely asymmetrical and downright suspiciously slow performance of 4:19 and even losing the damn race to some frigging unknown athlete I never heard of before?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It shows us 2 things again as usual:

1) Shohib Marican was doped up with the same drugs Vanessa Lee, Romaine Soh, Jeevanesh and Soh Ruiyong were all taking or had been taking or sharing prior to the previous SA all comers 1500m meet in Februaury 2022, only about a month or so ago, but leading up to this current IVP race was not doped up and hence was the difference of 10 seconds in the 1500m race!!!!!!!!! It does show, for me, the potency of the drug Soh Ruiyong is taking and circulating in Singaporean sports circle to be as much as 10 seconds or about 60 meters worth of differential distance in a 1500m race!!!!!!!!!!!

2) According to Sports Institute, Shohib and co such as Ethan and Jeevanesh were drug tested after recent track races in the past few months and that could have foiled any of the current attempts in this IVP race by Vanessa Lee, Shohib Marican and other Ruiyong-associated athlete from taking drugs. While some of these Ruiyong-associated athletes are already dominant even without drugs, such as Vanessa Lee, it therefore poses no additional benefit to outweigh the risks of getting caught by antidoping if athletes like her doped for the IVP race.

I reproduce my son's encouragement shown to his sister Romaine here:

"I know it’s not easy being my sister. Everyone expects great things from you just by virtue of being my sibling, and it’s difficult to forge your own path under that scrutiny.

Despite all that, you’ve found time to balance your masters degree, work and training every single day. Today you deserve every bit of recognition that you’ve earned -
Romaine Soh for winning both the 800m and 1500m at the recently concluded Singapore Institute-Varsity-Polytechnic Games! Something I never accomplished!
Proud of you for running well but always proud of you nonetheless."

Reading the above just repels me so greatly because far from deserving every bit of recognition that Romaine 'has earned', well for me she didn't earn anything at all being that I have intricate or insider knowledge so damn so damn so damn developed and advanced that she only deserves the back of hand twice swiftly across the frontal area of her face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm totally abhorred and I want to lodge a complaint to the highest sport authority SNOC to also ban this athlete Romaine Soh from any future selection to Team Singapore!!! The list of athletes that I want SNOC ban are as follows as of now:

1) Shohib Marican
2) Jeevanesh Soundararajah
3) Ethan Yan
4) Michelle Sng
5) Vanessa Lee
6) Romaine Soh

The rationale of the ban on these athletes is only 1:

They have at least broken the spirit of fair-play and sportsmanship at least once. If so, then they always have potential to do so again and again due to the invisible, hush-hush and clandestine nature of drug-taking and drug-abuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the central narcotics bureau CNB may investigate the matter, I believe those pharmaceutical-grade drugs or otherwise would be uncovered at Romaine's and Ruiyong's home in BLK 635 Bedok Reservoir Road. I have no doubt.

Does Soh Ruiyong have any integrity, if at all?

Quote of the day:

"Soh Ruiyong is the equivalent conversion/comparison of a sexually prurient and lascivious man in Singapore distance running sport."

Let's analyze why below. 

So in today's post I'm going to be treating the matter very seriously pertaining to the integrity or lack thereof found in my beloved dear dear son Soh Ruiyong! First, this is what he had written on his facebook page:

"From our days in Raffles, Mr Quek consistently taught us to focus on fundamental values - integrity, hard work, and perseverance - rather than focus on end results. Results tend to fall into place and be sustainable when practicing the right values day after day. I encourage any athlete seeking excellence in sport to strive for the same."

I found his statement on integrity purely odious simply eeewwwwwww yucky yucksssss!!!!!!!!!!

I have no doubt Mr Quek taught him fundamental values of integrity, hard work and perseverance rather than focus on end results but I have beyond any reasonable doubt, as someone who knows my own son Soh Ruiyong like my own very created loins, that he had intentionally deviated from the values of integrity, hard work and perseverance, twisted them upside down, repackaged it adding his own corrupt and perverted pleasures and flavors and called it all the same as integrity, hard work and perseverance.

I mean, it's just insane the way he lies so elegantly and sophisticatedly at a crime so invisible, hush-hush, under-the-table even the once pristine clean athlete Jeevanesh Soundararajah, Ethan Yan, Vanessa Lee, Michelle Sng, Shohib Marican are now all dopers or suspected dopers eliciting performances that are simply too good to be true in a deteriorating environmental climate of human health and well-being!!!!!

I would like our Singaporean sports officials from Singapore Athletics, Singapore National Olympic Council and its board members and any other local sport association to be forewarned of my son's questionable morality and ethics given the way he has schemed, planned and evaded expertly the punishment and fall from grace of doping misbehavior and infractions for the past 7 years and counting while running away with impossible performances and national records after another AFTER being banned for the majority of these 7 years starting in 2018 September when he was sacked by Sports Singapore and Team Singapore at once.

Him suggesting despite all evidence contrary that he has been very loyal to the value system of Steven Quek's such as integrity, hard work and perseverance is absolutely false and untrue!

I Joe KS need the Singaporean public to cut ties with my dear dear son Soh Ruiyong after becoming more intelligent and insightful about the controversy and controversial circumstances surrounding my son not limited to merely drugs and doping but also other moral integrity issues with Ashley Liew's sportsmanship act, Malik Aljunied, Tan Chuan-Jin and SNOC, Mok, Jed, Mark, Rafael Poliquit Jr etc etc. The Singaporean Public needs to understand the subconscious mind of my son Soh Ruiyong and its modus operandi and who better man on earth to know so than who else duh?!!!!

Answer: ME DADDY JOE KS LAH WHO ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haizzzzzz.............oh mine oh dear man............

My son's mind and mindset is extremely easy to figure out being his closest and most intimate confidante of so many decades of his life: he wants to win, he likes to win, he is a winner, whether that be winning FIFA playstation, Computer War Games, Soccer matches, track events, cross-country races, marathon national records, head-to-head with Mok or Ashley, dates with cute, sweet, pretty, beautiful girls, and, most importantly he likes to win ESPECIALLY WHEN THE ODDS, NAYSAYERS, CRITICISM SAYS 'NO HE CAN'T WIN'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you ladies and gentlemen understand where my son Ruiyong is coming from?!!! He likes to win, indeed, definitely wins 100% or definitely plots/schemes BY HOOK OR BY CROOK HOWEVER UNJUST AND ILLEGAL the moment somebody goes against him, does that make sense?!!! Yet, he is intelligent enough to know not to 'break any laws', or, and here's the most important one, not to 'appear to break any laws'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now you see guys and gals, my son is elegantly chastised and refined when it comes to THE LAW, after all there is a reason why he wants to be a lawyer and is training to become one. He wants to and knows how to NOT APPEAR to break any law, ie, he wants to train and learn to BREAK THE DAMN LAW WITHOUT APPEARING LIKE HE DID, ie, he wants to be S-M-O-O-T-H or a smooth operator, kinda like the way a perverted sexual psycho picks up multiple women SMOOTHLY by flattering and impressing them only to conquer them in the bedroom. 

Does that make sense or not ladies and gentlemen?!!!!

He wants to moonwalk the breaking of the law smoothly and effortlessly the same way a casanova (ie, sex pervert or psycho) rapes the virginity or flower gift of a beautiful and vulnerable young lady elegantly with her unspoken consent without appearing like he raped her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Basically, he wants to walk that thin fine line between black and white, moral and immoral, legal and illegal the same way Alberto Salazaar did with Mo Farah, Galen Rupp, Dathan Ritzenhain, Kara Goucher etc etc. All these people possess similar forms of mind to a casanova or legal rapist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are all SMOOTH OPERATORS, HIGHLY PERSUASIVE AND KNOWLEDGEABLE IN BOTH THE LAW AND THEIR OBJECT OF AFFECTION, and, willing to take advantage of any legal loopholes to rip off either the sexual organs/parts of the woman/girl (in the case of the elegant and legal rapist/casanova) or rip off the SNOC/antidoping/Ashley/Malik/Mok/Mark as well as CHARM his oh-so-beautiful ex-gf in the case of Soh Ruiyong my beloved dear dear son!

Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!! Did I nail it again, as always, metaphysically and epistemologically perfectly?!!!

My son's win at all costs mentality whenever he encounters criticism reveals a man WHO CANNOT HANDLE CRITICISM AT ALL!!!!! Precisely because it is diseased mentally of a man to improperly and immorally encounter and quash criticism using performance enhancing drugs in order that he may appear victorious to the public via what would be faster and faster distance running performances and national records against normal trajectory of physical deterioration as seen in long distance male Singaporean runners of past history, training/nutrition/rest/recovery NOTWITHSTANDING.

Let me know in the comments what you guys and gals think ok?








Vladimir Putin vs Soh Ruiyong

Dictator with ironic refinement, poise and elegance and even justice!!!

Definitely dictator or with dielectric potential for dictatorship given his performance enhancing drug abuse history. No justice rules in him given his false accusation of Ashley's act of sportsmanship!!!

They are both dictators, both in the groove of dictating and manipulating rather than observing and prophesizing like me Joe KS!

The observers and prophets like me Joe KS are always superior or infinitely superior to the ones manipulating and dictating, does that make sense?! Precisely because the observers and prophets manipulate and dictate in a manner quite unlike the dictators and manipulators or as ONE/ONE-NESS!!!

Dictators or dictator-like Soh Ruiyong falsely or dubiously accuses Ashley Liew of telling a bunch of lies about his act of sportsmanship or otherwise whereas observers or prophets like me Joe KS preempt or forestall the environment, ie, the cumulative metaphysical hence invisible radiofrequency environment that caused dictators or dictator-like Soh Ruiyong to possess electrical potential or voltage for false-ness of mind/heart/soul/spirit/cells/organs parts as ONE/ONE-NESS!!!

Make sense right ladies and gentlemen?!

The real dictators are those observers and prophets in my mold Joe KS' because we are BENEVOLENT DICTATORS DUH!!! We are the unsung, unseen, invisible, the silent hero or guardian angel at every meal, speech, dressing, altercation, exchange, environment, aspect of life the way our Lord Jesus Christ of Heaven and Earth is, does that make sense?!!!! We are thus the unsung dictators of the impeccable and most perfect sort, literally incorruptible and indefatigable insofar as with INFINITY OF UUUUGGGHHHH OOOOHHHHH ENERGY/VIBRATION/FREQUENCY!!!

Dictators like me Joe KS pull the strings behind the scenes by pushing and shifting buttons on radiofrequency machines or hardware emitting out a whole gamut of radiofrequency transverse and longitudinal electromagnetic radiation and/or radio-microwave vibrations/energies/waves to astound or affect the brains and nervous systems of people like Soh Ruiyong, Vladimir Putin, Joe Biden, Elon Musk or whoever the heck else UNAWARES, UNCONSCIOUS belonging to this planet earth, does that make sense?!

And the people that I might astound or 'astound' end up committing crimes against justice and equity or humanity such as Soh Ruiyong against SNOC, Ashley Liew, Malik Aljunied, Mark, Mok, Jed and Vladimir Putin against Ukraine because the astounding was done of their minds, ie, the artificially modulated pulses of radio-microwave radiation both transverse and longitudinal UNHINGED the neuropsychiatric stability hence self-restraint and self-control of Vladimir Putin and Soh Ruiyong and send them spiralling out of control to do and say things that are truly INCREDIBLY UNJUST AND IMMORAL without their conscience!!!

Does that make sense?!

While I do not like Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, equally I do not like that it was omitted or suppressed by the mainstream news media channels that it was the United States of American who masterminded Putin's invasion of Ukraine by provoking hence facilitating it DUH!!!

NATO and western allies are NO ANGEL if Putin is also no angel!!!

Putin is human and doing basic duty to preserve Russian supremacy. His number one morality and philosophy of morality is Russian prestige, Russian security, Russian interest even if many Russian commanders or citizens must be sacrificed to these ends. I find that ordinarily impervious to criticism because of the tenets of nationalism and sense of loyalty to Mother Russia. Fighting for one's country and her interest when it is conceivably threatened and hijacked away by 'Neo-Nazis' such as Zelensky couldn't be deplorable even if lives must be lost on the battlefront. Firstly, as mentioned again, Russia's security interest has been greatly compromised is already enough reason for Putin to spring into loyal action to defend his country. There is not any egregious neglect of duty or morality on Putin's part in invading Ukraine if we understand the entire relations and power dynamics between them and the world allies as ONE/ONE-NESS!!! There is only necessary and/or elegantly commensurate duty and responsibility to Mother Russia in the manner that perfectly evokes and reflects the electrical or electromagnetic voltage(s) or air electricity content of our modern times/era!!!!!! This means there is only necessary and/or elegantly commensurate duty and responsibility by Putin to Mother Russia in the manner that perfectly evokes and reflects thus the attendant NEUROPSYCHIATRIC imprints or pertubations/distortions caused by the same electrical or electromagnetic voltage(s) of our modern times/era that isn't ordinarily conscious to Putin, does that make sense?!

An observer-type dictator like me Joe KS would be able to foretell and forestall such things with perfect intuition/instinct and accuracy due to our out of this world electrohypersensitive agency!!! Does that makes sense yet?!

Now if we return to Soh Ruiyong my beloved dear dear son we also notice that like Putin, he is unawares or unconscious of the derivative electrical/electromagnetic elements or voltage(s) that is UNHINGING and setting loose his self-control whether in the sexual, emotional, psychiatric, spiritual, physical, mental, social realm you name it his ENTIRE BRAIN AND BODY PARTS/CELLS/ORGANS AND CAUSING HIM TO DISPLAY THE KINDS OF BEHAVIOR OR LACK THEREOF we Singaporeans see and read about with disgust in the newspapers, social media channels, other news media etc.

How he strangely became entangled in such despicable manner with Ashley Liew, Malik Aljunied, Tan Chuan-Jin is frankly a mystery that is CONVENTIONALLY SUPPOSEDLY UNEXPLAINABLE but perfectly accurately hence unconventionally surely explained only and only and only and only by uncontrolled rampant cumulative exposure of his brain and body parts/cells/organs to artificial man-made pulsed and modulated radiofrequency radiation in his environment everywhere.

Now so these are the comparisons and the lack thereof I want to highlight between Vladimir Putin and Soh Ruiyong without necessarily explicitly condoning the morality and/or the lack thereof of their actions and speeches.

Now as for Soh Ruiyong having been repelled by SNOC forever and indefinitely yet with him publicly stating on his facebook comments that the lack of representing Singapore doesn't faze him one bit in any department mental, emotional, spiritual, ideological yet he must have made such an observation pretentiously to hit back at SNOC for scoffing and rebuffing his nomination to the SEA Games precisely because of how much value or benefit it means and brings to his human consciousness and existence by representing one's country at an international meet from the new cultures and cuisines he gets to exchange and taste respectively to the new people and like-minded athletes he might dine and compete/banter with to the amount of prestige and honor and pride that accompanies being a national representative of Singapore in sport!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to mention the amount of sponsorship opportunities he can continue to attract or turn heads and eyes just by being called to represent Singapore and be seen on television and news media channels competing in a Singaporean vest.

Soh Ruiyong my son had to forgo a whole gamut of privileges and benefits that goes along being Singapore's top representative in his Sport Event being lovingly and peaceably rebuffed by SNOC and Tan Chuan-Jin and yet he had the temerity to claim on social media and facebook comments that 'oh it's nothing lah' as if to mean that SNOC's rebuff doesn't affect him and his sense of individual identity or raison detre as if life just goes on unbothered which isn't true for him!

My son Ruiyong is greatly hurt or dented in his ego and going through currently an identity crisis of massive proportion because if one thinks about it the most splendidly achieving athlete of the past year 2021 isn't on the team to Hanoi SEA Games hence many ordinary citizens in their minds are going to first balk and down the road soon later SUSPECT SOME ERROR OR INJUSTICE in the first place in my son Ruiyong's system of morality and ethics. And this suspicion would be more than repelling and detesting enough to put some more distance between my son Ruiyong and his goal to win the hearts and minds of the citizens of Singapore over in support and adulation. If so then he will very soon plunge into identiy crisis of the suicidal sort, ie, he might be tempted to end his life for good................................................................................................

I shudder to think about that, ie, that this struggle or emotional crisis of identity which he hides very well being so deceptive a moral version of male masculinity is going to corner him into a spot insofar as exposing his number one secret affair of all time: illegal performance enhancement drugs and drug abuse!!!

Haiz, what else can I say man haizzzzz..........................oh dear........................

Just thinking about this outcome of suicide weakens my arms typing this post and I thus need a break from all these sapping prospects of death.













Why military grade Faraday shielding even the invincible TITANIUM is totally blind against the new and unsung forces of electricity of the ether

 Ladies and gentlemen of Singaporean airspace, there are 2 types of electricity under heaven and earth, the first we call the TRANSVERSE electricity or electromagnetism and the second we call the LONGITUDINAL electricity or 'electromagnetism'. Both are invisible, but the latter is infinitely more invisible and underlying than the former because the former is constituted of the latter and is controlled by the same!!! The laws of physics in the former cannot explain those found in the latter but the laws governing the latter which are so called the set of 'DNA' or instructions of Mother Nature completely explain those found in the former.

Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!

Video here attached explains Nikola Tesla's and James Clerk Maxwell's 'New Electricity'!

You see ladies and gentlemen the best of current modern conventional mankind's knowledge and understanding in 2022 regarding electricity and magnetism is really no match for the true greats of century's past such as Nikola Tesla, James Clerk Maxwell, Oliver Heaviside, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, JJ Thompson, Michael Faraday and so many more. The only remnants that remain of these great geniuses of electricity and the knowledge of secrets they stow away are Eric Dollard and a widely dispersed population of deep electrical science enthusiasts all over the world which aren't many including me Joe KS of course.

Now the reason why I'm bringing up the fact that there are 2 types of electricity/magnetism under heaven and earth is precisely because totally almost all the people of the planet earth including the very 'best professors' of the past 4-5 decades including those doing deep research into highly classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and their severe harm on the human brain and body all believe, or may I say, tend/incline/seduce/tempt to believe that a Faraday Cage may offer both 'long-term' and 'conductive' protection to human health and vitality if one uses it over one's body for protection.

Of course, many more believe that the 'evidence' of the protection these Faraday Cages offer can be gained from using instruments like RF meters to ascertain a reduction in radiation intensity due to the reflecting properties of such metallic Faraday Cages and really therein lies the BIGGEST DELUSION OF MANKIND'S EXISTENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mankind HAD NEVER KNOWN (being that he wasn't taught/told/educated/instructed properly!!!!) that there is another type of electricity or 'electromagnetism' that can penetrate the Faraday Cage ALL THE SAME with zero attenuation and making complete mockery of the so called 'shielding' effect of such cages!!!!!! And this electricity I call aforementioned New Electricity, or, New Law of Electricity, or, New law of Physics, or, Newly discovered law/behavior of Mother Nature, or, Newly discovered law/behavior of Light, or Newly discovered SUPERIOR LAW compared to those comparably retarded and muted laws conventional electromagnetism/electricity/light!!!!!

Does that make sense ladies and gentlemen?!!!

High-class top secret classified experiments by Nikola Tesla in late 19th century and confirmed many times over even in recent modern day history by a slew of scientists specializing in the research and revisit of Nikola Tesla's ingenious works and discoveries, including among them the more well-known ones like Eric Dollard and Ken Wheeler, that when there is a surge of electrical or magnetic current, electrical and magnetic current displaces itself or its very own self by leaving a longitudinal impression or perturbation in the ETHER----which is magneto-dielectricity which is essentially made up of magnetic and dielectric potential fields respectively.

So therefore when a mobile phone base station 4G or 5G or WiFi router is communicating and transmitting its magnetic field in spurts and bursts called PULSES which may vary from millisecond to micro-second intervals, longitudinal etheric waves of magnetism deriving from the OMNI-PRESENT AND UBIQUITOUS ETHER which is a universal UNIFIED FLUID MEDIUM which finds all matter and its consciousness and existence, will also start transmitting and emitting from point of source of the mobile phone base station or WiFi router in a radial fashion outward, longitudinally with no or very little decay in its vibrations and energy!!!

Because this magnetism or magnetic field, which is made of the same substance as the magnetic field of emitting 4G, 5G and WiFi router ones, is produced LONGITUDINALLY it cannot be measured by conventional RF instrument meters which require a TRANSVERSE WAVE COMPONENT TO BE POLARIZED AND INDUCED AT THE RECEIVER, does that make sense?!!!

And the most important juncture has now arrived here: because this magnetism or magnetic field, which is made of the same substance as the magnetic field of emitting 4G, 5G, and WiFi router ones, is produced LONGITUDINALLY it cannot be conducted, ie, contacted and reflected/voided at the surface of any metallic screen filter known as Faraday Cage whether made of iron, steel, lead or whatever the heck else!!!!!! Nada, zero, zilch!!!!! Nothing can stop a wave, an etheric wave or wave of the ether which electricity and magnetism constitutes from penetrating the hardest and most impenetrable military armor on earth precisely because entities of the ether are LONGITUDINALLY PRODUCED, REPRODUCED AND EVOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!

Conventional science even INDEPENDENT SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS have all never known that 1) a Faraday cage or screen filter can be penetrated like it's not even there, and 2) that the reason why number 1) is possible is because they were never educated/told/taught/instructed in matters concerning this NEW LAW OR NEW LONGITUDINAL BEHAVIOR OF ELECTRICITY/MAGNETISM called the Ether or called the Universal Unified Fluid Medium which finds all matter and its consciousness and existence, does that make sense?!!!!!

That is why from one end of the planet earth to another one finds unbelievably many people, including electrohypersensitive ones like me Joe KS who decry the Faraday Cage and its offsprings such as and especially Faraday clothing such as beanie hat, jacket/suit and trouser pants which are the most injurious to the severely electrohypersensitive like me Joe KS, while the Bed Cage works slightly better to some extent albeit completely nullified and invalidated its beneficial effect the moment artificial pulsed and consistently even intermittently pulsed radiofrequency (transverse) magnetic field pollutes the surrounding environment and sets off in the Ether medium a magnetic field (longitudinal) travelling much faster than the speed of light and without loss of energy that then penetrates the Bed Cage and Steel Armored Russian Tank and injure the human being within!!!!!!!!!

How beautiful a death!!!!!!!!!! How elegant and refined an injury, completely hush-hush, sshhsssshh ssshhhssshhh, dead quiet with death and injury/harm coming like a thieve in the night just whisking you away to ill-health!!!!!! 

I have seen the movie Bank Heist decades ago and the actor-criminals rob with the utmost elegance and refinement that you couldn't tell they were part of a criminal conspiracy at all. The deadliness of pulsed man-made radiofrequency magnetic fields is exactly the same refinement of death without a trace or hint of itself!!!!!

YOU JUST DROP DEAD, or just fall irreparably sick (think cancer and many other illnesses!!!!). And if you were jabbed with COVID vaccine and if you don't drop dead soon, sooner or soonest, you fall ill soon, sooner or soonest as well and you ponder about a cause with no success precisely because the illness/death didn't leave a trace or hint for you which is exactly the action and action mechanism of pulsed artificial radiofrequency magnetic fields, ie, these kills precisely without a trace or hint of itself as the cause of death/illness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

The pulses of RF magnetic fields and the destructive longitudinal ether waves it sets off synergized belligerently with the COVID vaccine to kill you or get you ill!!!!!!!!!! Does that make sense or not?!!!!!!

Like I mentioned above, IT'S A BEAUTIFUL UUUUGGGHHH OOOOOHHHHH DEATH!!!! It's a celebration of death and its ooooohhhhhh subtle kiss or 'peck on the cheek'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For me Joe KS, I go to such extent to call it The Art of Death thinking myself like Van Gogh painting an emotionally subtle work of art except that I'm radiating people with subtle creativity and innovation rather than painting with the same!!!!!

To this end at the end of my post I spare no means to confirm with one and all in Singapore and the rest of the world that the supposed 'knowledge' and 'understanding' you thought you learned very well of the past perhaps 10-20 years even as electrohypersensitive victims yourselves IS NOT, ie, IS NOT SUFFICIENT AND COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The longitudinal (scalar) ether waves are more injurious to the body than transverse ones because the longitudinal ones are SHOCK-WAVES (or 'ultra-sonic') while the transverse ones are continuous conventional 'sub-sonic' waves hence it's quite obvious that SHOCK-WAVES do more damage to your body than the conventional continuous ones!!!!

And now listen to this consequential insight: since longitudinal shock-waves cannot be blocked or shielding by metallic Faraday Cages, therefore therein lies the potential of EMF harmonizers to 'block' or rather harmonize the shockwaves into something more friendly to human biology. Therein lies the importance and pre-eminence of harmonizers as the MAIN 'SHIELDING' option of choice equal in benefit to those of metallic Faraday cage ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A harmonizer harmonizes both the transverse pulsed electromagnetic RF as well as the longitudinal magnetic ether that had been activated/pressurized or induced the former whereas the Faraday Cage can only be of benefit to the former and not the latter!!!










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